HowZat Updates

Radius_Vector Representative
Aug 20, 2009
Online Cricket Games Owned
As always, we are committed to giving you the best cricket gaming experience possible, and we have made the following updates, combining both user feedback and our ideas to make the game better. Here's the list :)

1) Improvements in Shot Play

There were certain shots that were more advantageous to play than others because they had higher connection areas, and more power. The connection areas have been adjusted for a number of shots, and the shot power has been normalized. This means that some shots, in particular power shots, are now easier to play, and hit for sixes (For e.g. Pull, Lofted Cover Drive, and Hook). Others that always used to go for sixes/fours such as Upper Square Cut, Late cut have been readjusted and made harder.

The following shots had decreases in connection areas:

Late Cut
Upper Square Cut
Leg Flick
Hip Glance
Cover Drive
Square Cut
Mid-Wicket and Cover Punch

We also adjusted the possible areas in which the shots could travel. Now the placement of the shots corresponds much more to the level of the batsman. A batsman of a higher level will have a greater chance of placing the ball in gaps.The timing of the shot also dictates the direction in which the ball will go. All the optimizations add up basically to the fact that shot selection is now as important as timing. You can't score a 70 with just 3 shots ;)

2) Improvement in LBW Calculations
- Self explanatory.

3) New Manage Team Section - This was modified to be more user friendly.

4) Detailed Practice Mode - For you to pit it out against the CPU and fine tune your shots.

5) Performance Improvements to smoothen Gameplay

6) Higher Magnitude of Spin for Spin Bowlers - To trick your batsmen out!

7) Pavilion Optimizations - The user levels are now shown in the lobby.

We are also in the process of adding in-game elements that will allow you to earn points much quicker, including awards for good bowling and batting irrespective of the result of the match.
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I know you might have heard this many times but will there be a graphics optimizer to better the performance? :)

Thanks for everything!
There is an exploit with short pitched spin bowling now. Many are bowling 5 overs of spin with bouncers and the ball goes under the bat for lbw or bowled.

Also the space bar issue when typing is very annoying.
There is an exploit with short pitched spin bowling now. Many are bowling 5 overs of spin with bouncers and the ball goes under the bat for lbw or bowled.

Also the space bar issue when typing is very annoying.

Hmm..yeah, the bouncers are difficult to slog at, same with the slow bowlers. The only way to tackle them is cut them down to third man.
There is an exploit with short pitched spin bowling now. Many are bowling 5 overs of spin with bouncers and the ball goes under the bat for lbw or bowled.

Also the space bar issue when typing is very annoying.

Yeah I hate when incidents happen because of this. So annoying!
Changes are good but you still need work on the lbws. I get out a lot to balls pitching outside leg stump as well as ones missing leg comfortably.
Definitely agree with that. Just played a guy who bowled all bouncers and yorkers for 5 overs.

He might be someone who played against me. :p

Also, this might sound too much an ask, but pitch variations would be brilliant imo. You know, everything can't be the same, and people have to simulate the best of their gameplan. Like in real cricket.
This means that some shots, in particular power shots, are now easier to play, and hit for sixes (For e.g. Pull, Lofted Cover Drive, and Hook)

Just done some testing in practice mode. Hit a variety of 6 hit shots and, out of 20 which I timed perfectly only 2 went for 6. The rest would have been caught on the boundary.
I know it's to do with the level of the player etc but they're certainly not easier than they were before.
Website is back up but now will not accept my login. Says incorrect username and password.
I just love the game as its initiative for a free multipayer online cricket game. But may be Howzat can move on POWERSOCCER way, where they can take up something like token and club member ship. And the crew can have buisness up for grab and can improve the game play the way their fans want it. (Now i am sick of putting more money on POWERSOCCER)

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