Indian cricketing public

Yeh the only ground over here with grass areas are Adelaide and a small section in Perth. The rest are basicaly colessium multi-purpose sporting areans now....
Geez thats really tough not even being allowed your mobile phone!

They only check out bags here for sharp objects, glass bottles, cans, but everything else is fine.

I saw in India they set up plastic chairs. Why dont they just bulid chairs into the stadium like over here. As a result of these plastic chairs i saw the Indian crowd throwing them onto the field. (Does anyone else watch 'An Aussie go Bolly'? it was on that)

Also the police outside the grounds over there seem overly strict!

I have never seen chairs been thrown but yeah in 1 India Pakistan match way back in 90's bottles were thrown at Pakistani players and i was there. I never imagined it would happen but when India came out to field they got same treatment as Pakistan was hamering runs. :p

Well to ban bottles is sensible thing.
I have never seen chairs been thrown but yeah in 1 India Pakistan match way back in 90's bottles were thrown at Pakistani players and i was there. I never imagined it would happen but when India came out to field they got same treatment as Pakistan was hamering runs. :p

Well to ban bottles is sensible thing.

I saw it at the ODI last year (i forget where it was) but the game was washed out. And the fans started throwing the chairs of the fence thing. It was on a TV show called "An Aussie goes Bolly" where an Aussie fan toured India to watch all the games, funny show!:p

Guss (the aussie guy) "Aww thats so nice of the Indian fans, thier stacking the chairs up for the groundsmen, nice of em'!" lol, in the background you see chairs flyen everywhere.:p
I saw it at the ODI last year (i forget where it was) but the game was washed out. And the fans started throwing the chairs of the fence thing. It was on a TV show called "An Aussie goes Bolly" where an Aussie fan toured India to watch all the games, funny show!:p

Guss (the aussie guy) "Aww thats so nice of the Indian fans, thier stacking the chairs up for the groundsmen, nice of em'!" lol, in the background you see chairs flyen everywhere.:p

Well then it would have to be Guawahati. They must have got really frustrated cos they get 1 game in 6 years and its wash out. As fas as I know the money for tickets would not have been refunded. So what the hell lets trash some stuff to make our tickets worth.:p:p:p :cool::cool: :D:D
I would've thought they didn't let you bring drinks in is because they want you to buy the stuff they sell at the stadium so they make more money. I think this is the case with alcohol at Australian grounds.

And isn't ticket scalping a problem all over the world not just INdia.
It would be okay for the drinks if they actually sold drinks properly. They sell water in little plastic bags!
English cups are the best, you get too make giant beer snakes. Anyway Indian fans do get treatedd badly to the point where if the games a sell out it's surely got to be dangerous to have cages and stuff? I doubt the Australians would feel safe going over to play there for at least a couple of years yet though which is probaby why things like that are there.

I don't know if they have cameras everywhere and stuff though to be able to monitor behaviour and stop people from breaking the rules? In England its stupid, last year at Old trafford some guy dressed up as a 118 man was thrown out for lifting up his t-shirt to the crowd when they sang get your tits out for the lads, still the other 20 118 men got him back :D
There isn't any grass banks here though, every ground has to be all seater after legislation passed after Hillsborough in 1989.
Thats just for Premiership football. You can go and sit on a grass bank at a fair few cricket grounds in the UK, you won't see any Test Matches at such grounds because the capacity isn't large enough, thats it.

You can't bring drinks into big sporting events these days and cricket is no exception. Of course you can for County Matches but many clubs have banned bringing alcohol into the grounds for Twenty20's now. There are a couple of reasons for this. Firstly last season there was some trouble at a couple of twenty20 matches. But mainly you can't bring stuff like that in for 2 reasons. Drinks/Cans are usually banned because they can be thrown. But the real reason, especially for televised events is that Drinks companies pay a fair amount of cash for sponsorship and they don't want the TV cameras showing someone having a good time drinking someone elses beer!

And yes plastic pint glasses are perfect for building beer snakes!

As for touts, thats pretty much a global problem. I remember seeing touts outside the tsunami benefit match at Lords, absolutely disgusting.
Don't think it matter, it's always a full ground in India.
This has probably been said befor, but I personally don't think that India deserve comforts and all simply because they over-react to situations all the time. One little thing kicks off you have ralleys and all with burning dolls and all that.

Now I don't know if you guys do this because you don't have the same comforts as other countries but the behaviour of Indian fans isn't pleasing.

Thats just my personal view point nothing to offend or hurt anyone.

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