India Vs Australia 2007/8 Race Row

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I'm going to post something controversial that in no way reflects the considered view of the planetcricket management etc etc...

I think part of the problem here is an Aussie attitude of "no-one beats up on my little brother except me". Australia has an appalling record when it comes to respecting difference on the grounds of race. The aborgine population are one of the worst treated of any indigenous population in a former colony and I have seen some horrendous attitudes displayed by white Australians towards outsiders both when I was over there and have heard of others from my friends. I'm not for one moment saying that everyone in Australia is racist nor am I saying that everyone in Britain is multi-culturally aware, I'm suggesting that the indignation being summoned here comes from a situation where Australians can feel smug about tackling racism as it wasn't perpetrated by a white Australian to start with. The zealotry of the convert is a terrifying force.
Thus when Hogg racially abuses an Indian player or when fans at the MCG start "racist" chants some in Australia are prepared to turn a blind eye when those are the very people who are standing up now and shouting loudest. Racism is deplorable and the world would be a better place if we could rid it of it but let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Is Australia's inherent guilt over its own shady past (and present) causing this to exponentialise? (if that can be made into a verb)
Just some thoughts that no doubt will offend some although I assure you that is not my intention.

barmy you are nothing short of pathetic to try and bring our "shady" past into this discussion - you should remove that post immediately because it is about as informed as my dogs backside. How blind can you be that Harbhajan is in trouble cause he mae a racist remark - there has been NOTHING done by the australians to implicated them in any of this - it is all INDIA. If you are indeed a mod, I hope you lose that status. That is bloody low of you to bring that up and quite frankly such an act is racist towards australians - you coward. This is all just people trying to stick one into australians because you hate seeing us win - get a life loser.

Well I work and pretty much live in the Western Australian outback town of Newman and I can tell you from first hand accounts that Australia is still a disgustingly racist country. It ashames me the attitude the people around here have.

Racism is alive in this country. And finally somethings cracked.

Plus I beleive that the ICC is totally incompotent. Look at the World Cup, the Indian League, drugs, the dominance of one team ruining the game, betting scandals, the fall of the Zimbabwe cricket team, the lack of development of the minnw nations, the fact that Aus, India and England play 3 times more test cricket than anyone else, the fact that the West Indies have no real domestic competition and people wonder why they are so bad. The ICC is a farce.Money is all they care about. Shame shame shame.

The fact that the Cricket Australia and the ICC turn a blind eye IS racism.

I lived in Tom Price for many years, as you'dknow is down the road from newman and you are full of it - there was great relations between the workers and the indigenous comunity. Once again though - how the f*ck can you bring any of this into the discussion after an INDIAN made a racist remark on the cricket field - it is totally unrelated. Get that sh*t off the board anjd focus on the facts - Harbhajan has made a racist remark and has been banned...just as he should of - Hogg has been accused of calling someone a b*stard and if you think that is anything similar you are indeed a moron. It is not the ICC or CA turning a blind eye here - it is the BCCI - I can't believe how freaking stupid some of you are sounding for trying to pitch the blame elsewhere.
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Harbhajan has made a racist remark and has been banned...just as he should of - Hogg has been accused of calling someone a b*stard and if you think that is anything similar you are indeed a moron.

If you deserve to judge the term 'monkey' according to the connotations it holds in your culture based on its treatment of people of African descent, at least have the decency to allow Hogg to be judged on the connotations of that word in our culture, you imbecile. You can call yourself 'b-----d' all you want, but our culture has a stringent and traditional set of family values. And all that goes without the fact that you can't show me anything but hearsay to prove to me that Harbhajan used the word 'monkey' in the first place.
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valvolux said:
Harbhajan has made a racist remark and has been banned...just as he should of - Hogg has been accused of calling someone a b*stard and if you think that is anything similar you are indeed a moron. It is not the ICC or CA turning a blind eye here - it is the BCCI - I can't believe how freaking stupid some of you are sounding for trying to pitch the blame elsewhere.

Where is the actual proof Bhajji made those comments? You know other than the hearsay? I'd like to know, because I haven't come across any concrete proof.
Are you f*ucking stupid? If you deserve to judge the term 'monkey' according to the connotations it holds in your culture based on its treatment of people of African descent, at least have the decency to allow Hogg to be judged on the connotations of that word in our culture, you imbecile. You can call yourself 'b-----d' all you want, but our culture has a stringent and traditional set of family values.

the exact quote from hogg was that he was "looking forward to running through you b*stards". You are clutching at straws to try and compare this with the dispicalble behaviour of your racist off spinner.

The indan team knew well that Symonds had taken offence to being likened to a monkey whilst in india - he was offended because they took the micky out of his race. Thus harbhjan carefully chose his words to ensure he offended his race - which deserves the ban he has been given - any arguement otherwise goes to show just how ignorant you are to the subject. You sir, are a please.

Where is the actual proof Bhajji made those comments? You know other than the hearsay? I'd like to know, because I haven't come across any concrete proof.

where is the concrete proof on what hogg siad? At least he has enough pride to admit what he said and accdept any punishment. Harbhajan has absolutely zero pride and his denial and support of your board and people paints a very bad picture of your culture.
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the exact quote from hogg was that he was "looking forward to running through you b*stards". You are clutching at straws to try and compare this with the dispicalble behaviour of your racist off spinner.

The indan team knew well that Symonds had taken offence to being likened to a monkey whilst in india - he was offended because they took the micky out of his race. Thus harbhjan carefully chose his words to ensure he offended his race - which deserves the ban he has been given - any arguement otherwise goes to show just how ignorant you are to the subject. You sir, are a please.

This is all a moot point, and you've to top it off with the ad hominem...really..why? Are you honestly trying to make your points more spurious? I ask you again, where is the concrete proof of Bhajji making the comment? I'll concede this point to you if you can come up with some.

valvolux said:
where is the concrete proof on what hogg siad? At least he has enough pride to admit what he said and accdept any punishment. Harbhajan has absolutely zero pride and his denial and support of your board and people paints a very bad picture of your culture.

There is none, I agree to it. It was more of a retaliatory thing than anything else. I think that Hogg's charges should also be dropped unless there is some concrete proof against him. The severity of the punishment neither matches the crime nor the evidence presented. Further, Bhajji is within his rights to do so, regardless of your myopic view of culture...or you know...the basic civil rights of any human being in a body that is supposedly an equitable institution. If the institution is just, it must dismiss the case that has no substancial proof other than hearsay.

If the glove does not fittah you must acquittah
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the exact quote from hogg was that he was "looking forward to running through you b*stards".

Right, and the exact quote from Harbhajan was "Aren't you trying to be friends with me now? I'm a bowler, as well." If you, as the biased dumbass you are, are going to present the Australian side of the story as the fact, then let's go with what Tendulkar heard as he was standing right next to Bhajji.
I think the question is, why does your brother hang out with so many racists?
Post of the week!

barmy you are nothing short of pathetic to try and bring our "shady" past into this discussion - you should remove that post immediately because it is about as informed as my dogs backside. How blind can you be that Harbhajan is in trouble cause he mae a racist remark - there has been NOTHING done by the australians to implicated them in any of this - it is all INDIA. If you are indeed a mod, I hope you lose that status. That is bloody low of you to bring that up and quite frankly such an act is racist towards australians - you coward. This is all just people trying to stick one into australians because you hate seeing us win - get a life loser.

I lived in Tom Price for many years, as you'dknow is down the road from newman and you are full of it - there was great relations between the workers and the indigenous comunity. Once again though - how the f*ck can you bring any of this into the discussion after an INDIAN made a racist remark on the cricket field - it is totally unrelated. Get that sh*t off the board anjd focus on the facts - Harbhajan has made a racist remark and has been banned...just as he should of - Hogg has been accused of calling someone a b*stard and if you think that is anything similar you are indeed a moron. It is not the ICC or CA turning a blind eye here - it is the BCCI - I can't believe how freaking stupid some of you are sounding for trying to pitch the blame elsewhere.
Looks like you really cannot handle it when anyone disagrees with your shortsighted viewpoint.
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I'm not going to condone the chant, but I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say that it's racist. It's maybe a bit parochial and seems more about illegal immigration than actual race.

+1. Americans would probably do the same thing for just about any's basically the equivalent of repeatedly yelling: "go home, your not wanted": an entirely legitimate thing to yell at an opposing sports team, IMO. Now, it might say something about illegal immigration, which tends to be centered around "ethnic minorities", but does that make the chanters racist, or just indicate that something needs to change in the liveability of the countries from which the immigrants are coming? (e.g., Mexico.)
hey look more posters living in a magical fairy land where the Australian Team is the best and most kind team on the planet and have great sportsmanship and are totally not arrogant at all.
Post of the week!

Two candidates for post of the week and year now, with this gem from Maxkarter in the "What are you scared of?" thread: "Seeing Usy's name as the latest post in a thread".

Adding to my previous post, even if Hogg is reputed to have said that (I haven't found a source that directly cites Hogg for that quote, the one article in SMH states that he was "understood to have said"), it still doesn't excuse the fact that calling someone that is seen as a highly offensive insult to one's descent (and you're not going to tell me that we're not going to judge that term's connotation in Indian culture), once again, placing it in violation of the Code.
I'm going to post something controversial that in no way reflects the considered view of the planetcricket management etc etc...

I think part of the problem here is an Aussie attitude of "no-one beats up on my little brother except me". Australia has an appalling record when it comes to respecting difference on the grounds of race. The aborgine population are one of the worst treated of any indigenous population in a former colony and I have seen some horrendous attitudes displayed by white Australians towards outsiders both when I was over there and have heard of others from my friends. I'm not for one moment saying that everyone in Australia is racist nor am I saying that everyone in Britain is multi-culturally aware, I'm suggesting that the indignation being summoned here comes from a situation where Australians can feel smug about tackling racism as it wasn't perpetrated by a white Australian to start with. The zealotry of the convert is a terrifying force.
Thus when Hogg racially abuses an Indian player or when fans at the MCG start "racist" chants some in Australia are prepared to turn a blind eye when those are the very people who are standing up now and shouting loudest. Racism is deplorable and the world would be a better place if we could rid it of it but let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Is Australia's inherent guilt over its own shady past (and present) causing this to exponentialise? (if that can be made into a verb)
Just some thoughts that no doubt will offend some although I assure you that is not my intention.

Dont bring up our past. It is low. I just lost 99% of my respect for you. I would like to remind you that we are mainly English criminal descendants and your armies are the ones that killed loads of aboriginies to start with.

Two candidates for post of the week and year now, with this gem from Maxkarter in the "What are you scared of?" thread: "Seeing Usy's name as the latest post in a thread".

Adding to my previous post, even if Hogg is reputed to have said that (I haven't found a source that directly cites Hogg for that quote, the one article in SMH states that he was "understood to have said"), it still doesn't excuse the fact that calling someone that is seen as a highly offensive insult to one's descent (and you're not going to tell me that we're not going to judge that term's connotation in Indian culture), once again, placing it in violation of the Code.

I think bagging someone about their race is worse than calling someone or some people *******s. I dont condone the word, he too should be punished but Harbajan should be punished for what he said which was wrong.
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I think bagging someone about their race is worse than calling someone or some people *******s. I dont condone the word, he too should be punished but Harbajan should be punished for what he said which was wrong.
Who said he said it? I'm going to say that he didn't say it because I haven't seen any proof that he did. Now what are you going to do?
barmy you are nothing short of pathetic to try and bring our "shady" past into this discussion - you should remove that post immediately because it is about as informed as my dogs backside. How blind can you be that Harbhajan is in trouble cause he mae a racist remark - there has been NOTHING done by the australians to implicated them in any of this - it is all INDIA. If you are indeed a mod, I hope you lose that status. That is bloody low of you to bring that up and quite frankly such an act is racist towards australians - you coward. This is all just people trying to stick one into australians because you hate seeing us win - get a life loser.

I lived in Tom Price for many years, as you'dknow is down the road from newman and you are full of it - there was great relations between the workers and the indigenous comunity. Once again though - how the f*ck can you bring any of this into the discussion after an INDIAN made a racist remark on the cricket field - it is totally unrelated. Get that sh*t off the board anjd focus on the facts - Harbhajan has made a racist remark and has been banned...just as he should of - Hogg has been accused of calling someone a b*stard and if you think that is anything similar you are indeed a moron. It is not the ICC or CA turning a blind eye here - it is the BCCI - I can't believe how freaking stupid some of you are sounding for trying to pitch the blame elsewhere.

Mate I am not a moron, I work closely with the Aboriginal communities and it is the white society's alienation of them that has both directly and indirectly caused all of their social problems. I dont know about you, smartarse, but thorugh my 16 years of education not once was I taight about the culture and tradtions of the Aboriginal people, despite it being native to this land and being the oldest culture on the history of Earth - 60000 years old. Instead I was taught about the Egyptian Pharoahs and English Kings and Queens. This is still the sad sad case today. The way of the Aboriginal people, their simple lifestlyle and their strong family values and most importantly their intense spiritual bond to the land is something that no one undersands because no one has taught us. And that IS RACISM. If your culture was ignored and alienated then imagine how your people would feel - depressive, alientated and the result is social probelms including alcohol abuse, poor living standards, extremely poor health (the average life span of a white person in Aus is 75 years. An aboriginal person has a life span of 40 years), domestic and sexual abuse and the list goes on.

I am sick of hearing people saying filfthy comments such as "look at those stinky black ***** on the road" or "why dont those black **** get a job". This type of thing is rife and Ive had enough and am ashamed to be Australian.

But it also extends to other populations, such as Middle Eastern and Asian populations. We ARE a racist country. Get educated and open your eyes, please.
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