Free Cricket Game - We've live!

It's at 100% but not going past the loading screen.
I got 25 you fool. I was 19/0 off 2 overs and then the game seriously lagged. Couldn't hit anything. Wasn't a fair match if you ask me!
It's at 100% but not going past the loading screen.

Same here, it was working earlier though.

Hmarka added 0 Minutes and 42 Seconds later...

I got 25 you fool. I was 19/0 off 2 overs and then the game seriously lagged. Couldn't hit anything. Wasn't a fair match if you ask me!

Yea I played some guy RZAXI or something, it was lagging horribly, the bowler took forever to run up. He must have a seriously ████ connection if this game is lagging lol.
It is absolutely ridiculous that you can bowl 6 yorkers an over. I don't do it but I hate when it's done to me.

Good game otherwise though. Would be nice to have the possibility of playing 6,7,8,9 or 10 over matches as well.

Just played Simbazz. He made 21 in 5 overs. I chased it down in 1.1 :laugh.
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Played 3 games yesterday night.. lost all 3 tosses, and bowled first
1st game:
Bowled a maiden over to start with, and the loser quit :p

2nd game:
Restricted him to 26 in 5 overs, but the game got stuck when the innings was changing. Could not get my batting, and had to quit.

3rd game:
I got Owned :p
Chasing 72, i managed just 32 runs :noway
Kumble got a beating.. 30 runs in his over!!

Overall impressions, a good game.. Certainly hours of fun!

One query, How can we practice our batting or bowling? I could not seem to find any option for single player.
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Abhas there is an option to try single player before you sign up, so try to go to the main page and not login, you might see it.

Quitters on Howzat too :doh Hopefully they do something about this.
One bug I came across..
When you click on Manage team in the main menu, the Manage team page comes up.. There, if you click the Team settings tab, it loads the team setting page, but If you then click on the Manage team tab (Tab, not the main menu), nothing comes up.
Time to show off a little ;)

Thanks for the game Hmarka! I managed to lose the toss again.. 4 in a row it is now lol
Batting 1st, made 52
then restricted him to 25.

Really good game :)

Bug#2 My score shows as 52/0 it was actually 52/1 - Gambhir was runout. I think that is not being counted.
Yea good match Abhas, got my ass kicked. Thought I was doing well after the 1st 2 overs but you really batted me out of the game in your last 3 :)
Well, I have a problem with this. Loading the actually game becomes an issue as it says that it's loaded 100% (14.7 MB/14.7 MB). And it's forever loading at that point. Bug?
One more thing that annoys me is how slow the fielders are. It's far too easy to get or be hit for twos and threes.

I also feel as though spin and swing should be more visible.

Bowling is fun but could be made more fun by making batting harder. While it is a much, much better game than Stick Cricket, one thing that I felt Stick Cricket does very well is the satisfaction of bowling a good ball. In Howzat, the batsman just somehow touches it and takes 2 runs. It's very annoying. More plays and misses please.

They are small things that if fixed would make a very good game even better and increase the longevity of this game.
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The games good ...even though I suck. We should be able to chat with the people we face on Howzat.
I did the facebook connect thing and sent the thing to 6 friends, but I haven't recieved any points yet...
If anyone wants to know my team name is 'fuzion_x_cougars' and I'm registered under 'skrillex_x'. This is awesome!
Yea would help if you guys register with you PC names, since there is no chat feature, it will be easier to identify who is who

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