I went through the rigorous government procedures today.Thanks a lot for your good wishes as I really need them now.The final admission list will be put on 29th May.Hopefully should get some good seat.Till then will have to pray for some good luck!
Sprry guys, I'll be taking a break from Planetcricket for maybe 2-3 months and that means I won't even come online to check any PMs. I've been terribly sick for last 3 days and only today found strength to come to keyboard and type something. Also I've lagged behind in my studies in terms of hours so I have to make up by doing free hours on Saturdays and studying on Sundays to finish the course soon which will be about 3 months.
Also there are few really really important things I do not want to mention but at this time of my life, its just one of those days in your life. So I'll have to let go of Planetcricket and its fine community for sometime. And I'll certainly come back and continue with all my current duties and projects I am involved at Planetcricket. Good luck everybody and Cya.
(Please do not qoute my posts hoping for a reply as I won't be checking anything on PC until next time.)
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