i can see what you're saying and why you're saying it because i think i missed your point for which i apologise
the two games themselves are completely different and different skills are required. ie. slower, on target bowling, very quick wicket running, and a style which is very dab-and-go.
Another thing is that there arent as many people playing indoor as outdoor, and this is because it is only something of a weekend or a weeknight, a hobby, if you will. Full internationals probably have jobs elsewhere, as the money, if any, is very small, because here in britain, the eica isn't funded by the government I dont think, (Dont quote me on that.) to be honest im not too sure and if i progress further up the ladder of success (
) ill come back here and fill you in even more.
hope this has cleared somethings up. If not, well i dont know lol