Ideas to overcome online quitters


National Board President
Apr 16, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Although Ross has stated that there won't any further development and game has already been finished but I still thought I should post this anyway.

Manual disconnections while playing online is the most annoying and frustrating problem in any game. There has been lot of unsuccessful ideas but there is no particular way to know about intentional disconnections especially on consoles. So before someone say that this could be posted in any other thread, well yeah it could but it shouldn't. This thread is for all the members to give their ideas and let the developers know about various problems and their required method to solve. We might get a patch about it soon if this remains a problem when BA14 releases.

Here is something which ranged the bell on my brain yesterday -

Quitters while playing a multiplier match online has remain major problem in any game. We can't blame or punish them unless we know it was intentional or not and with the consoles restrictions it is almost impossible to know this. What if we had something rewarding for people that even if they're losing the game, they won't quit so as to receiver their reward?

Maybe we can have XP/Points system while playing a match that a user will earn as they progress in match like gaining 50 points for getting batsman bowled, 200 points for scoring a hundred with over 150 strike rate etc. But these points will only add to user profile once they have completed the whole match. If they quit the match then no points will be given to quitter but the other player can gain the points he achieved till the match was abandoned. That way, users will be forced to play whole match regardless of winning or losing just to gain the points or achievements they earned while playing. This will reward both the parties without depending on the result and everyone will be satisfied in the end.

The XP/Points then can be used to sort the rankings or maybe they can be spent to unlock goodies or whatever the developers like.

If you have any better idea then feel free to mention below!
We just have to see how we go - we have patched in the past to try and kill quitters or at least match them with each other.
The funniest thing is emails from quitters saying they only find quitters and its not fair :(
Easy solve / fix

I think online quitting, especially in a cricket game is very easily solved / accounted for, but, yes, it has never been handled well by past game makers as they didn't care... that was only reason.

All you need is this system... (bearing in mind that one's 'intention' is irrelevant... If your ps3 turned off or froze, if your power went out, it's a quit... that's that... as it is all a quit to the other player)...

- If after three deliveries / two minutes of play (whichever) a player leaves / disconnects / whatever... it is a quit. This simply results in a win attributed to the non-quitter. The quitter is not attributed a loss (in case it was 'non-intentional', yeah right...) but rather is giving a rating represented by a circle by their name... the colour of this circle will shift if a quit is followed by another quit and not a completed match.

- As long as match-making is good... people will not use lag as an excuse for quitting... and the first few balls being allowed to quit rule allows for any lag problems to be realised first

Simple, effective. Some games can survive quitters, but not cricket... I was #1 in the world in Ashes 09, but gave up on it due to quitters and cheesers.... thus quitting must be 'punishable'.

Worrying about why the person left or if they meant to is irrelevant to the other player and they must receive benefit and also, conversely, people who start games and then need to go due to poor time management need to accept their fault, their quit, the opposition must be rewarded - end of story.

Also, if you do have a charge down wicket shot, disable it for online matches... cheesers will ruin game otherwise. I know this from serious and nearly unrivalled online play with a cricket game... like, seriously... lol XD


We just have to see how we go - we have patched in the past to try and kill quitters or at least match them with each other.

yes, but in RLL2 you set the game up online to encourage quitting as a form of protest.... namely, you set it up as veteran difficulty AI... thus, unlike me, my opposition would auto defend and stand at fullback.. not tackling or trying to... I always do. Thus they are attacking only and not even playing half the game. I would sometimes quit these people after warning them to 'play the game'.... defence wins games after all.

If the AI had been normal level, the AI defence would be broken easier and they would have to tackle as more accurate... but anyhoo, I play the cpu on veteran level so still won more than lost... but, to be honest, as much as I love RLL2 and can play pretty good, well... I cannot play it online due to this cheese of auto defending and I cannot lower myself to do it, placing me at a disadvantage. Online it can be the smallest thing that gets exploited.... for it is cheesing that blows the most, even worse than quitting IMHO....
In RLL2 you get a boost in attributes if you are the player making the tackle, if you switch to other players then you will not be as effective.
All you need is this system... (bearing in mind that one's 'intention' is irrelevant... If your ps3 turned off or froze, if your power went out, it's a quit... that's that... as it is all a quit to the other player)...

There is no 100% fair solution but this has always got my vote.
Find where the quitter is and hunt him down and ask nicely to stop :D

Okay seriously we could have a ranking system with the XP Friend says, So when you play your first game you are in provincinal cricket league then if you get X amount of wins you go to the next league and when you promote you get extra XP which is used to buy players(Fifa Ultimate teamish style,Don't have to use that part)or for getting new gear and if you quit a game you get a loss and 1 warning after that you automatically lose when you quit and don't receive any XP untill the season is over and if you want we can hunt them down:rolleyes
Just sticking to people you know and people of this forum should be enough.
Save the unfinished game.
And when the next time the quitter comes online ask the quitter to finish the game or accept the loss
Ofcourse you can set a minimum percentage duration of game played to implement the above rule(Could be pre-decided b/w the 2 players)
you could give options(for quitting conditions) to the players before start of the game
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no need to think about it..solution is very simple.. win and loss ratio..and player rating can be given using this ratio..quitters will add to their loss record no matter what the reason behind quiting and vice versa.
Capcom handles quitters nicely with the system they've implemented in SF4.
All you need is this system... (bearing in mind that one's 'intention' is irrelevant... If your ps3 turned off or froze, if your power went out, it's a quit... that's that... as it is all a quit to the other player)...
When you have online saving like this game will, there's no need to worry about intention - someone with good intentions should be able to resume once their console resets or their internet comes back online, within reason.

Being able to just pick up where you dropped a connection (or near to it) should resolve most of the unintended quitting problem. Obviously they could track behaviour so that someone whose connection drops out at wickets so they can go back to the last save point would be noticed, but otherwise, I think it will be very clear who is quitting and who dropped out simply by the ability of those who are wanting a good game to just get back in there once they can.
Simple solution - let the AI/comp take over for the guy who quits/disconnected for whatever reason. It could be a network issue, rage quit or power failure; it doesn't matter as the person still connected shouldn't be penalized.

As for online save and resuming the game at a later date/time, it isn't a feasible option as you may not have the two guys online at the same time at a later date. Let the AI take over for the guy who quits and let him take a loss against his record.
Simple solution - let the AI/comp take over for the guy who quits/disconnected for whatever reason. It could be a network issue, rage quit or power failure; it doesn't matter as the person still connected shouldn't be penalized.

As for online save and resuming the game at a later date/time, it isn't a feasible option as you may not have the two guys online at the same time at a later date. Let the AI take over for the guy who quits and let him take a loss against his record.

Well the best thing is to give an option to the player still connected whether he would like to wait for the other player to return or take the win!! This would ensure that when you are playing with friends/pals you would have to option to wait for them to return incase of a disconnection and when you are playing with random people, you can just take the win (like is the case with most of the games, and is fair too in my opinion). Maybe you can give the disconnected person 5-7 minutes to return for the 'first disconnect' before giving the connected player the option to Wait or Take the win.....but anything more than that is unfair and can be misused.

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