India Vs Australia 2007/8 Race Row

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Also you'd know more about throwing bananas at "black" players if you watch spanish football.
How does that have anything to do with cricket? I don't watch Spanish football and I'm sure most Indians who follow cricket don't either.
It's some crap with English football a few decades ago. I didn't know about it before Australia came to India and Symonds began getting stirred up about it.

Uh...not this, debating wether its racist again.

He takes offence to it, he clearly doesn't like it...Yet they keep on saying it - just stop saying it and theres nothing to worry about. I think Harba-whoeveryouspelltherestofthatclownsname should have just kept his mouth shut - or stuck to playing well as he already was.
You think he randomly called him over?! Symonds obviously said something to him earlier.

There is no reason why Harbajan should say something back, which is really racist.

If a guy calls me "paki", Id say something back, but i wont offend what he is. I'd be more sadder.

Also symonds is to blame 50%.. himself.
Uh...not this, debating wether its racist again.

He takes offence to it, he clearly doesn't like it...Yet they keep on saying it - just stop saying it and theres nothing to worry about. I think Harba-whoeveryouspelltherestofthatclownsname should have just kept his mouth shut - or stuck to playing well as he already was.
No, I agree with you that Bhajji should be banned if he said it. It really doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that Symonds takes racial offense to the comment after what happened on the India tour. However, the real bone now is the evidence. Why should we trust Symonds when Tendulkar said that there was nothing to get worked up about?
There is no reason why Harbajan should say something back, which is really racist.

If you can't take it, don't give it. But I guess the Australians are not used to receiving sledging or playing a team who can test them.
How does that have anything to do with cricket? I don't watch Spanish football and I'm sure most Indians who follow cricket don't either.

just a way to prove that those Indian fans were kinda racist without or by knowing that they were being one. :mad:

If you can't take it, don't give it. But I guess the Australians are not used to receiving sledging or playing a team who can test them.

Yeah but there are limits, is it not?

There is no reason why Harbajan should say something back, which is really racist.

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No, I agree with you that Bhajji should be banned if he said it. It really doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that Symonds takes racial offense to the comment after what happened on the India tour. However, the real bone now is the evidence. Why should we trust Symonds when Tendulkar said that there was nothing to get worked up about?

Yeah, well I don't know Symonds personally. But I see him to be a pretty laid back bloke and plays his Cricket in the right spirit but likes to get into a bit of sledging on the field. I don't think he is an old school type player, like, "What goes on, on the pitch - stays on the pitch". I don't think he would make all this us just for the sake of it.

I can understand if some Indians are mad that he got charged with no actual sound evidence - but Im sure Symonds wouldn't of made a fuss of it if nothing actually happened guys.
Lol, no one likes Harbajan anyways.

The only reason, I think, Ponting has complained about it is because Harbajan keeps getting him out. What ever happened to "what happened on the field, stays on the field"?
just a way to prove that those Indian fans were kinda racist without or by knowing that they were being one. :mad:
Exactly my point. And that is a poor way to look at racism. In fact, it is that way of looking at racism which makes the world a worser place. If you came out of Australia and called someone in Texas "mate" you would likely get rude looks. Whose fault is that?
Okay, so whenever you call a fielder over to sledge it is racial sledging? Is that it? Thanks for the clarifications. Besides, how are you so sure that Symonds hadn't said anything in passing? After all he usually fields quite far away from the stump mic and hence any comments he made wouldn't be heard.

You also haven't shown me any proof of "deplorable action". If calling a fielder and having a chat is deplorable, I'm ashamed to see Bhajji get knocked for a 3-match ban. How do you know that Bhajji didn't just say, "Hey Symmo--why don't you come on to bowl so I can smack you around as well"? The fact is you don't. From what we have seen thus far, it was Symonds'+Ponting's word vs. Bhajji's+Sachin's word. I'm not sure if you are familiar with most courts of law but if you don't have conclusive and impartial evidence, you cannot make convictions.

You are as stupid as the BCCI if you think he didn't actually say it. And since when has conclusive evidence been required to accuse someone of racism? Was there any hard evidence to suggest there was racism from Australian crowds towards the SAs in 2006...which consequently has branded Australian supporters as racist? No. Did CA, like the BCCI, stand there and claim the accusations were ridiculous? No...they held a press conference and said that they are going to do everything to combat the problem which has resulted in extreme penalties for anyone who uses racist jibes. India is going to lose all credibility and unfortunately will have no legs to stand on if they ever have racism subjected towards them unless they accept the problem and do something about it - they should also impose their own penatly on him to save some it stands the BCCI's attitude towards it is an absolute farce.
I can understand if some Indians are mad that he got charged with no actual sound evidence - but Im sure Symonds wouldn't of made a fuss of it if nothing actually happened guys.
Yeah. See that's what it boils down. Symonds wouldn't have made a fuss over it if nothing happens. But would Tendulkar go on record with the press and actively claim that it was just a bit of banter? If he knew something was up, he would decline to answer the question. If the match referee had no evidence, then he cannot make a decision of guilty.

You are as stupid as the BCCI if you think he didn't actually say it. And since when has conclusive evidence been required to accuse someone of racism?
Is that right? What if I tell the PC authorities that you called me something which I find to be racist and they then banned you. There's not been any evidence in posts or messages, yet by applying your logic you were banned.

And why am I stupid to say he actually didn't say it? Because I ask for proof instead of converting my prejudice against certain players into hatred?

Was there any hard evidence to suggest there was racism from Australian crowds towards the SAs in 2006...which consequently has branded Australian supporters as racist? No. Did CA, like the BCCI, stand there and claim the accusations were ridiculous? No...they held a press conference and said that they are going to do everything to combat the problem which has resulted in extreme penalties for anyone who uses racist jibes. India is going to lose all credibility and unfortunately will have no legs to stand on if they ever have racism subjected towards them unless they accept the problem and do something about it - they should also impose their own penatly on him to save some it stands the BCCI's attitude towards it is an absolute farce.
There have been plenty of articles about Australian crowds over the last decade or so. Here's an article to help you get started, which contains a quote from the ICC Report:

Under the heading 'A Summer of Discontent', the report says about racism in Australian cricket:

It is not surprising that Cricket Australia was highly embarrassed by the racist taunts directed at visiting cricketers during the 2005-06 international series, which led to an International Cricket Council (ICC) investigation into the behaviour of Australian crowds.

The racist sledging of players by spectators started during the Perth Test in December 2005, when some South African players were referred to as 'kaffirs' by a small section of spectators in the crowd. Similar taunting was also reported by the South African players in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. Members of the Sri Lankan team were subjected to calls of 'black c--' from spectators at the Adelaide Oval during a One Day International match on Australia Day.

Players haven't been the only targets. The International Cricket Council's regional anti-corruption and security chief, John Rhodes, was punched by a drunken spectator at Melbourne's Telstra Dome after being identified as South African.

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If you can't take it, don't give it. But I guess the Australians are not used to receiving sledging or playing a team who can test them.

Owned tbh.
Its all fine and dandy when the Aussies sledge, when Waugh did it it was called "Mental Intimidation" or whatever, or "Friendly Banter".

If Sreesanth is an aggressive bowler, or if we fight back just a little bit, you dont like it.

Cant stand the heat? Stay out of the kitchen.
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