If I were you...

Unfortunately I cant afford both recommendations you made. Ive bid for Gould atm. Which one should I go for?

Thanks for all this help btw :)
Looking at the price Gould has reached, I'm not sure I'd bid again if your current one is beaten. Nedd is a geat buy for ?50,000, and will be in your first team for years, I'd go for him.
Here r some for u hasan
Matt Ball (85779)
LH Batsman, LM Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, sublime
A cautious player with abysmal leadership skills and abysmal experience.

Plays For: Railriders
Nationality: Australia
Age: 20 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 9,558
Wages: ?1,273 p/w

Stamina: respectable Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: worthless Concentration: woeful
Bowling: proficient Consistency: competent
Fielding: abysmal
Asking Price: ?300,000

Dave Shoeshoe (786333)
RH Batsman, RM Bowler, superb batting form, strong bowling form, energetic
A cautious player with respectable leadership skills and abysmal experience.

Plays For: Butts Legends
Nationality: Australia
Age: 17 Years Old
Battrick Rating: 10,562
Wages: ?749 p/w

Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: worthless Concentration: respectable
Bowling: proficient Consistency: competent
Fielding: mediocre
Going for: ?700,000

Nicky Naysmith - 29 yo, BT Rating=5,968
RH Batsman, RM Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, sublime
A steady player with respectable leadership skills and abysmal experience.
Stamina: woeful Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: worthless Concentration: feeble
Bowling: proficient Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: abysmal

Asking Price: 150000
the last one is the only suitable one for me as the others are too old and lack in cosistency but thx for the help zorax... BTW i only have about ?650,000 atm will the last one be in this price range
Still bidding on Ned. Any recomendations on lineups for tommorrow? My current line up is above.
I'll throw my team up in here, just to get an opinion from the local 'experts' im not going to put any line ups up either, I'm looking for a totally unbiased view.

Asif Barnard - 17 yo, BT Rating=4,719
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, proficient batting form, mediocre bowling form, fresh
A steady player with worthless leadership skills and worthless experience.
Stamina: worthless Wicket Keeping: woeful
Batting: competent Concentration: feeble
Bowling: respectable Consistency: woeful
Fielding: worthless

Dan Browne - 22 yo, BT Rating=4,194
LH Batsman, RM Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, sublime
An attacking player with mediocre leadership skills and woeful experience.
Stamina: feeble Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: abysmal Concentration: feeble
Bowling: competent Consistency: feeble
Fielding: feeble

Pat Byerley - 18 yo, BT Rating=2,575
LH Batsman, LH Spin Bowler, worthless batting form, abysmal bowling form, sublime
An attacking player with competent leadership skills and worthless experience.
Stamina: abysmal Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: abysmal Concentration: competent
Bowling: feeble Consistency: feeble
Fielding: feeble

Rob Coetzer - 17 yo, BT Rating=1,543
RH Batsman, RM Bowler, respectable batting form, competent bowling form, sublime
A steady player with superb leadership skills and worthless experience.
Stamina: abysmal Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: woeful Concentration: woeful
Bowling: mediocre Consistency: woeful
Fielding: abysmal

Ricky De jong - 24 yo, BT Rating=5,171
LH Batsman, LM Bowler, strong batting form, superb bowling form, sublime
A destructive player with worthless leadership skills and abysmal experience.
Stamina: woeful Wicket Keeping: woeful
Batting: abysmal Concentration: respectable
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: feeble
Fielding: feeble

Maurice De wouw - 22 yo, BT Rating=5,211
RH Batsman, RM Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, sublime
A destructive player with worthless leadership skills and worthless experience.
Stamina: woeful Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: abysmal Concentration: feeble
Bowling: respectable Consistency: woeful
Fielding: mediocre

Ricky Dimo - 21 yo, BT Rating=1,791
RH Batsman, RM Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, sublime
An attacking player with proficient leadership skills and abysmal experience.
Stamina: feeble Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: feeble Concentration: abysmal
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: abysmal
Fielding: feeble

Gregory Drost - 21 yo, BT Rating=1,573
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, sublime
An attacking player with mediocre leadership skills and abysmal experience.
Stamina: abysmal Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: mediocre Concentration: woeful
Bowling: worthless Consistency: feeble
Fielding: abysmal

Ray Furlong - 26 yo, BT Rating=5,593
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, sublime
A destructive player with proficient leadership skills and woeful experience.
Stamina: feeble Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: competent Concentration: competent
Bowling: feeble Consistency: abysmal
Fielding: woeful

Vic Gore - 17 yo, BT Rating=8,674
RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler, strong batting form, respectable bowling form, sublime
A destructive player with feeble leadership skills and worthless experience.
Stamina: worthless Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: competent Concentration: respectable
Bowling: worthless Consistency: feeble
Fielding: respectable

Dunc Greenwood - 18 yo, BT Rating=2,895
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, respectable batting form, respectable bowling form, sublime
A steady player with respectable leadership skills and worthless experience.
Stamina: worthless Wicket Keeping: abysmal
Batting: worthless Concentration: worthless
Bowling: respectable Consistency: abysmal
Fielding: worthless

Francis Hamilton - 21 yo, BT Rating=2,527
LH Batsman, LFM Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, sublime
A defensive player with competent leadership skills and abysmal experience.
Stamina: abysmal Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: abysmal Concentration: feeble
Bowling: mediocre Consistency: feeble
Fielding: abysmal

Alan Huis - 25 yo, BT Rating=3,523
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, superb batting form, proficient bowling form, sublime
A destructive player with mediocre leadership skills and abysmal experience.
Stamina: mediocre Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: competent Concentration: abysmal
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: woeful
Fielding: woeful

Bill Jackson - 17 yo, BT Rating=1,161
RH Batsman, RM Bowler, worthless batting form, worthless bowling form, sublime
A cautious player with abysmal leadership skills and worthless experience.
Stamina: worthless Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: competent Concentration: worthless
Bowling: worthless Consistency: worthless
Fielding: woeful

Martyn Rich - 25 yo, BT Rating=1,682
LH Batsman, LFM Bowler, feeble batting form, woeful bowling form, sublime
A defensive player with mediocre leadership skills and woeful experience.
Stamina: feeble Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: abysmal Concentration: feeble
Bowling: mediocre Consistency: woeful
Fielding: feeble

Peter Sparrow - 19 yo, BT Rating=4,140
RH Batsman, RM Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, sublime
A defensive player with respectable leadership skills and worthless experience.
Stamina: feeble Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: competent Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: feeble
Fielding: woeful

Johnnie Spiller - 23 yo, BT Rating=7,087
RH Batsman, LM Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, sublime
A defensive player with respectable leadership skills and woeful experience.
Stamina: feeble Wicket Keeping: abysmal
Batting: respectable Concentration: mediocre
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: competent
Fielding: worthless

Jack Stockdale - 20 yo, BT Rating=5,270
RH Batsman, RH Spin Bowler, superb batting form, superb bowling form, sublime
A defensive player with feeble leadership skills and worthless experience.
Stamina: abysmal Wicket Keeping: worthless
Batting: abysmal Concentration: woeful
Bowling: respectable Consistency: feeble
Fielding: competent

Christian Wrigley - 21 yo, BT Rating=2,864
RH Batsman, RFM Bowler, feeble batting form, feeble bowling form, sublime
A defensive player with mediocre leadership skills and worthless experience.
Stamina: feeble Wicket Keeping: mediocre
Batting: abysmal Concentration: feeble
Bowling: abysmal Consistency: mediocre
Fielding: mediocre


Batting order, bowling order and tactics, are up to you, you know your guys best, but I'd pick that as your best XI.


De Wouw

Same for you mate - batting order, bowling order and tactics, are up to you, you know your guys best, but I'd pick that as your best XI.
@Maxcarter: Fire EVERY guy in your squad with a primary below mediocre and equally bad secondary. You can buy a 17 yr old mediocre batsman with mediocre stamina and conc for ?10,000 on the transfer market and older ones cost even less.

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