Tom still has all his tags on... so you never know
The admins are not online at the moment. But once they're online we'll find out.
Tom still has all his tags on... so you never know
Stop taking the forum so seriously, it is not a matter of life and death if you screwed up a vbookie event or messed up some vcash.
It's not about that. It's not about screwing up a vBookie event or messing up some vCash. If it was that, he wouldn't leave.
All Homer Simpson will do is find a bar and get drunk but when there's no Duff he'll Do'haha! tis a case for Homer Simpson!
This is Tom's best post ever even if it is a joke.Yeah Dean was really decent in helping me revive vBookie. Without him none of it would have been possible .
On a negative, he did ban Hoops which is a big risk as Hoops is now stalking him and twitches whenever he meets someone called Dean
Matt is horrendous and should be fired and replaced by Giggity
In all reality him and NP are actually really great guys and it will be close to see who get's globie of the year