Is this game really as bad as I am reading ?

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And my fact is completely warranted to be brought up to somebody interested in knowing about the game. I suggested that person make their own mind up.

Are people not allowed to mention faults in this game? I said nothing wrong yet you're suggesting buying a defective on the hope it's fixed in 4 weeks.

Indeed the fact is warranted. And I'm providing the additional fact that the fault is actively being worked on, allowing the person to make up their own mind with a more complete set of information at their disposable.

Post A: The game is flawed. Make up your mind.


post B: The game is flawed, but xyz is actively being worked on for a future update. Make up your mind.

I wonder which post is more constructive....
I honestly think DBC14 is a better game, especially on PC with Franco's hack. The forthcoming patch will have to be something special to change that, and while I'm sure it will improve things significantly from the current build, I'm not sure the base is there to surpass 14 overall with such patches. I'd love to be proven wrong of course and will try the game out after any updates.

That said, the batting side of the game is better IMO; footwork has more impact, precision shots (RB), better attacking ground shots (LT+RT), early marker available etc. If you're interested in a career mode as a batsman then DBC17 could be worth it right now, but the bowling side which is where I spend most of my time with cricket games is nowhere near as good as 14.

I suggest waiting for the patch if you're on the fence.
Our games have always held their price, so yeah, great advice, wait for the patch, pay the same as you would now, but don't get to play the game in the meantime.... yeah, makes total sense?!?....
That logic assumes that the only possibility is that the game will be purchased at some point, where it would likely make more sense to just purchase before the patch and play in the interim... But the reason I propose to wait until the patch before purchasing is because;

A) I don't feel comfortable recommending the game in it's current form at the current price. With DBC14 I had no problem singing it's praises from the very beginning, pointing many friends with an interest in cricket towards the game with no hesitation as I was very confident it would go down well with them, as it did. It had its own issues, especially early on, but felt like cricket and was light years ahead of everything else that had gone before.

This time around though, I don't feel I can give such a recommendation in good conscience. There are too many significant bugs they can experience right now (as well as the design decisions re:bowling) for a recommendation to feel right... Especially when there's DBC14 which is a better and more polished cricket game overall IMO.

B) So you can see if the patch delivers, and if not, possibly not purchasing at all. Buying now in the expectation of a much improved game after the patch is a risk, and so many times as a consumer in gaming, backing products early with money based on faith and promises alone can backfire. I'm not saying it will happen like that with this patch, I'm sure BA will do everything they can to make DBC17 the best it can be... But there are so many Early Access botch jobs and pre-order rip offs that it is good practice in general (as a consumer) to wait it out a bit to avoid getting burned.
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I think that the game is worth it overall. Having said that, communication has been poor for a game that was lacking from the onset. So, you can't blame someone for holding off until the next patch as I agree that it's anyone's guess what gets fixed and what is ignored. To each their own on that. Not everyone can afford expensive games like these so I wouldn't want to lead anyone astray. Having given the advice to hold off until the next patch, I will say that personally there is enough in it to enjoy in it's current state as well.

Conclusively,'s not as bad as you're reading, but still needs work.
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I think that the game is worth it overall. Having said that, communication has been poor for a game that was lacking from the onset. So, you can't blame someone for holding off until the next patch as I agree that it's anyone's guess what gets fixed and what is ignored. To each their own on that. Not everyone can afford expensive games like these so I wouldn't want to lead anyone astray. Having given the advice to hold off until the next patch, I will say that personally there is enough in it to enjoy in it's current state as well.

Conclusively,'s not as bad as you're reading, but still needs work.
It is always going to be subjective: if you are going to buy a game on the opinion of others then that is a point of view. I personally have bought games even though reviews were negative and have enjoyed them, also been burnt with good reviewed games. The bottom line is that you have read the reviews and opinions, you can buy the game on steam, play for a good hour and a half and refund it if you dont like it. I myself have wrapped up 180 hours on the game and have had a lot of enjoyment from it although there are issues and issues that are being fixed.
Our games have always held their price, so yeah, great advice, wait for the patch, pay the same as you would now, but don't get to play the game in the meantime.... yeah, makes total sense?!?....


Yeah, buy now but don't play it. Sorry Mr Ross, First patch it up.
It is always going to be subjective: if you are going to buy a game on the opinion of others then that is a point of view. I personally have bought games even though reviews were negative and have enjoyed them, also been burnt with good reviewed games. The bottom line is that you have read the reviews and opinions, you can buy the game on steam, play for a good hour and a half and refund it if you dont like it. I myself have wrapped up 180 hours on the game and have had a lot of enjoyment from it although there are issues and issues that are being fixed.
I completely agree with your assessment. I have also enjoyed the game quite a bit, and still do. Nonetheless, I would be a bit cautious around the ambiguity of the "issues that are being fixed" as it's anyone's guess what these are. In that sense I would recommend waiting. If you're a cricket fanatic like myself then the game is worth it in my opinion but if you're a casual cricket fan then waiting until the next patch would be my advice.[DOUBLEPOST=1491418543][/DOUBLEPOST]@ABHIII - great profile picture.
Our games have always held their price, so yeah, great advice, wait for the patch, pay the same as you would now, but don't get to play the game in the meantime.... yeah, makes total sense?!?....

Sorry but this post says it all to me!

How could you post this when you know you have unhappy customers who have purchased your product 3 months ago and have the product sitting there because it is not enjoyable in its current state?

This post shows the arrogance of the man!

Its not about whether your products hold there value. We are more than happy to pay top dollar for your product if it is worthy. I have purchased DBC14 on 2 different platforms without regret.

We only have a certain amount of disposable income for things such as games. So yeah, dont get the game until the patch is released is great advice! Especially now with the reputation big ant has now releasing games 3 months prior that they are ready to be released.

Lets ensure that the patch delivers before spooking your product again!
Are we sure we're reading a post of a Company's CEO? That profile is not hacked right? ............ JESUS! :facepalm
@wilbur ! Buy it m8! Given, your past gaming experiences, i bet you'll love it. BA is faithful, although certain things making the trust, rather bleak but hey, lets be optimistic!! Go 4 it! :thumbs
Indeed the fact is warranted. And I'm providing the additional fact that the fault is actively being worked on, allowing the person to make up their own mind with a more complete set of information at their disposable.

Post A: The game is flawed. Make up your mind.


post B: The game is flawed, but xyz is actively being worked on for a future update. Make up your mind.

I wonder which post is more constructive....
You're providing a band aid. "It's getting fixed in an update a month away" how do you know it gets fixed? You can't be sure. I can be sure that when he or anyone else buys the game right now that problem will exist and that's all that matters right now. So how does your post become constructive? You're having a go at me in one post for not making an informed purchase as a consumer because I took a leap of faith now you're telling other people to have a leap of faith and criticising me for attempting to help other people make an informed purchase.

Did I say the game was bad? Did I say don't buy it? Did I bad mouth anyone? Nope. I pointed out one of the most glaring faults of the game affecting a simple fundamental of cricket which is probably going to annoy new players if uniformed.

Buy the game and wait for the patch to hopefully fix it in a few weeks


Wait and see if the patch fixes it or buy it if that problem doesn't bother you
Are we sure we're reading a post of a Company's CEO? That profile is not hacked right? ............ JESUS! :facepalm
Nope! That's ginger![DOUBLEPOST=1491424854][/DOUBLEPOST]
I'm not so sure sarcasm is productive either.
It's a daily staple of life for me!

Sadly, we're all different and our own styles may not make an accurate picture of the gameplay for another. It's a 50/50 deal I have seen worse released but there is a good track record of patches in the past.
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