International Emerging Talent League | Indefinite hiatus

i am also unable to join it :(...quiet fast sign up process ... gonna be a great league :thumbs
That's fine for me. If I'm in or out, I'd rather go with Dipak, who was really interested in joining this league.
i am not a team manager. Still if you need any help then just ask me and I will be more than ready to help you
Aussie Team, you're in as well.

I want to be the part of it.:(

Sorry mate, you'll be on the waiting list. Waiting list is in order of who posted first. So Matt121 is first on the waiting list. It's only fair.
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haha, I was wondering if you forgot Dipak, cause I would have had him in my top 8. So what is it, one of Yudi, good and tarun?
Put me in the waiting list. Until then I would just wag my pompoms and entertain the audience. Or if you think I'm a better manager than just put me in. :p
Well tarun's already in a few leagues so he'll probably go on the waiting list. Yudi and good are both active and I know they'll do well.

Tell you what, I'll let Callum choose. He's a neutral party.
I was going to say count me in but it looks like I'm a bit late lol. Never mind, put me down on the waiting list in case someone drops out.
No worries if you can't. I'll be always there in the audience with pompoms whenever you need me.

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