Help Needed


Respected Legend
Nov 28, 2004
Hong Kong
Online Cricket Games Owned
Walter Roets - 20 yo, BT Rating=4,333  
RH Batsman, RM Bowler, respectable batting form, respectable bowling form, moderate 
A cautious player with mediocre leadership skills and abysmal experience. 
Stamina: worthless Wicket Keeping: [B]respectable[/B] 
Batting: [B]feeble[/B] Concentration: worthless 
Bowling: [B]mediocre[/B] Consistency: [B]feeble[/B] 
Fielding: worthless
Interesting little YP ay? Yup, would be good with some training. However, this is where my dillema begins.
I only have 1 spare net - Crouch takes 3, Rudi takes 3, and Tuckett takes 3. Now Rudi and Tuckett are youngsters and future stars. But Crouch is a season veternan. Now all of you know his stats. He is due to pop once more this season and, seeing as he has 1 primary net for each primary nad a fielding to boot, once more next season. This makes him a Strong batter and Proficient bowler with unbelievably good secondaries. A beast in FC games.
Now, by then it will be too late to train up Walter over here. He needs 4 nets - 1 primary (Possibly bowling), 1 stamina (Worthless just ain't good enough), 1 fielding and 1 keeping (Both to help secondaries). He is currently getting 1 Fitness net.
Now here are my options:
A) Don't train up Roet, let him hang around for a while till someone better comes and sell him, hoping someone would buy.
B) Sell him ASAP, to get as much cahs as I can
C) Take off Crouch's nets for the season, and give them to Roet. This effectively weakens my star player to enable the development of the overall squad + increase the value of Roet for later on. However, not letting Crouch get better could be costly to my team as a whole..

What would you do if you were in my position?
Personally, I'd sell him. He's unlikely to turn into a good enough batter, bowler or keeper to make an impact in yor team, and low stamina and concentration so he won't do much good as a Jarrett-like figure in your squad, either.
His keeping is about par with Fallon and Bolder. His secondaries are too low comapred to them though. And his bowling is better than Leonard. But then again, there is the stamina issue.
Thanks for the input BTW. Was planning to sell him too. Hopefully he will find a good home who will train and nurture him...
A bit of a dilemma I would say. Of course, you know how experienced I am in Battrick :D but nonetheless I will put forward my opinion.
I would take option 2) and sell him. Obviously he is a decent player, but personally I couldn't use him (because I already have 5 better bowlers and a better resp wk). Training him to become better, well it would be a long time before he could get really good.

Thats just what you asked for, what I would do in your situation :)
Good luck in making the correct decision.

EDIT: Looks like the sell is the best option...
I have this guy.
Robert Hansen - 18 yo, BT Rating=8,331
LH Batsman, RFM Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, invigorated
A destructive player with proficient leadership skills and abysmal experience.
Stamina: respectable Wicket Keeping: mediocre
Batting: respectable Concentration: abysmal
Bowling: worthless Consistency: abysmal
Fielding: abysmal

At the moment he is getting 1 bat 1 wkt and 1 field. He poped in stamina last week so now i have one net free. What do u advise me to do i have following options.
1- Give him stamina net to increase it further
2- Give him Batting net to increase its batting faster
3- Give him Wkt keeping net to increase its wicket keeping more faster as he is my future wicket keeper
4- Give him one bowling net to increase his secondries further
5- Use this free net to increase the stamina of my other long term players.

What do u say
Give him a fielding. You don't have many else worth training, unless you want to improve the stamina of Naysmith and the other proficient bowler...

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