International Emerging Talent League | Indefinite hiatus

wow there are hardly any players under 23 with international experience, my list is puny so far.
I've decided to give good the last remaining spot. I seem to see him online the most. Sorry Yudi.

So here is the full list of managers:

Aussie Team

So if all the managers could pick team name. Pick a city and a name (eg Moscow Modems). I guess I'll write down Liverpool for Haarithan :p. Also pick a home ground.

Draft is tentatively scheduled for Saturday 29 January @ 7am GMT. I'll confirm that later on.

I've had a look at the under-23 list and it is rather small. So I'll allow 23 year-olds to be included, just to make things a little bit easier.
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How is the draft going to work? I reckon we just choose our veteran player first and then choose the rest.
How is the draft going to work? I reckon we just choose our veteran player first and then choose the rest.

Yep. What I've got is veteran and one player in the first round and then 2 players per round for the remainder of the draft.

Also, it'll be up to you to keep track of the squad requirements. I'll also keep tabs on how squads are shaping up.
I'll post the draft list and rules later today. It's a bit late here so planning to head off soon.
Two players per round early on isn't the best idea. Later on in the draft it works, but in the initial rush for players it's not such a good idea.

9.30 GMT is 10.30 at night here in NZ...
And you wouldn't be the only one inconvenienced - Brooke lives in England
Can you please delay that till about 9:30 GMT. I will be in school

School on a Saturday?

Two players per round early on isn't the best idea. Later on in the draft it works, but in the initial rush for players it's not such a good idea.

9.30 GMT is 10.30 at night here in NZ...

Alright, I'll take that on board. How about 1 player for the first 5 or 6 rounds and then 2 player from there on out? Is 10.30pmNZT too late for you. You're the only NZer taking part.
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Get over it, I'll probably be playing cricket at that time but I'm not complaining. It helps that I have no idea who I'll choose :p

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