How do I play online on PC???


School Cricketer
Dec 11, 2005
Near Cambridge, UK
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hi guys this will probably sound like a really stupid question to a lot of you you, but I am not very good with computers and don't have an XBOX 360 but I wanteds to play online.

I have been trying to get online since I got the game and yesterday I found out I need to create a static ip and do some port forwarding. But what does that mean and how do I actually do it? I would be very grateful if anyone could take their time to write a guide or even just give me some pointers. Again I apologise for my computer ignorance.

And finally, I think that BLIC07 is a decent cricket game and really doesn't deserve the slagging off that it is receiving from the majority of people both here and on the codies forum. They have tried their hardest and have implemented some of the things that we asked for. EA is a much larger company who probably have mcuh more money, people and resources to expend on games and look how they come out. Now the AI is a shoddy, but hopefully that can be fixed with a patch in the future as well as some of the bugs. I belive that BLIC07 is nowhere near perfect, but it is a decent game and I hope I can get nline soon.

Many thanks
yeah I would love a game online ! But how does it work can someone explain? It would be really nice to play cricket online + the AI would be as **** with real players
well that's hard to understand when you arent english can you help and explain what to do in a simple would be nice of you.

do we absolutly need a static IP ??? for the game to work come it's so complicated with BLC when it's so simple with other games?
Yeah I've tried but my router isnt listed there and I really don't have any idea what to do. i think I've just about managed to set up a static IP but I havn't a clue how to do port forwarding. Sorry this may sound really ignorant but I'm really not very good with computers (well I can write letters and stuff and do powerpoints but you know what I mean).

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