Your Cricket Indoor Cricket


Chairman of Selectors
Dec 30, 2006
Online Cricket Games Owned
Does anybody play i just came back from a 6 a side game but im not to happy i got hit flush in the balls
i used to play until all my mates refused as i am and i quote "too good for them" got boring as i which ever side i played on won (i was school team captain and topped the local team averages for 3 years with bat and ball),great fun apart from being caught out when the ball bounces off the roof.
you cant be good if you get out playing the worst shot in the game
i suppose i was ppl bowling 110-120kph in indoor tonight i nailed one of them for 3 boundaries in a row when i was on strike thats what he gets for sledging me we were chasing 90 in the last skin with a swinging ball we only got 65
Anyone give me some pics of the size of the venues you play this in. I'm curious as to how it works.
Griffo said:
i suppose i was ppl bowling 110-120kph in indoor tonight i nailed one of them for 3 boundaries in a row when i was on strike thats what he gets for sledging me we were chasing 90 in the last skin with a swinging ball we only got 65

how old r u? :rolleyes:
we used to play kwik cricket indoors, we had to hit it and then run to the wall,touch it and get back ready to face the next ball but the bowler was allowed to bowl it once they got the ball back on their mark, great fun but absolutely knackering,I'm going to indoor nets tonight though,with under 17's. scary!
lol 110 - 120 km/h.... pretty sure no one in indoor cricket history has bowled that quick but whatever.

Just so you know my average last season was 4124123 thanks to not outs with a bowling average of 4, mostly from edges..... i sure hope langerrox sees that :p
i use to play indoor cricket but it got boring and we dont play indoor anymore only outdoor cricket woooo :)
lol you have no idea do u 130 is actually done in indoor and i know for sure because we played centre court and there is a speed gun
A_Whitey said:
Anyone give me some pics of the size of the venues you play this in. I'm curious as to how it works.

Imagine a standard sized school gym. It's basically played in that. You get runs for hitting the wall, and fours and sixes for reaching the boundary either behind the keeper or the bowler. It's decent fun, but it's not a patch on a proper game on a proper pitch. It does however allow you to play cricket in the winter! I used to play each year in the winter when I was a colt, but not anymore. The club I play for actually won their indoor league and will get to play on the nursery ground at lords in a tournament against the other winners of their area group.

Basically though the rules are pretty much as you'd expect, two batsman, runs are scored either by running them or hitting the walls. You can be caught off the walls and everyone bar the keeper has to bowl.

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