help;roster prob


International Cricketer
May 1, 2004
Hyderabad, A.P, India
Online Cricket Games Owned
i put boss's ircu roster in my documents/ea sports/ea sports cricket 2005 and then i went into my cricket (in cricket 2005) and then load/save and then roster but strangely it said empty!?! what's the problem?plz help mods :crying
My documents/EA sports/EA sports cricket 2005/ folder(containing roster)

Profile folder (.pro),save game folder (.mch) and roster folder (.ros) they all reside in same folder i.e. My documents/EA Sports/EA Sports Cricket 2005/....
is there a way to put new rostors on xbox as i can find the folder on my xbox directory
Farrukh_|$B said:
Punk since when did u start playing on xbox? :eek:

I believe he's currently having computer problems, so as a result, is playing the game on Xbox until it's fixed....
well i actually first got the game on xbox then discovered PC and got in on he cpu but now if u look on my thread ull kno why and ive made some bats for it although i dont have much time to do a lot of things so i just play on my xbox or PS2 but its ok i guess

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