I am leaving/back thread

Sad to say this , but I won't be active here in PC , atleast from activity point of view . But would be there for seeing the posts etc. There's nothing much left in me TBH . It is just pushing through the life day to day , nothing else left . Forcefully have to live as it is life & can't do anything

Thank you that I met with PC , which kept me busy & is still keeping .

Just keeping this song here :

Hang in there mate, echoing what others have said.

I’ve had a rough couple of years too that have set me back significantly compared to my peers and I used to regret that in the past and indulge in a lot of self blame. All I know from personal experience is that things do get better even if that seems impossible at present and your future self would be extremely grateful to you for holding on and doing what you could when you were down, even if that means surviving to see the next day. If you feel extremely lost then I would recommend reaching out to a mental health expert if you are comfortable with that step.

My inbox is always open to you too should you feel the need for the same. Much power to you mate and I hope you get through whatever is ailing you at present. :)
Sad to say this , but I won't be active here in PC , atleast from activity point of view . But would be there for seeing the posts etc. There's nothing much left in me TBH . It is just pushing through the life day to day , nothing else left . Forcefully have to live as it is life & can't do anything

Thank you that I met with PC , which kept me busy & is still keeping .

Just keeping this song here :

Naman, hang in there. Life sometimes can be such a bitch and will get monotonous. We all have our ups and downs and more than we like, we have more downs. I am always here to listen and support, PC has got boring and interesting for me and its not the site, its our life.

When we are at our lowest, PC becomes boring! when are are at our highest, PC becomes a good part. Same with insta, twitter, etc. Prioritize health and life. We are all here happy to discuss all nonsense stuff @icyman speaks :p with you whenever you want to. Take care buddy!
Sad to say this , but I won't be active here in PC , atleast from activity point of view . But would be there for seeing the posts etc. There's nothing much left in me TBH . It is just pushing through the life day to day , nothing else left . Forcefully have to live as it is life & can't do anything

Thank you that I met with PC , which kept me busy & is still keeping .

Just keeping this song here :

Hang in there bub, and I promise I'll beat up @CerealKiller to cheer you up :cheers
Sad to say this , but I won't be active here in PC , atleast from activity point of view . But would be there for seeing the posts etc. There's nothing much left in me TBH . It is just pushing through the life day to day , nothing else left . Forcefully have to live as it is life & can't do anything

Thank you that I met with PC , which kept me busy & is still keeping .

Just keeping this song here :

As others have said, hang in there. If you need anyone to talk to, I'm always here
Sad to say this , but I won't be active here in PC , atleast from activity point of view . But would be there for seeing the posts etc. There's nothing much left in me TBH . It is just pushing through the life day to day , nothing else left . Forcefully have to live as it is life & can't do anything

Thank you that I met with PC , which kept me busy & is still keeping .

Just keeping this song here :

Let's start some social media accounts and diss Dhoni all over the Internet.
Sad to say this , but I won't be active here in PC , atleast from activity point of view . But would be there for seeing the posts etc. There's nothing much left in me TBH . It is just pushing through the life day to day , nothing else left . Forcefully have to live as it is life & can't do anything

Sorry to hear about this, Naman. Lot of us go through a mental health crisis, the silver lining here being that you've accepted and have gathered the strength to speak out about this. I am not sure whether you would want to/ have access to resources that can help you tide over it, but from personal experience, I would suggest that you look at these at they may help in diverting your mind.

The other good thing for you being that this community has been there for you. Even now, the fact that looking at the posts give you a bit of hope is a good sign. I hope things work out in a better manner and that you do get through this feeling at the earliest.
Sad to say this , but I won't be active here in PC , atleast from activity point of view . But would be there for seeing the posts etc. There's nothing much left in me TBH . It is just pushing through the life day to day , nothing else left . Forcefully have to live as it is life & can't do anything

Thank you that I met with PC , which kept me busy & is still keeping .

Just keeping this song here :

Hope things aren't too bad, dude.

Had a bit of a crap day myself today, big old panic attack. Overall things have been improving for me after a long, long struggle. From that experience, all I can really say is that pushing through can be difficult but it's worth it. Just try to take each day in your stride and try to remember to do things that make you feel better.

Like icyman says try finding some resources that might help and reach out to those around you (including people on here).

Sad to say this , but I won't be active here in PC , atleast from activity point of view . But would be there for seeing the posts etc. There's nothing much left in me TBH . It is just pushing through the life day to day , nothing else left . Forcefully have to live as it is life & can't do anything

Thank you that I met with PC , which kept me busy & is still keeping .

Just keeping this song here :

Bro don't get negative... Depression comes to everyone... It just bad phase of life... Happy is just few days away... Be positive... After few days, these all feelings looks silly... Trust me, good time come soon...
I LOVE PLANETCRICKET and the community we have build around here! We are all strangers here, we are all leaving and closing the site in our browsers daily by being less of a stranger and more of community fans. @Neo 7 if you are still reading, we are all here for you!

Love you bro!
Why do you have to see the forum as a job or an obligation bro. This is a chill community to talk. You're free to come on here anytime, see posts and interact if you want to.

Life does get busy and you dont have time for it but why say you want to leave? you will probably find some time some day, and you wouldnt have to hesitate coming back.

Point is I dont understand why you have to commit to the forum- as long as you dont play any leagues, you can just come and go as you can- there's no forcing to be "part" of this forum- regardless of activity, everyone is part of it

I cant really understand your situation so well, im not old enough to relate. But I myself wont be able to be active at all for these next 12 months as Im in 12th. Im just gonna visit whenever im free. Im only gonna get busier now and thats something I know. But Id never really permanently leave anything

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