IWE Saturday Sacrifice I: 25/8/07

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Dus Bahane Kurke Laygaye Dil, Oh laygaye dil! Dus bahane kurke laygaye dil!

Announcer: Introducing, from Duabi UAE, weighing in at 85 Kilos, The One, The Only, ZORAX!!!

*Fireworks hit the ramp as Zorax comes ambling down. The crowd go ballistic for him, wearing shirts and carrying signs with 'ZORAX RULES!' and other such phrases. He definately is a crowd favourite. Zorax is dressed is a fine black suit and wearing a top hat. He is carrying microphone with him, looks like he has something to say. He runs the last few feet, slides in the ring, gets up, and starts...*


*"WAZZA!" go the crowd*

Now, as you all know, I am one of the premier stars of the IWE.

*Crowd cheers*

Oh yes, but I am more -much more- than just a wrestler around these here parts.

*Crowd goes silent, a bit confused*

I bet you'll all be wondering the same thing. 'What the hell is he talking about?' Well, I'll tell you. Not only am I the number one superstar around here, but I am also, how shall I put this...in a position of power. A...person in charge, an Authority Figure, if you will.
You see, I -in a way- control the destinies of each and every one of these superstars backstage. I can decide who will win their match, and who will not. I can decided which wrestler is more deserving, which one has worked harder, and which one deserves success. I am like Santa in a way, I see all and I know all. I can tell who has been naughty or nice. And if they are nice, they get to go home with a nice fat pay cheque and the knowledge that they are amongst the top in this Federation.
But, enough of that. Time to get to the point. Since I am head honcho around here, I've decided to lay down a few ground rules. Well, 3 rules actually.

Rule 1. The GM's word is final. What old Chezzy says, goes. Get me? His word is the law around these parts, and if you wish to stay employed, you abide by them.

Rule 2. You got a problem, settle it in the ring. We don't want any of our superstars getting injured in a brawl backstage just because they couldn't control their thier tempers or their egos.

And then there is Rule 3. I am a person of Authority here. Treat me with respect, and you'll enjoy a fruitful career. But if you get on my wrong side, you'll be regretting it for the rest of your sorry careers.

If you follow these rules, abide them to the very last word, you could very well end up the next big thing around these parts. But if you don't...

*Crowd goes silent anticipating the next line...*

You will have answer to me!

*On that note, Zorax tosses down the mic and walks away to huge cheers. He's definately made an impact here tonight, I for one wouldn't want to get on his wrong side...*
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No need to nick the nickname Zorax :p

Continued from Zorax's post above...

Suddenly the lights go off around the arena.

"I am the One and Only!"

Blinding lights go up on stage and out into them steps a figure with one finger pointed upwards. He then falls to his knees and a huge blast of pyro goes off. The light returns and it is Chesney Daniels, the GM of IWE, who is on his knees on the ramp. The crowd launches into raptures when they see him. He strides down the ramp, playing to the crowd along the way. He slides into the ring and grabs the mic Zorax was using to speak to the crowd.

Daniels: Yes, as Zorax here said, I am the man in charge round here. Now it is time for me to make my first announcement in charge, what I like to call one of my "One and Only Oppertunities". Here it is: Tonight, the men in the back will be against random opponents in the World Championship Tournament Quarter Finals. Not only that, but now they will be in random match types. The first match will be a submission only match. The second match is a No-Disqualification match. The third is a 2 out of 3 falls match. The Main Event tonight will still be 3 way, but now a No-Disqualification 3-Way Elimination Match! Good luck to everyone!

Daniels and Zoraxis raise their hands together to the cheering crowd following their announcements.
If Da Shizzle get in that submission match he's screwed, any others and he can win. If this is on a saturday does that mean it will all be posted on Saturday :p Or will we get any matches before?
Part II:

It is night and the Biker Kidz are sleeping in their car. With the rest of the gang asleep, JJS gets out of the car and sits on the bonnet. He looks at his watch and the time is 02:30. The sounds of a party are close by, with the car stopped in between two nightclubs. JJS puts his head down and looks at the stars. Suddenly, the car shakes and Petey is sitting beside young JJS.

Petey: Time?

JJS: Half past two in the goddamn morning.

Petey: You know, I bet the feds are gone. We can go home.

JJS: What home? The pubs? No, I'm staying out here. It's quiet. No gangs, no Leo, no violence. A calm life.

Petey: You sound so movie right now.

JJS: Whatever.

JJS slides off the bonnet and walks to the main road. Petey follows him and they sit on the edge of the road. The neon signs lighten the puddled roads and drunk ravers stumble along the pavements, most of them puking on the way. It starts to rain heavily and the two teens run back to the car. They slide in the window and lay down on the seats, attempting to sleep again.

An hour later..

JJS wakes up and looks up out of the window. It is still raining as heavy, and he lays his head back down. But, the car is shot with a beam of light. He looks up again and there are car headlights at the end of the back street. Someone slams the car door and pulls something out of their pocket. It is a pistol and they aim at the back window. JJS punches his Biker Kidz and wakes them up:


The man fires at the fragile car and the boys kick open the door. But, as they run to the end of the street, another car skids into position and traps them. He also has a gun.

Man 1: You kill my brother, Leo! I kill you all!

The men open fire and the Biker Kidz dive behind their car. JJS nudges them and points to a metal staircase at the side of the nightclub. They jump up and climb the staircase, with the men giving chase. Two of the Kidz are too slow and the men lift them up and literally suplex them off the balcony. They fall through the air and land on the car with a huge crunch and a scream of pain.


Petey: Come on! JJ! IT'S JUST US! KEEP UP!

They carry on and reach the roof, where they encounter nothing. Just a plain roof. The rain is really hammering now and JJS grabs a nearby pole from a scaffolding. He waits for the men and when they arrive, he hits the gun out of one of their hands. The brother smashes JJS in the mouth and tries to snatch the pole, but JJS manages to roll out of the way, just in time to see Petey get pushed off the roof. He falls onto an advertising board and is impaled on a spike. He is dead on impact.


JJS sprints to the other accomplice and superkicks him over the edge. He falls and lands on the pavement, crushing his skull in the process. The brother runs at JJS, but he performs a toe hold and he also topples off. There is a huge crowd gathered around the three bodies and sirens are heard down the road. JJS realises and runs to the stairs, where he gets to the ground and runs to the other end of the alleyway, over the car and climbs a fence. He looks back and sheds a tear.

JJS: I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry, guys..

He turns around and runs away, as the police and paramedics arrive at the scene. It is early morning and the sun is rising.

To be continued..
Trev and Leanne are both sitting in a restaurant. They have been talking about everything pretty much and are almost finished being just on desert. Leanne is a announcer at IWE. Both of them order the strawberry cheescake and are almost finished when a guy dressed in balck with a balaclava slams through the door. He is holding a machine gun.

Gunman: Nobody move! Everyone stay still otherwise I shoot.

The man walks towards the till looking around to see if anybody tries anything. He jumps over the counter and starts loading the money into a bag.

Trev turns to Leanne and whispers in her ear.

Trev: I'm gunna sneak up behind th counter before he finishes unloading the till. When he turns round to try and find more money i'll get him.

Leanne: No don't do it. Just stay still and everything will be fine.

Trev: I've gotta do it.

Leanne: Ok but please be carefull!

Leanne gives Trev a peck on the cheek as Trev sneaks along the floor under the table. The gunman is still loading the money into his back. He shouts out.

Gunman: Where is the manager? Get my the manager now!

Trev is know hidden pressed up against the counter. He sees a gap round the side of the counter where he can get through to attack the gunman. The manager comes out of the kitchen with his hands in the air.

Gunman: Where is the rest of the money in this place?

Manager: ummmm...

The gunman aims the gun at the manager.

Gunman: Tell me where it is before I shoot you and go find it myself.

Manager: It's in the safe in the back room. Just go through the door on the left of the kitchen. The code is 6368.

The gunman turns to head through the kitchen and at that moment Trev crawls round the side of the counter. Thne gunman is now just inside the kitchen and Trev runs and drop kicks him. A shot goes off and as Trev lands he quickly gets the gunman's hands in a tight lock that makes him lose grip of the gun. Trev land some blows to the gunman's head and then picks him up and throws him. The gunman's head cracks the side of the metal table and he lays on the floor knocked out.

Trev: Someone ring the police now!

Trev picks up the gun and walks back to his table. He looks at Leanne and smiles.

Leanne: You'll definitely make a great wrestler!
Do I have to do 2 RP's? How many people are we waiting for? Anyway my RP's are about quality not quantity :p
sorry to post, but i know why zorax prefers wrestling over cricket

cause he sucks at cricket
Do I have to do 2 RP's? How many people are we waiting for? Anyway my RP's are about quality not quantity :p

No, 1 RP is fine. If you do more than one RP it has advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is that for every extra RP after the first I will add 0.25 to your score. The disadvantge is that it is worked out on averages, so if your first RP scores 10, but your second is only 5, then your score ends up at 7.75. In this case you lose a lot from a bad second RP. Consistency is everything
RP deadline is shortened to Midnight tomorrow. We have had quick RPing and I am eager to get this going quickly
We are just waiting for 'the don' am I right? I never see him post and he has the 8ft monsters of Crabbe and Goyle who are pointless characters. Kick him out :p
It is a dark room. Chez is tied up on the wall, in a torturing rack, being stretched. Crabbe and Goyle are there. They shoot him, then throw knives at him, then set fire to his face, then slap his mum.
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We are just waiting for 'the don' am I right? I never see him post and he has the 8ft monsters of Crabbe and Goyle who are pointless characters. Kick him out :p
Especially after that RP...

Crabbe and Goyle as jobbers!
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