Help, never ending problem!!!


Club Cricketer
Dec 31, 2005
Essex, England
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hey guys, you lot must really be fed up of the question im going to ask you but I have tried so many times but it never works.

Q1: how do I install the 3mobile pitchad that aussie1st made, the link for it is hear,
I have asked this question in aussie first?s thread but its been a long time and he still hasn?t answered!! Please help me!!

Q2: How do I install the outfield pack made by Riyaz, the link is

Q3: How do I install the rope pack made by turbanation, the link is

If there needs to be any extracting to be done could you show me how to do it on Ea Graphics editor not Big gui because that don?t work on my computer for some reason!!

I would really love it someone helped me, because I have read all the tutorial but and I have tried so hard just to put these 3 things on, so much time I have spent trying to make these work but I just haven?t got it so someone please help me, I beg!!!!
Q1, it's not been that long. Anyway see the link afridi25 posted that will show you how to install it.

Q2 and Q3 see the readme in the download.
the link afridi25 gave me, was a tutoriol on how to make a pitchad isnt it, if it isnt i dont understand it can you explain properly i dont get that tutorial
well,i'm working on your problem,hope i find the answers in 2 or 3 days.believe me
mate scroll down in the tut, it tells u how to install it
kbchandraw said:
well,i'm working on your problem,hope i find the answers in 2 or 3 days.believe me

anywork on it mate??

By the way Afridi 25 show me a screenshot of were the tut is on the page and ill check it again!!!

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