How Good Your Team Is?

Stamina = 51 (Feeble/Mediocre)
Batting = 62 (Mediocre/Competent)
Bowling = 38 (Respectable/Proficient)
Concentration = 50 (Feeble)
Consistency = 30 (Competent)
Fielding = 36 (Woeful/Feeble)
Experience = 30 (Abysmal/Woeful)
Age = 245 (22)
Stamina = 44
Batting= 46
Bowling= 37
Concentration= 43
Consistency= 20
Fielding= 37
Experience= 28
Age= 249
uhhh... sorry i have absolutely no time to work out those figures.

and yes... zain awan can write those figures for me I guess. :rolleyes:
he has been busy since a month planning and assessing my team for the match . :p
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fatal.error said:
uhhh... sorry i have absolutely no time to work out those figures.

and yes... zain awan can write those figures for me I guess.
he has been busy since a month planning and assessing my team for the match .
Lol i sulrly cant do that i dont know the ecact skills of ur players.
After 5 and half month

It is almost five and half month since we calculated out teams strengths. Let us campare how much have we improved in more than one season.
Here is a camparison of my team Assasins XI. Have improved a lot.

Now and Before

Stamina: 58 53 (Little Improvment)
Batting: 60 46 ( Big Improvment)
Bowling: 40 34 (Really good now)
concentration: 40 40 (Same)
Consistency: 33 21 (Excellent improvment)
Fielding: 42 36 (Getting Better)
Experience: 35 29 (Good Experience)
Age: 248 (Average 22.5) 262 (Average 23) (A little younger now)

Dont know how to calculate see the first post.
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then and now (assuming useless is one)

stamina = 56
batting = 51
bowling = 36
concentration = 53
consistency= 29
fielding = 39
experience = 22
age = 20.8


Stamina = 69
batting = 67
bowling = 40
concentration = 59
consistency = 37 (improved a lot, as it needed to)
fielding = 35 (dropped slightly, needs work)
experience = 31 (has improved)
age = 20.3 (dropped lower, thanks to 2 YP this season who have made it)
The Spin said:
My current XI, subject to change.
Stamina = 38 (Average: 3.45 Woeful/Feeble - Needs a lot of work)
Batting= 53 (Average: 4.82 Just under Mediocre - Needs work)
Bowling= 29 (Average: 5.8 Mediocre/competant - Pretty good)
Concentration= 33 (Average: 3 Woeful - Er... :()
Consistency= 19 (Average: 3.8 Just under Feeble - Needing improvement)
Fielding= 35 (Average: 3.5 Woeful - Ok, sort of)
Experience= 32 (Average: 2.91 Just under Woeful - Yeah...)
Age= 251 (Average: 22.8 - Quite young)

I need some work...

I am expecting a big improvement on the batting side, thanks to my recent signings. Current overall and averages below, the brackets indicate the amount of change.

Stamina: 51 (+13), Ave = 4.6/feeble, creeping up to mediocre
Batting: 60 (+7), Ave = 5.5/Mediore and improving up to competant
Bowling: 35 (+6), Ave = 7/Respectable, my bowling has always been my strong point
Concentration: 44 (+11), Ave = 4/Feeble, improving quite nicely
Consistency: 26 (+7), Ave = 5.2/Mediocre, bowling is good atm
Fielding: 28 (-7), Ave = 2.8/Just about Woeful, ouch!
Experience: 32 (0), Ave = 2.9/ Woeful, Im not as worried about this
Age: 244 (-7) Ave = 22.1, Still fairly young
Stamina = 51 (Feeble/Mediocre) // 72 (Competent/Respectable) (BIG improvement!)
Batting = 62 (Mediocre/Competent) // 64 (Mediocre/Competent)
Bowling = 38 (Respectable/Proficient) // 36 (Respectable/Proficient) (Mainly due to the loss of Oneil and Forbes)
Concentration = 50 (Feeble) // 50 (Competent - 8 Batsman)
Consistency = 30 (Competent) // 39 (Respectable/Proficient - 5 Bowlers)
Fielding = 36 (Woeful/Feeble) // 45 (Feeble/Mediocre)
Experience = 30 (Abysmal/Woeful) // 36 (Woeful)
Age = 245 (22) // 228 (20.7)
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zainawan89 said:
useless is zero worthless is 1. See the first post.

i know, i worked them out as useless one, but i chevked back and saw it was 0, and changed it, but forgot to take that line out, so those number are correct
ZoraxDoom said:
Stamina= 60 (Average of Mediocre per player, which is fine)
Batting= 52
Bowling= 35 for my five frontline bowlers.
Concentration= 44
Consistency= 43
Fielding= 42
Age= Don't really care.

My playing XI can fluctuate from time-to time. I have one bowler and one batsman both who are pretty good and about the same skill level as the others in my team, but are used mostly as backup.
Also, my bowlers tend to have poor concentration, and my batsmen poor consistency. These affect my ratings quite a bit...
My starting XI still isn't fixed, and it's likely I will have two more YPs in a few weeks, but here it is. Lineup for Zain on Sunday:

Stamina= 75 (Woah). Average of a high Competent per player. Nice.
Batting (Top 7)= 44. Average of Competent too.
Bowling (5 bowlers)= 45. Hehe :) Average of a Strong per player :)
Concentration= 58. Average of Mediocre per player. Not bad. The 3 pure bowlers have poor concentration, so it hurts a tad.
Consistency= 64. Suprising. High Mediocre here. One bowler and some bats pull it down a bit.
Fielding (For keeper I'm adding keeping and not fielding, although there is only 1 level of difference.)= 52. Average of high feeble. Some of my bats and two bowlers have poor fielding.
Age= Nope, still don't really care...

So a fair bit of improvement.
The Spin said:
Stop cheating Zorax! Batting is all 11 players
No it isn't :p
It shouldn't be really, our 8-11 aren't expected to be able to bat, and it affects our average.
Well he expects my 9, 10 and 11 to bat (I bat down to 8 :)) so your tail has to as well

Nice first argument there ;)
Well if anyone cares, my batting all the way to XI would then be a total of 52, and my average then would be a high feeble.

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