I don't normally make a thread but here's some things i need to know


School Cricketer
Jan 16, 2004
Tasmania, Australia
Online Cricket Games Owned
First up what happend/where did that thread go about making a new Cricket game ?

second up Sam's patch... now that i played a whole world cup and beat Aus twice once in the group matches and once in the sem finals and now am in the finals playing Sri Lanka... ouch

i reckon sam's patch has to be a MUST GET, first i thought it was real hard playin but now i'm so used to it and find it so much more enjoyable... i've got a real weakness with the patch which i don't mind.. just means i have to work harder to not get out, but when playing Fleming during the world cup i have been bowled between the bat and pad everytime i got out, which enoys me no end as i want him to get 100 and win the match but helas it's up to Macca to guide us home

Question 1 ) how do i put Sheppards face in the game ?

Question 2 ) if i want to play NZ and have SA tour NZ like they are now how can i select the team that plays SA, it has auto select and i want to include all the young guys in the team ? Will Prakash's line up editor work ?

Question 3 ) why is there no Man Of The Match, this is a amazing let out and i can't beleive it's not there.....

Question 4 ) The season mode what i hear about but haven't been able to find ? is that just another word for playing the English County cricket/ Aus domestic cricket season ? and if it is can you play 2-3 consecutive seasons with the same team ?

Question 4 ) Is Shane Warne in this game ? ( i haven't really looked ) if not can he be put in the game as once i have finished my SA tour of NZ and been to England i'd like to play Aus at home ?

Question 5 ) how come when i do a tour and i win a game sometimes my success rate does not change ?

i used to bat and bowl but i really suck at bowling so now i sim the bowling and just bat ? can this be the problem ? i'm stuck on 74 percent with 2 tours and have a couple matches to go and it won't change :( and i need the 75 percent to make it a sucess ?

Also if you sim the warm up matches ( both bat and bowl ) do they count as a win ? first i thought they did? now i dunno

thats all i can remember, i've been saving up this list for a week

if anyonce can help me post away and i hope i can help some other people too with these good questions

I can answer most of those:

1. Use the GD Kit Replacer and the updated teams.txt
2. Yeah, the lineup editor will allow you to do this
3. You'd have thought they could at least have got that right...
4. One season and missing the twenty20 and the the correct National League teams
4.(!) Shane Warne can be added. Get the updated roster.pak
5. I think it updates at the end. Not sure. I haven't played a tour.

I also find bowling very hard although I always prefer bowling to batting...

Hope this helps.
Awesome, Thanks Colin, it's a great start to answering me Questions and i'll get on to fixing all these problems... first up the line up editor then Sheppards face, any one fancy makin ol Billy Bowdens face ?

and i'll download the updated roster pak and try it today

the game is full of bugs but i still am hooked on it

oops sorry bout the 2 question 4's
I tryed the Editor while i was still online and found it only has the basic pool of players, i'd like to add like Papps and Marshall to the team but when the game was selected they were not in the ODI team and haden't played a game ? the Line Up editor only covers the regulars ? how can i add them to the NZ team ?

Why diden't EA allow for this and allow you to play the home team and have say SA touring ? this seems to be like a major mistake and it would seem so simple to do ?

any thoughts ?
Bond27, Papps & Marshall both are available in the pool although not in the default 20. Papps is in for Cantabs & Marshall for ND. You may use the attached roster.pak, it has both the players.


  • roster.zip
    109.1 KB · Views: 9
Cheers Crick for life

I just downloaded a few roster patches and i'll get this one too

The Main problem i had is, coz i like to play real seasons and stuff i'm playing a Tour With SA in NZ and playing all the Home games, the problem was i can't select my team when your a home game, the game doesen't allow it..

I just downloaded a patch that had Marshell in the default 20, this is a good start... and if i included Papps i'd have to get ride of Astle whom he is replacing but Astle is ummm 2 good to swop...
I'm playing a County Season with Yorkshire at the moment and I can let you know I'm having the exact same problem with Fleming. I keep getting out bowled between bat and pad, it's very frustarting.
hey Iron... it's a shocka isen't it, i dun know why it keeps happing must be the way i stand in front of the wickets and i try to on drive too much

Atleast you solcved one problem for me, what County team do i choice ? i was tossing up between the dudes with the Gazelle logo Nottinghamshire i think and Sussex but York Shire might be a bet now if they Got Flemo, we'll have to get a post started with help for the peepz down under as it's a basterd to find out what Pom team to chose, I eather go for the logo or rosters and have been threw a few of em so far but it'd be good if some from the nothern hemo could give us a run down on each team....
when your driving(i don't do it that much because of this problem) avoid shorter balls and line your self up so when you face up the ball should be outside the line of the bat.driving of the front foot is crap.not like real life.
Surrey have the best team, Somerset have an excellent team this season as well though including Ricky Ponting and Nixon McLean.
hey colin i noticed that in ur newest roster somerset has ricky ponting opening bowling and andy caddicks head is missing 4 sum particular reason. Can u fix it?
i hear you Sachin, I love driving be it crap or not get most of my runs from a lil forward drive/defensive shot get 4 runs or a couple if i time it right, i only have the Problem getting bowled between Legs and Bat with Fleming/ Left Handers, must just be the way the ball seems some time... i dun't know, i don't like it but in a way it makes it realisic and atleast i know i got out to a jaffa, well the replay say so.....

Surrey and Sommerset eh, i think you might have to make a sticky thread all about English teams and the diffence between the 2 cups if there is much compared to the aus ING Cup and Pura Milk trophey...

it'd be intresting to know more as being a games buff i gotta complete all comps and that includes England...
the english competition is so long thats why i haven't done it yet.but you should drive like you do now and that should be able to go through backward point or whatever.if you watch just say an ing match you'll see they don't turn 90degrees to play a drive through the cover.and when they go for the smash the ball seems to float and then stop dead on the graas.thats what we need in the next game.

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