Your Cricket Indoor Cricket

I dont like indoor cricket, someone always ends up being hit, when it comes off the wall...
If anyone is anywhere near Bristol between the 22nd and 29th of September, you can watch the indoor cricket world cup.

Teams are as follows:


New Zealand
South Africa


South Africa
New Zealand

Boys Under 19

New Zealand

Girls Under 19

South Africa
Probably not :p

But its not a lost cause. I love indoor cricket, its like beach-cricket, but inside, the pressure is totally off and you can just go out there and have a bat, totally differnt bowling, i love the tension and the way the pitch aids my low, slow bowling :p
lol kool

next year i may possibly be playing for ipswich U19s in the national league

and fingers crossed if all goes well i could be turning out for england within the next four years (next world cup?) :p
Good luck with that, what is the standard like in comparison to outdoor league cricket?
i personally enjoy indoor more because i usually bat in the opening pair whereas outdoor i bat 8/9. The bowling i come against isn't as fast as outdoor but is on the stumps nearly every ball. The fielding in indoor is also better because you cant really get away with one bad fielder, you need 8 good fielders in there. Fielding is my strongest part of the game so...
In terms of the bowling, like I said before the bowling is on the stumps every ball more or less (apart from when it's me because I'm hopeless :p ) and quality is better all round

^^ if you read that word for word, I applaud you :D
Well surely if the quality is better, you would be good enough to play for the proper england team, and play for them instead! There is clearly more money in it and its televised etc
Indoor is a mess around compared to outdoor.

I open the batting for the team i play with, and like Maney said, we have 9 capable fielders who can catch, run (bar me i toddle :p) and generally make 2 runs to 1.

Bowling is differnt as usually, the bounce is far more un-reliable, spinwise, not much there, Shane Warne would probably be made to look world class and not magical :p
i can see what you're saying and why you're saying it because i think i missed your point for which i apologise

the two games themselves are completely different and different skills are required. ie. slower, on target bowling, very quick wicket running, and a style which is very dab-and-go.
Another thing is that there arent as many people playing indoor as outdoor, and this is because it is only something of a weekend or a weeknight, a hobby, if you will. Full internationals probably have jobs elsewhere, as the money, if any, is very small, because here in britain, the eica isn't funded by the government I dont think, (Dont quote me on that.) to be honest im not too sure and if i progress further up the ladder of success ( :p ) ill come back here and fill you in even more.

hope this has cleared somethings up. If not, well i dont know lol
Yeh, i see what your saying now....good luck in getting in the England Indoor International team

Is any of the indoor cricket televised, like beach cricket has been recently??
thanks :D

i personally havent seen any, and there are only about 8 or so teams in the national league proper, so the sport has only really been heard about in the areas with an arena. if i had it my way there would be indoor on the telly but i dont own any sports channels lol
So, are the arenas just normal sports halls, with seating, or are they massive arenas, much bigger than your average local sports club??
i play at ipswich arena, and as yet that is the only one. It is bigger than a school hall with a big net (indoor football, convertible into 2 more cricket nets) and a smaller net for the cricket. I havent seen the seats because they are not permanent but i have seen pics of about 10-15 rows stretching the entire length of the net

edit: the nets are joined...i once took a cricket ball to the head, fell back into the football-sided net where i took a football to the butt...not cool :p
Cool, do u have an pics???or can you find them on the net?

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