ICC chief suggests four-day test matches


Respected Legend
PlanetCricket Award Winner
Apr 26, 2003
David Morgan, the ICC president, has hinted that Test cricket may be reduced to four days to protect and enrich the game's oldest format in the face of lucrative Twenty20 leagues like the IPL. The suggestion comes in the wake of a few other changes that are being mooted, including a two-tier format and day-night Tests to attract more crowds

ICC chief suggests four-day Tests | Cricket News | Cricinfo ICC Site | Cricinfo.com

I think four-day tests are not going to do anything to liven up a dull test match. In fact, its going to increase the number of draws more because you have lesser time now to bowl out a side than before. If at all the ICC could do something, they should put in place a system where sides that push for victory are rewarded more than sides that try to draw a game.

The two tier system works for me because it would let the competitive sides clash more. But maybe they should let the lesser known sides (on the 2nd tier) to work their way into the higher tier based on their performances. I personally welcome this move (even though it might hurt nations like Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, etc).

As if we don't get enough draws already. If anything, this will kill Test cricket. Four days for a draw when you can watch One-Day matches that almost guarantee a result?
Two-tier system: Still undecided, depends how implemented.
Day-Night Tests: I'd rather not
4-day Tests: No. Just no.
Great, now tests are going the way of county cricket...

If anything they should be longer, not shorter!.
Why don't we just make it 1 innings per side. Maybe just 1 day as well with a set amount of overs. How about 50. Actually fans will prefer 20 because there will be more agression. Lets play 20 overs a side games, those would be good tests.
And make those Test Day/Nighters with a pink, no white ball and coloured clothing so there is no clash.
Anyone who thinks this is a good idea is an absolute joke fan and should be immediately shot. I'm all for opinions and that, but this is just the most stupid idea i've ever seen ever. It's even more ridiculous than when Bush and his mates thought there was weapons of mass destruction in Iraq/Afghanistan/Iran.

In summary, no. Go fearsome tweak yourself ICC man.
i dont know how reducing one day can help, it would make it worst!

make 50-50 a 40 over game (?), because 50 over is going to die. Test isnt dying, as we can see a lot of people are still bashing T20 and prefers Test more then any thing else.

it would come down to 50-50 vs T20. and 50 over is going to die
the way crickets going at the moment, this quote may not seem that odd

"Frankenstein's monster. Soon it'll be 10/10, 5/5, then one ball to hit a six or you're hanged. Include me out."

And four day tests are idiotic, piss off Morgan
4 day would be definately result into draw specially on sub continent pitches,look at the last 10 year results in India,the winning ratio has declined and the % of draw has increased...
4 day would be definitely result into draw specially on sub continent pitches,look at the last 10 year results in India,the winning ratio has declined and the % of draw has increased...

Yes,very true,they should keep it to traditional 5 day game...
Cricket is going downhill when the president suggest such things!

Bad idea.

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