India Vs Australia 2007/8 Race Row

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I said in in the other thread and Iam saying it here again.
This is not just an allegation on Bhajji but on the proud country of India.
We are a country which understands the sensibilities of people more than any other nation. We have virtually people of every religion living here and of many languages as well.

There was no conclusive audio/video evidence and also nothing that the umpires heard. If it was one man`s word agains the other, are`nt Sachin and Kumble respected worldwide ? Why was Hayden`s and Clarke`s word taken over the Indian veterans` words when neither had any evidence.
This now means that Sachin and Kumble were lying ! Nonsense, absolute nonsense.

Before you guys jump on me and brand me a sore loser, Iam ready to accept that tag. Iam too proud an Indian to not react to this. We are too proud a nation to not react to all this.
It has now taken much larger proportions than just a series or a match.

Iam proud of the way we fought in this test match but all the other things that have happened will not let the series go ahead in a normal manner.
The accusation was against India was it? No, it was against Harbhajan.

The ICC have a 'no tolerance' policy on racism, and although I don't think Harbhajan could have been charged and found guilty due to neither umpire hearing it, their problem is that if they don't charge Harbhajan, they are likely to be criticised for "One rule for them, another rule for us", they get berated either way, unfortunately.
Sorry, Manee, but I miss your point. My quotations marks where what would be said of the ICC had Harbhajan not been charged, probably by ACB/Ponting/etc.
Sorry, Manee, but I miss your point. My quotations marks where what would be said of the ICC had Harbhajan not been charged, probably by ACB/Ponting/etc.

They cannot be accused of bias if they have already banned someone of immediate black decent for racism.
Absolutely deplorable behaviour from Harbajan and the ban is well deserved. It is shocking that once again the oppostion's poor sportsmanship is being twisted to make the Australians look the bad guy. The denial from the Indians goes a long way to showing the attitude of their people towards the subject. This is not the first time either...after the humiliating display from their crowds recently which is on film for all to see, which was swept under the carpet so convenienty by the indians themselves. Is it that hard to believe that there are racists in the indian community? After all of the abuse towards the Australians on these forums, in the indian media which may not be directly about skin colour but are certainly extreme generalisations about Australian people....i'd say that racism is a major problem.
If you could kindly clarify for me what exactly this deplorable behavior from Harbhajan was, I would be pleased.

Calling a fielder over to abuse is not standard sledging. The fact that he goes to apologise later shows he's a guilty as sin....because if there wasn't anything said that wasn't tactical seldging, no one would ever apologise. The use of racial sledging should not be tolerated and hopefully the indian cricket board will finally accept they have a problem and take some long over due action. A statement from their board is required to let everyone know they are doing something about it....continual denial is only ruining indias name.
Funny how calling someone a monkey is sure doesn't fit the definition. I still fail to see how it's racist, but oh well.

Calling a fielder over to abuse is not standard sledging. The fact that he goes to apologise later shows he's a guilty as sin....because if there wasn't anything said that wasn't tactical seldging, no one would ever apologise. The use of racial sledging should not be tolerated and hopefully the indian cricket board will finally accept they have a problem and take some long over due action. A statement from their board is required to let everyone know they are doing something about it....continual denial is only ruining indias name.
Okay, so whenever you call a fielder over to sledge it is racial sledging? Is that it? Thanks for the clarifications. Besides, how are you so sure that Symonds hadn't said anything in passing? After all he usually fields quite far away from the stump mic and hence any comments he made wouldn't be heard.

You also haven't shown me any proof of "deplorable action". If calling a fielder and having a chat is deplorable, I'm ashamed to see Bhajji get knocked for a 3-match ban. How do you know that Bhajji didn't just say, "Hey Symmo--why don't you come on to bowl so I can smack you around as well"? The fact is you don't. From what we have seen thus far, it was Symonds'+Ponting's word vs. Bhajji's+Sachin's word. I'm not sure if you are familiar with most courts of law but if you don't have conclusive and impartial evidence, you cannot make convictions.
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Funny how calling someone a monkey is sure doesn't fit the definition. I still fail to see how it's racist, but oh well.

Well it all comes from scientists who had a theory that the "black" race is half "apes" and half humans, they though they were not fully developed humans. Which was proven wrong, and is stupid.

It is racist.

If harbajan did really call him that, he has lost my sympathy.
Funny how calling someone a monkey is sure doesn't fit the definition. I still fail to see how it's racist, but oh well.
I'm totally with you on is widely known that Symonds took offence to this on a racial level when in india late last year - the choice of words from Harbhajan can only then be considered to be a racial dig....unless he never never knew what happened to Symonds in india...which wouldn't be suprising considering the lengths the BCCI have/are going to to deny everything. Now to consider pulling out of the tour, you can't help but laugh at how pathetic the BCCI are.
Funny how calling someone a monkey is sure doesn't fit the definition. I still fail to see how it's racist, but oh well.
It's some crap with English football a few decades ago. I didn't know about it before Australia came to India and Symonds began getting stirred up about it.
Also you'd know more about throwing bananas at "black" players if you watch spanish football.

Calling a fielder over to abuse is not standard sledging. The fact that he goes to apologise later shows he's a guilty as sin....because if there wasn't anything said that wasn't tactical seldging, no one would ever apologise. The use of racial sledging should not be tolerated and hopefully the indian cricket board will finally accept they have a problem and take some long over due action. A statement from their board is required to let everyone know they are doing something about it....continual denial is only ruining indias name.

You think he randomly called him over?! Symonds obviously said something to him earlier.
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