India think they're bigger than the game

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Club Cricketer
Mar 20, 2006
Online Cricket Games Owned
My god this whole saga is a joke.

Racist saga: Why on earth has India claimed that Hogg called someone a "ba**ard"? Monkey is a racist thing to say. *ba**ard* is not. Completely different things and if that's the best defense India could come up with then it would've been better if Harbhajan just pleaded guilty. Racism is unacceptable and Harbhajan is a low, weak, pathetic dog for stooping to that level. And before anyone brings it up, Lehmann was weak and pathetic when he was racist against Sri Lanka. But unlike Harbhajan he admitted he'd done wrong and served his punishment after having apologised.

Integrity Claims: Bugger off Anil. Like India can talk about "integrity". When you're diving for a catch you're not going to have time thinking about if it hit the ground a split second before entering your hands. It happens so fast you barely know. We don't cheat. Not walking is not cheating. I'm sure that at some point in their careers EVERY player has had a bad decision go their way. Just like every player has had a bad decision go against them. You don't whinge. You don't complain and question players integrity. You simply accept it and move on.

This whole tour has been a complete joke and India have behaved appallingly. Even before they arrived they were complaining about our countries tax laws. Yes, India tried to tell us how to run our country. Pathetic. Now they're refusing to play a tour match. This team is disgraceful and think they should have a bigger say in the running of the game than they should. India do not run cricket, contrary to what they think. I hope they bugger off home simply because they'll find something else to whinge about next time they lose. It's disgraceful.
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This post is a good way to start another argument and deepen the current disdain for the two countries involved!

just saying!
Due im not sure you wanna insult a nation by starting thread against them.

Get Life.
All opinions aside, I think this thread should be closed before even more damage is done. Enough users are already bickering, we don't need yet another thread on the same thing that everyone else is arguing about. And this certainly isn't contributing towards making everything 'blow over'.

Where's a moderator when you need one??
Poor thread especially since all the arguments you are bringing up have been dealt with in other threads.
Where are Matt, Manee or Aus.
It's starting to get out of hand, but saying India are bigger than the game will just increase the level of arguments. Don't attack them directly, the mood of them is at an all time high.
Thread closed for obvious reasons. Use one of the other threads.
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