India Vs Australia 2007/8 Race Row

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There is no such thing as a racist and a non racist country. Every country has racist and non racist people.

What I mean was Australias racist attitude isnt just confined to the native indigenous population.

I got an email yesterday telling of this Middle-Eastern women and basically it ripped her to shreads saying she shouldnt be in our country, shes a terrorist, she should taken her head wear off, shes hiding bombs. This is typical of the Australian attitude towards these populations and Im fuc***sick of it.

How would you feel if you fled your contry to a foreign one as you fear getting killed to face this. Well this is what its like here.

And I am in no way insuating that there is no racism in other countries. But Australia, just like our cricket team, arent the little darlings people make us out to be.

As far as Im concerned, and this is probably the opinion of billions of people including many many people in Australia, the Aussie cricket team are a bunch of arrogant ******s.
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What I mean was Australias racist attitude isnt just confined to the native indigenous population.

I got an email yesterday telling of this Middle-Eastern women and basically it ripped her to shreads saying she shouldnt be in our country, shes a terrorist, she should taken her head wear off, shes hiding bombs. This is typical of the Australian attitude towards these populations and Im fuc***sick of it.

How would you feel if you fled your contry to a foreign one as you fear getting killed to face this. Well this is what its like here.

And I am in no way insuating that there is no racism in other countries. But Australia, just like our cricket team, arent the little darlings people make us out to be.

As far as Im concerned, and this is probably the opinion of billions of people including many many people in Australia, the Aussie cricket team are a bunch of arrogant ******s.

Well go live in England or somewhere else and see if there is no racism. See if you can find a place where there is no racism. People who say there is no racism where they live, live in DisneyLand
Well go live in England or somewhere else and see if there is no racism. See if you can find a place where there is no racism. People who say there is no racism where they live, live in DisneyLand

Err mate read my second last paragraph...
Well go live in England or somewhere else and see if there is no racism. See if you can find a place where there is no racism. People who say there is no racism where they live, live in DisneyLand
Where did he say there is no racism? Apart from that, he claims that he lives in Australia! I do believe he is making a point about relative racism.

But yes, racism exists everywhere. It is just present in more dangerous forms in some places than in others. For example, in road-side markets in Mumbai, you may be charged more money if you appear to be Caucasian. This is a discrimination against a race, if you look at it technically. But honestly, I don't think the UN or any self-respecting peace keeping authority would really look at it as an issue.

Please note that I am not suggesting that there are not other forms of racism in India--there are and I've seen them firsthand.
Well racism in Australia is a real big serious issue. Our indigenous population live in 3rd world conditions and are rife with social and health problems. It is absolutely terrible. The UN know this.

Out of interest, does anyone in other countries know of this??

And just another topic: Aboriginals are arguably the most talented sportsmen on the planet. If anyone has seen them run or play football you would understand....Why have there been no Aboriginals playing Test Cricket?
Well if Symonds made it up. Why. What would he benfit from it??
It's up to Symonds to prove his case... I mean, nobody can answer this question except Symonds himself.

Remember, the guilt has to be proven.

I think this is a question that can be asked in any criminal case in a court of law. But it doesn't have any legal standing at all. If I accuse a person of something and then say "Why should I be telling a lie? What would I gain of it?" no court or Judge will accept that as an argument.
It's up to Symonds to prove his case... I mean, nobody can answer this question except Symonds himself.

Remember, the guilt has to be proven.

I think this is a question that can be asked in any criminal case in a court of law. But it doesn't have any legal standing at all. If I accuse a person of something and then say "Why should I be telling a lie? What would I gain of it?" no court or Judge will accept that as an argument.

Only if your white....
Well racism in Australia is a real big serious issue. Our indigenous population live in 3rd world conditions and are rife with social and health problems. It is absolutely terrible. The UN know this.

Out of interest, does anyone in other countries know of this??

And just another topic: Aboriginals are arguably the most talented sportsmen on the planet. If anyone has seen them run or play football you would understand....Why have there been no Aboriginals playing Test Cricket?

I knew that. We need to improve that but IAs and Indians are different.
First of all calling someone "Monkey" is not racism. Symond should be proud that he is a Monkey ( the Hindu God ), If I call some one Donkey or Frog does that mean I m a racist??. This is called sleding not racism.. Its not fair to ban some one without proof... Aussies were pissed off after losing semi final of T20 .. then ponting pissed off on Harbajan coz he couldnt play him ... Aussies are bunch of bullies (Opps .... my comments are racist .. please dont ban me !!!) .... Clark should be banned of taking a catch that didnt exist so does Ponting ... If any other Captain had done the same thing (telling umpire that he took a catch when he didnt) he would have been banned for 3 -5 games (e.g Rashid Lateef was banned against England for the same reason) ....
Symmo has acknowledged that he started the fight with Bhajji. Why is then he is walking scott free cos he would not have said something nice like "You are playing like Tendulkar" to Bhajji.
Who will punish Symmo?
As an Australian, I am very embarrased by all of this. It's a case of average men who are simply there to hit a ball being called into the spotlight as international diplomats against racism. I'd be so much happier if there were more people like Tendulkar who simply shut up and play the game with their ability, not their mouth.
First of all calling someone "Monkey" is not racism. Symond should be proud that he is a Monkey ( the Hindu God ), If I call some one Donkey or Frog does that mean I m a racist??. This is called sleding not racism.. Its not fair to ban some one without proof... Aussies were pissed off after losing semi final of T20 .. then ponting pissed off on Harbajan coz he couldnt play him ... Aussies are bunch of bullies (Opps .... my comments are racist .. please dont ban me !!!) .... Clark should be banned of taking a catch that didnt exist so does Ponting ... If any other Captain had done the same thing (telling umpire that he took a catch when he didnt) he would have been banned for 3 -5 games (e.g Rashid Lateef was banned against England for the same reason) ....

Not helping with these lines man.

As an Australian, I am very embarrased by all of this. It's a case of average men who are simply there to hit a ball being called into the spotlight as international diplomats against racism. I'd be so much happier if there were more people like Tendulkar who simply shut up and play the game with their ability, not their mouth.

But why instigate someone to reply back in rude manner?
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Racism is wrong. The circumstances dont matter its wrong. If he didnt mean it too bad its wrong. It happened end of story. He got a three match ban, wow. Warne got a whole year and we didnt go on like this.
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