Your Cricket Indoor Cricket

I play indoor cricket. I'm baiscally the only person under 18 there. I play with a some players that used to play in the state league. There pretty old now though. Were a pretty decent side.
I couldnt find a pure thread which talked about the subject in a broad context so have created another

I was quite proud of my effort this evening, we scored so many runs in our skin that the board couldnt post it up, our partnership of the 4 overs was worth 102!!!
102?! that's a huge effort well done!

which partnership were you? my p.b. is batting in the first partnership where we posted 52, no wickets! :D
Now thats a good effort! I dont care what anyone says LOL!!
102 is huge :p

The way you play indoor cricket must be differnt to the way i play, is yours the one where you have a set number of overs, and get points deducted if your out? But you still bat?
lol 110 - 120 km/h.... pretty sure no one in indoor cricket history has bowled that quick but whatever.

nice to see the thread being bumped after so long :p
i used to play indoor last year in div 1 mens league in tassie, australia, and the quickest bowling i saw was 110km/h. and in indoor thats real quick. dont rekon anyone could push over 120km/h,.

[edit : typo]
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lmfao! my mate bowls 120... i saw A graders in canberra bowling 130

The way you play indoor cricket must be differnt to the way i play, is yours the one where you have a set number of overs, and get points deducted if your out? But you still bat?

exactly the same mate
Well Griffo, we play it differnt, or i do anyways in the Western Lancs league :p

We play cricket, but indoor ;) In a tennis hall funnily enough.
We play it on an indoor court with nets, i play mens
go to wikipedia... the picture of the court is the one i played on but you cant see the run up
yes, the good sort... everyone at school plays in a hall and try to tell me that mine is the fake version

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