India in Pakistan

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MAJID-A said:
India is ahead of Pakistan
I seems you yourself cannot decide, how will you convince me.

In the firat para, I was talking abt the tests where I said "There is not much to seperate btw the two teams".

In the second para, I was talking abt the ODI's and I said "India are ahead of Pakistan"... RIGHT NOW!
Wahindiawah said:
Don't cheer that much, now some stupid fans are pasting links of video of disgraceful moment of each other countries

The real test came on pitch that had something for the bowlers, and Indian batsmen faulted there.It doesn't matter how few wts Indian lost on a road,but on sporting pitches they just blew away.

India's pathtic performance in Karachi test cannot be played down by stating that they batted better on 2 roads.Fact is that India lost the Karachi test by a huge margin, and the difference b/w the team in the end looked more than "not much"!

Ok, you seem to be showing "off" that you are a sensible supporter of both teams by trying to argue on the side of both teams! Good luck!



Just becoz of the loss in the Karachi test, the difference btw the two teams doesnt widen like an OCEAN!

usy said:
saisrini80 said:
Oh shut up!
You did'nt loose your recpect in the joy of ODI series win ??

I am sorry! I was reacting in a more emotional way to Majid's post! I am really sorry!
no dont say sorry to me, mate i just poined that out,
you wont like that if i said that to you, i am sure.peace.

anyway, last ODI will be won by India.
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Wahindiawah said:
The real test came on pitch that had something for the bowlers, and Indian batsmen faulted there.It doesn't matter how few wts Indian lost on a road,but on sporting pitches they just blew away.

India's pathtic performance in Karachi test cannot be played down by stating that they batted better on 2 roads.Fact is that India lost the Karachi test by a huge margin, and the difference b/w the team in the end looked more than "not much"!

And you are thinking that Pakistan batted well on those pitches where bowlers had something for them. If you think that then you are wrong remember the first two test matches were played on flat tracks,Pakistan prepared flat pitches bcoz they were afraid of Irfan Pathan.
Pakistan is going to England this year only that tour will tell whether your batsman can play on the pitches that have something for the bowlers.I am waiting for this tour. :D
gaurav_indian said:
And you are thinking that Pakistan batted well on those pitches where bowlers had something for them. If you think that then you are wrong remember the first two test matches were played on flat tracks,Pakistan prepared flat pitches bcoz they were afraid of Irfan Pathan.
Pakistan is going to England this year only that tour will tell whether your batsman can play on the pitches that have something for the bowlers.I am waiting for this tour. :D

Who is saying that Pakiatsn batted well or that they are anywhere near as good as Indian batsmen??? Pakistan batting is fragile, and has been since a long time, but still they manage to crush India as Indian batsmen failed to deliver the goods when it mattered.Pakiatsn batting were clearly jolted by Irfan Pathan yet they stood up and manage to put up a good score.Whatever runs they put up on those pitches proved to be good enough for a win.

Pak batsmen will fail in England, i can think of Inzi, Akmal and to some extent Yousuf and Razzak doing well.Butt,Younis, Malik and Afridi will struggle.But then again that has nothing to do with Indo-Pak series.If Pak loses to England it will prove that England lost the Pak series because of the alien condition.

To be honest i expect England to beat both India and Pakistan in England but to lose while playing in India and Pakistan.In India England will do well to avoid a whitewash!
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Some big quotation wars going on atm.
Btw I watched a bit of highlights of the third game and must say some of the shots Tendulkar played were truly amazing and something that he should play often. Only thing he need to change is his shot selection. At one point he was upper pulling or cutting them and than he lops a simple catch at covers which could have proved dear for India. If he could work on that and keep batting like this than he is alright by me.
And for the 5th match I think unlike previous occasions India will try to win it ruthlessly. They better not drop Kaif, in fact make him bat at number 3.
m_vaughan said:
And in one dayers that is

True; but I'm not writing of India just because of one test failure...lets see.

dun wrry pak team is just out of form and is injured...they are not up to their standards.....hopefully the last match Pak can prove them honestly Pak got shoaib number 1 ODI batsmen in the world since 2004...then Afridi the fastest hitter, inzxamam the perfectionists...kamran the new gun...killing england and india in the tes...he is kind of lazy this series.,..yousif(top gun) not in form.....younis (top gun) was sometimes in form....but not always....abdul razzaq was in form in the 3rd ODi...but then did play well...salaman butt just forgot how to play ODI after his century in the first ODI.....bowlers..shoiab akhtar injured..afridi injured....asif there playing very well... razzaq there playing ok......sami comes back in the 4th and distroyed india top pace.swing...everything....malik needs to practise his bowling....kaneria not even playing.....naved destroyed india last year and forgot how to bowl length....

Basically.. pakistan entire team wsas out of form still thinking that it was a test match....did not practise... and was injured like 5 of our players were injured....what do u expect..india thinks they are bettere than pak.....dravid their captian being the only smart indian player accepted and said that pak is not in form..and it was just their chance to get a head...he aslo said who ever played better on the day won....and it was unfortuantely india.....dun wrry guys.....pak will inshallah come back and stun the world....inthe last ODI without their injured players..... PAKISTAN ZINDABAD......afterall, they are 3rd in the world for ODI and 4th for test......and b4 losing th last three match they won 10 out of 12 ODI match straight.....dun wrry all of you PAkstani fans.....Pakistan will come back.....

Its funny how india main sport is cricket and they have peope playing all day and night....with 1 billion population 2nd largest in the world....cannot produce fast bowlers.....or a powerful team like Pakistan......but then again India is not far behind Pakistan....they are in their top form....and they got a stron batting lineup.....

Despite that Pakistan will come back.....strongly.......

Even bob wolmer said Pakistan team is just simply sleeping they need to wake up and play up to their is simply that pakistan team is disheartened after all these injuries....

Wow, no offense but your description of Pakistan as a lazy outfit that forgets how to play ODIs is further proof to Pakistan's ineptitudes. If a team forgets and makes mistakes periodically, especially if it 'forgets' how to play ODIs then it is truly a bankrupt outfit and does not deserve to be termed as a world class team.*

*Disclaimer: I believe that Pakistan is a good team and that they can win matches, but I believe that India is the better at the moment.
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prarara said:
but I believe that India is the better at the moment.

Anyone can see that, except some blind patriots who always finds laziness,Fixing of matches and injury as reasons for their teams defeat.

I hope India beat Pakistan in last match too, but then again such a result be be attributed to being a match that was fixed!
siddharth2002 said:
Some big quotation wars going on atm.
Btw I watched a bit of highlights of the third game and must say some of the shots Tendulkar played were truly amazing and something that he should play often. Only thing he need to change is his shot selection. At one point he was upper pulling or cutting them and than he lops a simple catch at covers which could have proved dear for India. If he could work on that and keep batting like this than he is alright by me.
And for the 5th match I think unlike previous occasions India will try to win it ruthlessly. They better not drop Kaif, in fact make him bat at number 3.

Tendulkar needs to get his focus on each and every game! He sometimes loses his focus on the role that he is given by the team! The Multan ODI was one such instance! He is given the role of batting out the full 50 overs and guiding the team home or guiding the team to as big a target possible!

But he poked at a wide short ball from Sami that normally he would have left alone a 1000 times! When he gets into good form, suddenly he hits a roadblock and again makes people talk about his decline and about a nasty stupid title called "Endulkar" and all that crap! Then again he makes a roaring comeback! Well that looks heroic but his fans would love it if he can maintain his run scoring ways and be really consistent! Last time against Sri Lanka, he scored 93, 67* and then started a slide from the 3rd ODI till the end of the Karachi test!

Now he has come back with 100, 42 and 95 but has started off what might be a slide with a 0 in Multan! Lets hope this is just a one off innings! I want to see him scoring runs consistently! He has that ability!
saisrini80 said:

Bull! India got annhilated by Pakistan's batting. Indian bowling was so pedestrian, it reminded me of India's Spin Trio days where India won only on Chutney homemade pitches, that too infrequently.
India's lack of a Pace Attack was cruelly exposed.
gaurav_indian said:
And you are thinking that Pakistan batted well on those pitches where bowlers had something for them. If you think that then you are wrong remember the first two test matches were played on flat tracks,Pakistan prepared flat pitches bcoz they were afraid of Irfan Pathan.

For the first time in entire history, top 7 batsmen scored more than 50 runs in an innings in a match.How Pak batsmen fared, i leave it upto you.

And yes, i still believe Pak batting isn't great, and yes they will get exposed in England.But having said that i must say they didn't do a bad job in the test series against India.
s2sschan said:
Bull! India got annhilated by Pakistan's batting. Indian bowling was so pedestrian, it reminded me of India's Spin Trio days where India won only on Chutney homemade pitches, that too infrequently.
India's lack of a Pace Attack was cruelly exposed.

Exactly, India lost the match by one of the biggest margin, the opponet batsmen made a record of most number of 50's in a test match, yet it wasn't all that bad??? !! Atleast i can't say that India didn't do badly as the scoreline suggest.
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Leave the test series.
Pakistan got humiliated last match.
161 allout in a batsman friendly wicket.
India won with 5 wickets & about 15 overs to spare.
Going by this I feel India is for ahead of Pakistan "now".(I'm not talking about the test series).

Wahindiawah said:
Anyone can see that, except some blind patriots who always finds laziness,Fixing of matches and injury as reasons for their teams defeat.

I hope India beat Pakistan in last match too, but then again such a result be be attributed to being a match that was fixed!

Very sensible post.
Those blind patriots r calling me idiot if I say the same thing.
siddharth2002 said:
Some big quotation wars going on atm.
Btw I watched a bit of highlights of the third game and must say some of the shots Tendulkar played were truly amazing and something that he should play often. Only thing he need to change is his shot selection. At one point he was upper pulling or cutting them and than he lops a simple catch at covers which could have proved dear for India. If he could work on that and keep batting like this than he is alright by me.
And for the 5th match I think unlike previous occasions India will try to win it ruthlessly. They better not drop Kaif, in fact make him bat at number 3.

So we are seeing a tendulkar coach?
mate, if he could play those shots every match, he will. Either the bowlers are bowling good lines or there should be other reasons why he isn't playing certain shots.

I agree with Kaif. He should come up the order, get more match practice. We need him for the England series!

Wahindiawah said:
Exactly, India lost the match by one of the biggest margin, the opponet batsmen made a record of most number of 50's in a test match, yet it wasn't all that bad??? !! Atleast i can say that India didn't do badly as the scoreline suggest.

talking about the third test, Indian batsmen were never out of form. It was just a better bowling side from Pakistan, and on these two days they dominated.
Sachin, Yuvi, Dravid, Laxman and Ganguly, all were in wonderful knick. They could not convert the scores into big ones and that cost India.

Like F. Engineer said, India is very good at winning test matches but poor at saving them.
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