Your Cricket Indoor Cricket

lol kool

next year i may possibly be playing for ipswich U19s in the national league

and fingers crossed if all goes well i could be turning out for england within the next four years (next world cup?) :p
Haha, what a prediction. ;)
no-ones perfect,

i used to play until all my mates refused as i am and i quote "too good for them" got boring as i which ever side i played on won (i was school team captain and topped the local team averages for 3 years with bat and ball),great fun apart from being caught out when the ball bounces off the roof.

Except for you it seems.


I don't really like Indoor Cricket.. I don't know why, it's just not my cup of tea.
Played last night and won by 230 runs...

I also got a "double play" :p Caught someone off the side net from a no ball then ran him out
Overall, I think Indoor Cricket is harder than Outdoor cricket. Bowling is restricted, Batting is even more restricted.
I don't think that bowling is that restricted. Personally I think that a shorter run up is good as the players won't get tired and also not much time will be wasted. Although Batting is really hard.
I've played Indoor Cricket for 8 yrs.

We just lost our A grade GF after winning the past 9 in a row. Good times.

Batting is restriced yes, but can be beautiful to watch. All wrist action to pick the gap is alomst etter than a full blooded straight drive for 6, 7 if run. Almost.

Flicking the ball is an art and most of our flicks are as hard as our throws.

Indoor rocks for those who dont have the time to play outdoor.

Incidently Im off to play a social game of Twenty/20 this arvo, hope to dominate like my last effort.
I hate Indoor Cricket personally, the ball skids on too much...
I get alot of bounce in indoor because im 6'7 :p But even still I have the ability to skid the ball on at will
I played last night and only made 12 :( got run out twice by flukes... bowler tipping it accidently in his follow through! TWICE!, bowling i took 4/-6 should of had 8 wickets but i had 2 drops and 2 falling just short, 2 run outs with one stump to aim at and a one handed catch at the back net off the side wall

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