I am leaving/back thread

I get the feeling PC is nose diving into the ocean these last few months.

I know how you feel. Been a quite spectacular descent from coming on here finding it for the most part a fun forum to coming on now to see the threads filled with incoherent gibberish completely devoid of quality. To the point where we have someone advocating the murder of a cartoonist in the Evolution vs Religion Thread, Pakistani fans completely ignorant of the fact their team has been involved with corruption in the light of spectacularly damning evidence and we've had a member who believes that its a woman's own fault for being ***** as she didn't have a bodyguard and didn't do enough to stop her attacker...

Chin up the Ashes is only a month away.
I tend to ignore those threads because they just make me annoyed at the stupidity of people in the world. I normally just stick myself to the League forum and NZ threads, because people there don't talk about all that ████. I agree completely with what Mark said.
Oy Mark, if you want some good Aussie cricket chat about the ashes etc. go to BigFooty.
Debating taking a break from PC. It seems all the good members are slowly leaving and this place is full of nothing but Indian children and apparently now Jihadist Pakistanis

Can anyone give me a good enough reason to stay? Was hoping things would kick up as the Ashes are near but Tom, Dutch, Treva etc are all gone or not posting. The only thing keeping this place together is a few members like Themer, Oz, Muel , Ben etc

The cricket discussion is the pits, its hardly worth reading, in fact the only thing worth reading anymore is Random Thoughts and a few threads in the General chat section.

The forum is overrun, and I mean overrun by children with a tenuous at best grasp on the English language. I don't see it getting any better either as less and less native English speakers are signing up and more and more native Asians are.

Will mull it over, hopefully I get a good enough reason to stay because there are a lot of interesting people here but I can't take all the bullshit anymore.

If you're at the point that you need to 'take a break' from a forum then maybe you are spending too much time on here. tbh PC is my way of taking a break from ████ in life. I'm not having a dig at you, the place is better/more fun with you around, but maybe a break would do you good.:)
Yea perhaps a slight break until the Ashes is what I need. I think IC10 being a big flop is a contributing factor. Many of us were looking forward to leagues, arranging matches etc. Dutch and Colin even bought ps3s for the game.

I bet it will pick up once the Ashes start, at least I hope so because I get the feeling PC is nose diving into the ocean these last few months.

Yeah why not take a month off. Ashes starts on Nov 25th. I'll miss your valuable contributions to the threads, but your sense of well-being is more important.
:cheers guys and I am going to do exactly that.

See you all when the Ashes start, and for everyone I talk to regularly, I'll still be reachable on MSN and email.

Adios amigos
:cheers guys and I am going to do exactly that.

See you all when the Ashes start, and for everyone I talk to regularly, I'll still be reachable on MSN and email.

Adios amigos
Bye. Have fun! :)
Bye Mark. Take care of yourself redneck.

I'll give him 2 weeks ;)
The forum is nothing without the likes of Mark and Themer. Will miss you.
Bye Mark, miss you.:crying

Hope to see you in a month.
guys and I am going to do exactly that.

See you all when the Ashes start, and for everyone I talk to regularly, I'll still be reachable on MSN and email.

Adios amigos

Shame to see you go even if it is only for a month or so.
Debating taking a break from PC. It seems all the good members are slowly leaving and this place is full of nothing but Indian children and apparently now Jihadist Pakistanis

Can anyone give me a good enough reason to stay? Was hoping things would kick up as the Ashes are near but Tom, Dutch, Treva etc are all gone or not posting. The only thing keeping this place together is a few members like Themer, Oz, Muel , Ben etc

The cricket discussion is the pits, its hardly worth reading, in fact the only thing worth reading anymore is Random Thoughts and a few threads in the General chat section.

The forum is overrun, and I mean overrun by children with a tenuous at best grasp on the English language. I don't see it getting any better either as less and less native English speakers are signing up and more and more native Asians are.

Will mull it over, hopefully I get a good enough reason to stay because there are a lot of interesting people here but I can't take all the bullshit anymore.

Sad to see you go Mark. I would truly miss your contribution and wit. Nothing beats your take of Ejaz butt. Jabba the Butt FTW.
I hope you make a come back.
For some reason unknown to me, my friends and I had a Blackadderathon (literally watching every episode consecutively) about a month back and we're doing the same with the movies from Monty Python tonight. Although I find them both hilarious when you're into your eight hour of Blackadder its bloody tedious. And I'm dreading getting to the point where I'm completely bored this time so I'm taking extra supplies this time.

Two bottles of gin and a bag of Doritos. Shan't be back online till Thursday when I've sobered up and if I do come on tomorrow please disregard anything I might say as the ramblings of a Doritos filled drunkard who thinks he is Sir Lancelot after the Holy Grail.

Till then let's dream of what there will be. As the Mills Brothers might say had they not died over a decade ago.


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