
thread merged with introductions thread
So the thread is now in this part of the forum?

Might work.........

oops - didn't it used to be in General Chat?

I am moving it there until someone who knows what they are doing puts it where it should be :noway
Like picking your career based on a girl. :p

Welcome newbie. Expect your first bill in about a month...
Which was chosing a career which would best utilise my talents, give me lots of opportunities, and overall lead to a succesful life...

Yea, sure ;)
Hello all,

I am Suneer, and am from Mumbai. I am a freelance cricket writer. I do not know whether I can post links to my work here, so will refrain for now.
Hi guys I am a newbie here, but not to cricket. Sorry about posting in the wrong place my bad. I currently own Cricket 07 for the PC and Brian Lara 07 for the PSP.
LOL:D Zorax

Hey guys, some of you guys know me on the forum. Just thought i would formally say,

Wazzup, i am MacWorld 14 live in the uk and know something about cricket, i have crkt07 and BLIC 07 on ps2 and BLIC 05 on pc. I own a IMac, A pc and crappy laptop. I am intersted in learning more about pc's and graphics. I am ok at graphics and am learning quickly (i think).

I hope pc members agree with me when i say i have been a good member so far.

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