Ok I have finally installed IE 7 beta 2 after having an error with msfeeds.dll
My first impressions is it looks pretty good interfact wise. I like the new looking tabs compared to beta 1. There is now a back and forward button which also have been remade.
You no longer have the File, Edit menu like firefox and the old IE had. Also the tool button now has an icon.
Another new feature not in beta 1 is the multi display page. Its just like a print preview. (Screenshot below) I found this pretty cool.
As in the first beta phishing filter is available (no idea what the heck this does).
Sadly the one bad feature is the font is way different to the old IEs and firefox. Its just too werid that I am sticking with firefox.
Here is an explaniation of the werid font. http://elliottback.com/wp/archives/2006/01/31/ie-7-beta-2-fonts/
Here is the download link if you would like to try IE 7 beta 2. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/IE/ie7/ie7betaredirect.mspx
My first impressions is it looks pretty good interfact wise. I like the new looking tabs compared to beta 1. There is now a back and forward button which also have been remade.
You no longer have the File, Edit menu like firefox and the old IE had. Also the tool button now has an icon.
Another new feature not in beta 1 is the multi display page. Its just like a print preview. (Screenshot below) I found this pretty cool.
As in the first beta phishing filter is available (no idea what the heck this does).
Sadly the one bad feature is the font is way different to the old IEs and firefox. Its just too werid that I am sticking with firefox.
Here is an explaniation of the werid font. http://elliottback.com/wp/archives/2006/01/31/ie-7-beta-2-fonts/
Here is the download link if you would like to try IE 7 beta 2. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/IE/ie7/ie7betaredirect.mspx