HUGE cheater


National Board President
Jun 20, 2005
Profile Flag
There's this guy called MLMC123. He made a second account by the name of MLMC1234. What he does is he plays himself time and again by making one account quit so he can get points for the other account.

Here's the proof:

What a poof! He could've chosen another user name at least! :spy

Na, that's the problem with the same IP accounts. You neither know if they're from one person or from two persons from one PC.

Best way's to avoid or ban them or allow double accounts, but give no points to whoever wins. FOD uses that system.
There's this guy called MLMC123. He made a second account by the name of MLMC1234. What he does is he plays himself time and again by making one account quit so he can get points for the other account.

Here's the proof:


They cannot be banned unless its proved that they belongs to same IP address
How does it help him though? He doesn't improve his game and as soon as he meets a proper player they'll slaughter him.
Lol yerah, he'll let it off after he finds out.
Who cares is the real question. Let the ██████ cheat, as colin said it will not improve his skill level and when he faces a quality opponent he will be creamed.
Well ultimately you will run out of friends to invite where you could use this cheat non-stop.
Well he is making his team better points wise. Then he doesn't need skill really.

This should be stopped. How in the world is HZ a game to even attempt cheating in anyways?
Some people are incredibly sad, have no lives and too much time on their hands.
This guy is a cheater...

is just farming exp, I saw him repeat over and over again against a guy with the same name as him.

"moiz_memon is now playing MoizMemon"
is what it said...

I say kick him.
the more he levels up, the better for us :P
if you beat a higher level player, you can get more points... i think we should help ourselves by helping him out to do what he is already doing :P
I'm level three and he's level five, I versed him twice we each won one of them. :)
How does it help him though? He doesn't improve his game and as soon as he meets a proper player they'll slaughter him.

its a show-off thing. its like paying a hot chick to be around with you, but not get laid. or its like masturbation, doesnt help you to get better @ sex. its like...ok you get the point

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