Is it time?


ICC President
Apr 15, 2006
Is it time for the vCash betting limit to finally be increased to maybe 100K or higher. I know that I am having to fiddle certain odds to make it worth people betting their cash, and I think the betting cap has served it's purpose now.
I think it should. Not that I am a gambler however.
Lol as if. You sent me a message on msn saying "I need to borrow vcash". Yeah it's kinda annoying that it's still there and would prefer it to be gone.
To be quite honest the cap makes betting slightly pointless once you have 800000 in the bank. Your interest is capped at 20k a day at that point so a 50k bet really has no risk, lose and you've made the cash back in 3 days with some to spare. With no risk of losing a lot of money vbookie is getting a bit dull.

If you want to stop people ending up with massive amounts of vcash then a substantial rate cut on the bank would be a better way to go about it rather than handicapping vbookie. You can go away for a weekend and make more on the bank by doing nothing than you'd make winning a 50k bet on a cricket match.
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Don't worry Kev, to get the interest back for you, I am stripping all your vcash (and from your bank account too) so you can start again from 0 and have some fun ;)
Don't worry Kev, to get the interest back for you, I am stripping all your vcash (and from your bank account too) so you can start again from 0 and have some fun ;)

Don't forget to share with me ;)
Yeah, we decided to do it; just need to remember how ;)

barmyarmy added 2 Minutes and 57 Seconds later...

Edit: tis done and working.
To be quite honest the cap makes betting slightly pointless once you have 800000 in the bank. Your interest is capped at 20k a day at that point so a 50k bet really has no risk, lose and you've made the cash back in 3 days with some to spare. With no risk of losing a lot of money vbookie is getting a bit dull.

If you want to stop people ending up with massive amounts of vcash then a substantial rate cut on the bank would be a better way to go about it rather than handicapping vbookie. You can go away for a weekend and make more on the bank by doing nothing than you'd make winning a 50k bet on a cricket match.

I agree with kev

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