IWE Saturday Sacrifice III


Respected Legend
Nov 28, 2004
Hong Kong
Online Cricket Games Owned
Welcome to the third edition of IWE Saturday Sacrifice!! As they say, better late than never, so lets get this show on the road!!


The action goes backstage as we see The Whiz Kid warming up. He does a few stretches and Leanne Moore moves into the picture, smiling at The Whiz Kid. The Whiz Kid stops stretching and stands up to his full height, also grinning.

LM: Hey, big guy.

Leanne Moore growls and The Whiz Kid raises his eyebrows twice in quick succession. Leanne moves closer to him. Their heads move closer together, they look like they're about to kiss. However, The Whiz Kid freezes, and the camera swivels round to see Voldemort standing in the doorway. Leanne turns around and is shocked to see him standing there. Voldemort takes a few strides into the room and fixes his eyes on Leanne. He grins sickly, moving closer to her. Leanne backs away against the wall, her face filled with pure terror. The Whiz Kid sticks his arm out, preventing Voldemort going any closer to Leanne. Voldemort looks down at the Whiz Kid's arm and his left hand goes into his pocket, apparently clutching something tightly.

Whiz Kid: What do you think you're doing to Leanne, you pervert! Get away from her!

Voldemort moves quickly and whips out his wand, pointing it at the throat of Whiz Kid. But, he puts it back in his pocket, and the sick grin returns to his face. He backs out of the room, still staring at Leanne Moore, who is now curled up on the floor.


The following match is scheduled for one-fall!

"In Da Club" by 50 cents hits the speakers.

From Sheffield England, at 6 feet tall and weighing 145 pounds, The Big Khan!!

The Big Khan walks out and stares at the sky for a few seconds. He then turns around and raises his hands as pyros explode behind him. He gets into the ring by the steps and the climbs the turnbuckles and gets the crowd going.

And his opponent, standing at 6 feet 9 inches and weighing 323 pounds, 'The Animal' SP Dukes!

Some modern music hits the speakers as SP Dukes walks out onto the ramps. The crowd cheers loudly. He puts his arms in the air and presses down to fireworks exploding behind him. He walks down towards the ring, occasionally high fiving fans. He jumps from the floor onto the apron, and then leaps into the ring. He then climbs onto the second rope in the corners and puts arms in the air, pointing to the crowd. The bell rings and the match is underway.

Dukes and Khan tie up and the 69 SP Dukes uses the height to his advantage. He pushes Khan into the turnbuckle and strikes King Khan with hard fists. With Khan covering his ribs, SP Dukes advances backwards. But, as Dukes runs towards King Khan, he is stopped with a hard clothesline! Khan covers Dukes, 12.NO!

King Khan plays to the crowd and they cheer his name. He lifts the huge SP Dukes and brings him down to the canvas with a big suplex. Khan hooks the leg, 1KICK OUT! Not even a two. As Dukes recovers, he springs back to his feet and delivers a lethal Belly to Belly! Dukes goes to the turnbuckle, climbs it, FLYING ELBOW DROP! But, Dukes isnt finished, as he signaled for the Chokeslam!

SP Dukes stalks the helpless King Khan and grabs his neck However, Khan boots Dukes in his gut THE PASHTUN! Khan with the pin, 123! The bell rings and King Khan triumphs over SP Dukes!

Result: King Khan


The camera goes backstage to find Da Shizzle staring at the camera.

Da Shizzle: Me and Darius Molfey will square off for the Globe title. Now, I respect Molfey as an opponent. I won't treat him any differently from any other opponents, but I believe that I can rise above him. I think that I can step into that ring and be confident of coming out again with that belt around my waist. Darius will have to be on his game if he is to stand a chance against Da Shizzle.

Da Shizzle does some poses which the crowd cheer to. However, the crowd are shocked as they see a figure in black clothing and a black ski mask approach Da Shizzle, who is unaware from behind, chair in hand. Da Shizzle turns around quickly, but the chair connects with his head and he is sent to the ground. The black-clothed man runs off quickly, abandoning Da Shizzle. A stage hand runs off to apparently get a doctor as the camera zooms in on Da Shizzle's grounded body.


The following match is scheduled for one-fall!!

Making his debut, from Clearwater, Floirda USA, weighing in at 75 kilos, Holdenator!!!

Stronger by Kanye West hits the speakers as Holdenator sprints down the ramp. he stops midway, looks around, and strikes a pose. He then sprints towards the ring and slides in. He climbs the turnbuckle and peroforms a fine backflip that gets the crowd going.

And his opponent, also making his debut, from Manchester, England and weighing in at 240 pounds, Jamie G!!!

Cryme Tymes hits the speakers as JTG walks down the ramp, and gets the crowd going before sliding into the ring.

The refree gets the two men to the centre of the ring and has them shake hands. He lays down the rules, and the bell is rung!
Both men go after each other right from the get go, trading stiff blows. After a bit of brawling in the centre of the ring, Holdenator gets the advantage and whips JTG into the ropes. JTG comes sprinting back, and is hit with a clothesline! But it must have been a rather feeble attempt as JTG is back on his feet in a flash and laying punches onto Holdenator, forcing him into a corner. Holdenator takes his time to recover, which is enough for JTG to prepare for the spear. Here it comes! BAM! Holdenator is down on the mat, and JTG is taunting him! JTG faces the crowd and raises his arms in the air. But Holdenator is quick to realise this, and quickly grabs JTG by the tights and rolls him up!
And JTG kicks out! Too early, really. Holdenator kicks JTG hard in the gut. As Jamie is gasping for breath, Holdenator springs towards the corner, mounts the turnbuckle, and leaps off! The Swanton Bomb! But JTG is quick and leaps out of harms way, and Holdenator gets nothing but mat!! JTG looks angry, and has raised Holdenator onto his feet. He lifts him up over his head. Oh no, I can see whats coming! FU! But what's this?? Holdenator has slipped out and is now standing behind JTG! He's grabbed him and performs a belly-to-back suplex! JTG is back on his feet quickly though, and both the men are brawling again. Suddenly, the lights go out. The wrestlers stop dead in their tracks. The fans have gone quiet. Infamy hits the speakers. Oh no, it's Voldemort!
A tall, well built, shirtless black man walks out of the entrence ramp. Looks like Voldemort has possesed a new body! The man pulls out a wooden stick, and a familiar voice scream Avada Kerdavra, the killing curse!! But nothing happens! He tries it again, with no more success. JTG and Holdenator are looking confused, they are new here and obviously haven't seen Voldemort at work before. Voldy looks mad. He stares at the stick, and then throws it away before sprinting at a superhuman speed towards the ring. He leaps up from the apron over the ropes and lands in front of the two men. The refree has signalled a Draw through Interference, but I don't think Voldemort cares! JTG senses this can't be good, and quickly runs out of the ring! Holdenator stands his ground though, and starts landing punches and kicks onto Voldemort. Voldy doesn't even flinch. He then grabs Holdenator, raises him up, flips him around and slams him hard onto the mat! That's got to hurt! He removes the buckle from the corner to his right, exposing the steel underneath it in the progress. This can't be good! He pick up Holdenator, and flings him hard head-on into the steel! CRACK! Blood everywhere! He isn't done yet, and picks up Holdenator once again. He raises him well above his head, and yells in rage to the crowd. He climbs the turbuckle with the limp Holdenator, and flings him down hard onto the Announcers table, breaking it to pieces!!! The crowd roars in appreciation of this monster! Voldemort is lapping this up, but watch out! Steel chair to the back of the head from JTG!! That's where he went! He swings hard, and the chair breaks into pieces! Not even a scratch on Voldemort! Voldemort turns around slowly. Their is fear in the eyes of JTG.. Voldy thrusts out a hand and starts choking JTG. After looking around, he raises him up high in the air. Looks like a chokeslam is coming up! Voldemort gets ready to slam JTG down, but reconsiders at the last minute. Insteads, he raises up both arms and looks skywards, JTG still being held in one hand. And he's flying!! He's floating high and above the ring, the fans can't believe it! JTG looks absolutely terrified! He's flying!! He stops floating at around 30 feet above the air, and smiles a wicked gring. I'm not liking this. He tightens his grip on JTG, raises him up, and flings him back down hard!! JTG lands hard on the exposed turnbuckle, and bounces off like a rag doll! He isn't moving, this isn't good! A loud bang later -like a car backfiring- and Voldy is back in the centre of the ring. He smiles a wicked grin, and the whole arena has gone dark again. Screams from the crowd. A huge rumble is heard, followed with a loud BANG! A bright red light flashes around the arena, and the lights go back on. Voldy has disappeared! Medics rush out from backstage, and stretcher off both men! That was absolutely brutal!

Result: Draw through Interference.

The show cuts to commercials


Backstage. IWE returns to see Zorax walks past in a suit before being stopped by an interviewer.

Interviewer: Excuse me Mr. Nostradamus! Any thoughts on today's match??
Zorax: *sigh*. Well, just one. I'll win, and JJS will lose.
Interviewer: Seeing as it is a tag team match, what are your thoughts on your team mate Darius Molfey, who you earlier beat in a close-run Submission only match??
Zorax: As talented as he may be, he doesn't have what it takes to mix it up with the ig boys. My advice to him would be to tag me, and watch a pro at work.
Interviewer: And your thoughts on your opponent JJS??
Zorax: If he knows what's best, he'll step aside and let me have the World Heavyweight Championship. If he doesn't, he is in for some serious pain.
Interviewer: What about...
Zorax: That will be all.

And with that, Zoraxis marches away.


The Following match is 4-way Tag Team match scheduled for one fall!!

The competititors for today are:

Crabbe and Goyle, Matt West and Whiz Kid, Chris Ramzz and The Hitman, and finally Voldemort and McPinch.

All four teams come out to their entrances while the show cuts to commercials. These entrences take a long time. When the show returns, the 8 men are in the ring. Their are 2 refrees today, and both are getting the teams ready. The bell rings, and we are underway!

The men take no time to study their opponents and rush into battle straight away. Crabbe and Goyle sprint towards Matt West in unision, while The Hitman takes on Voldemort and Ramzz, Whiz and Pinchy tie up in a 3-way brawl in the corner.
Matt West fights off both Crabbe and Goyle, but the goons eventually overpower him and force him into a turnbuckle after a series of stiff blows. Meanwhile, The Hitman lays blow after blow on Voldemort's new body, but with no success. Voldemort laughs in his face as The Hitman huffs and puffs but doesn't even get Voldemort to flinch. His teammate, however, has knocked McPinch down and kicks him out of the ring before brawling with Whiz Kid. While one refree views these two going at each other, the other one is busy arguing with Goyle!! Looks like he is telling him off for ignoring a rope-break. But while doing so, the ref has failed to see Crabbe drag West out of the ring! Crabbe has pulled out a steel chain from his pants, and is now choking Matt West!! DQ! DQ! But no! The refs haven't seen it! He releases West after a short while though, and tosses the chain into the crowd. He's got something else in his hands here! It's a steel rod!! He's dragged West out of the camera's sight. Oh no! CRACK!! I think I know what has happened, but I am too afraid to say it! That's disgusting! Poor Matt!! He's climbed back into the ring without the rod, and Goyle stops arguing with the ref. The two men now rush over to where Ramzz and Whiz Kid are duking it out. Ramzz sees this, and gets out of the way, allowing Whiz Kid to be stuck in a 2 vs. 1 against Crabbe and Goyle! Voldemort, in the meanwhile, is destroying The Hitman. He lifts and slams the big guy down, and is now mounted on him and landing hard head shots one after the other. Chris Ramzz has come to the aid of his teammate, and has flung Voldemort off The Hitman. That doesn't look like a smart move, Voldemort is mad. Whiz Kid has siezed the initiative against Crabbe and Goyle, and suplexes Crabbe before DDTing Goyle. He's in full control here. The camera shifts back to where Voldemort now has Ramzz in one hand and The Hitman in the other! It looks like he is going to double-chokeslam them! But instead, he cracks their skulls together and flings them both out of the ring!! Ouch!! Looks like that is the end of the match for them! The Whiz Kid, in the meanwhile, spears down Goyle and then dropkicks Crabbe into the ropes. McPinch climbs back into the ring, and rains down the punches onto Crabbe before pushing the big guy out of the ring with a black eye. The Whiz Kid lands a suplex followed by a belly-to-belly slam on Goyle. He spots McPinch in the ring, and runs in to spear him! But he has timed it badly, and with one swift movement, McPinch uses Whiz's pace and tosses him out of the ring and onto the announcers table!! It is Voldemort, McPinch and Goyle in the ring! McPinch climbs out of the ring to keep an eye on the battered wrestlers in case any of them recovers, while Voldemort glares demonicly at the crowd before setting his sights on Goyle. Goyle gets up, and Voldemort grabs him by the neck. Voldemort lifts him in mid air and squeeze hard. Goyle goes blue before fainting! Voldemort grins a devilish smile, and screams AVADA KERDAVRA beore slamming Goyle hard down onto the mat. He puts his foot on Goyle's chest. Shoulders down on the mat. Goyle isn't moving. The ref counts...
That's it! The bell is rung, Voldemort and McPinch have won this match! What a great performance by the Dark Lord here! Medics rush to the scene to attend to the injured wrestlers, and Matt West's limp body is found under the ring! He's got a big scar on his forehead and is bleeding profusely, but is breathing and moving. He's been injured badly. Voldemort walks around the ring triumphantly while McPinch bathes in his glory.

Result: Voldemort and McPinch.


The action now turns to Chez's offices, where his is busy at work. Darius Molfey walks in.

Molfey: You called me sir?

Chez: Yes. Please, have a seat.

Molfey sits down in front of Chez

Chez:You see, I've called you in here for a reason. Earlier today, Da Shizzle was attacked backstage during an interview. Now, I've made it very clear that backstage violence against my workers will not be accepted, and to...

Molfey:Hold on! You think I did it?

Chez:Well, you both aren't exactly best mates and you did have a match tonight. And if the shoe fits...

Molfey:Do you have any proof? You said he was being interviewed, what did the interviewer say?

Chez:Err...um. Well, I admit, we don't have any real proof. The attacker was disguised an no one saw his face...

Molfey calmly gets up from his chair

Molfey:So there is no problem then? If you don't mind, I have to go prepare for a match...

Chez stands up quickly, visibly angry

Chez:Hold it right there. You may have gotten off the hook this time, but trust me, it will be the last. You are lucky Da Shizzle wasn't seriously hurt, or I would be carrying out a full investigation on the attack. You were forunate this time, but don't you dare try anything else like that in my company again.

Molfey smirks, and walks out of the office calmly


The following is a tag-team match scheduled for one-fall!!!

Making his way to the ring, from Dubai, UAE and standing at 6 foot 3, Zoraxis Nostradamus!

Dus Bahane hits the speaker as Zorax sprints down towards the ring, high fiving his loud-cheering fans. He is pepped up and ready to go.

And his partner, from New York, New York, weighing in at 211 pounds, Darius Molfey!

Mr. Brightside by The Killers hits the speakers as Darius Molfey comes out from the back. He gets down on one knee, clenches his right fist, and moves his right arm in front of his face. He then slaps the bicep with his left hand. When this happens big green pyros are set off around the staging area as Molfey makes his way to the ring, shouting at fans. He gets into the ring and puts both arms in the air, and spreads them wide to big boos. He turns around, and offers a hand to Zorax, but pulls it away at the last minute and runs it through his hair.

And their opponenents, from Dunedin, New Zealand and standing at 188 cm., JJS!

The Way I Are by Timbaland hits the speakers and after a brief moment, JJS storms out of the curtain, taunting to the crowd. He stops halfway down the ramp and looks to both sides, before touching the ground and shooting his arms back up, with pyros exploding behind him. JJS rolls into the ring and bounces off the ropes. He stops, and stares Zoraxis down.

And his partner, from Leicester and weighing in at 17 stone, Da Shizzle!!

Rap music hits the speakers as Da Shizzle walks down the ramp into the ring, trash talking Zorax and Molfey on the way. He climbs in, high-fives JJS, and gets ready.

The men take their corners and the ref signals the start. The bell rings and we are underway with Molfey and Da Shizzle in the ring. Da Shizzle isn't looking at full strength, he's still a bit woozey from that backstage attack. Molfey grins, and sprints in. The two men lock up and the battle has begun. Molfey gains early advantage and attempts a Powerbomb. He lands it, but it is a pretty weak attempt and Da Shizzle is back on his feet in no time. Da Shizzle lands a hard uppercut to the jaw to Molfey, and the runs and bounces off the rope. He goes for a flying cross-body, but doesn't pull it off well and Molfey catches him mid-way. Molfey lifts him high above his head, and slams him down hard onto the mat!! Da Shizzle is rolling around in agony, Molfey could finish this off right here! But instead, he spends the time taunting his opponent, and then taunting the crowd! Da Shizzle gets to his feet, and kicks Molfey's legs from behind knocking him down to the mat!! He staggers to his corner, and tags in JJS! Molfey is back on his feet, and the two men lock up. JJS gets the advantage here, and spins Molfey around and hits a German Suplex! Molfey is on the mat for a while, and JJS takes this opportunity to climb the turnbuckle. Molfey is on his feet, and here it comes! Moonsault! That's gotta hurt! Molfey is laid out on the mat, but JJS isn't done yet. He raises Molfey to his feet and picks him up. FU!! BAM! Molfey hits the mat hard. JJS grabs Darius by the hair, and drags him to his corner where Da Shizzle has recovered. He locks in a headlock and tags in his teamate. Da Shizzle climbs in, and starts punching Molfeys face in! After a few hard blows JJS releases him and climbs out, allowing Da Shizzle to take control of Molfey. Da Shizzle sets up for a spinebuster, but the move goes horribly wrong and both men end up flat on the mat!! I don't know how he did that!! Mofley crawls slowly towards Zoraxis, who leans out and just gets a finger tip to Molfey's outstretched hand. That's good enough, and he leaps off the the turnbuckle and makes huge air before landing hard onto Da Shizzle!! Zorax is back on his feet, and picks up Da Shizzle. He leaps onto the top rope, leaps off, grabs Da Shizzle's head, and performs one hell of a DDT! He then picks up Da Shizzle once again, and dropkicks him. Zorax taunts to the crowd while Da Shizzle gets back to his feet. But he under estimates the big man, and before he knows it Da Shizzle has grappled Zorax from behind. But one elbow to the the face later, and the table are turned. Zorax irish-whips Da Shizzle into the turnbuckle, but it is the wrong one! He has sent him right to his team mate! JJS slaps Da Shizzle on the back, and leaps in. It's JJS vs. Zorax!!!
The two men stare at each other before locking up. Zorax push JJS away and goes for a drop-kick, only to have it deflected away. He is back on his feet in a flash, and Jay goes for a Superkick, but misses! How did he do that?? Both men trade blows for a bit, before JJS grabs the initiative. He leaps onto Zorax's shoulders, locks his legs around his neck, and hits a Hurricainrana!! Zorax is on the mat, and JJS wastes no time in locking in the JJ2! He has the hold locked in for a whole 10 seconds before Zorax breaks out!! Both men on are their feet, and Zorax kicks JJS in the gut! He hits a low-blow onto JJS, and sets him up for an underhook facebuster! But he stops midway and drags JJS towards his corner, and tags in Darius Molfey! Molfey sets up JJS for the Canadian Destroyer! He's stuck Jay's head between his legs, this could be it! Here it comes, and...NO! JJS has lifted up Molfey! Incredible! He spins around, and slams Molfey hard onto the mat - head first! He covers in a flash, the ref counts...

That's it, it's all over!! JJS sneaks in a win, Zoraxis can't believe it! JJS stands at the centre of the rings, and points at Zorax. He then moves his hands around his waist, indicating that he'll wear the belt and that he'll be the next champion. Zorax is fuming! The bell rings and the ref raises JJS's hand!

Result: JJS and Da Shizzle

The show then cuts to advertisments.


The show returns to Chesney Daniels standing in the ring with a microphone.

Chez: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with great pleasure that I announce the full card for next week's Pay Per View, Fully Loaded!

Cheers all over

Well, the two tile matches for next week have already been announced - Zoraxis Nostradamus vs. JJS in a King Of The Mountain Match for the World Heavyweight Title and Darius Molfey vs. Da Shizzle for the Globe Championship in a Steel Cage Match. And as if that wasn't enough to make for a killer show, there will be IWE's first ever Over-The-Top-Rope Battle Royale!!! Featuring the finest talent in IWE for the number one contender's spot for the IWE Globe Championship!!

Crowd cheers wildly

Daddy, Daddy Cool hits the speakers. Chez looks suprised, and out walks out The Whiz Kid with a microphone! He doesn't look very pleased. He makes his way to the ring, climbs in, and looks straight at Chez.

Whiz Kid: Sir, I have come across a lot of people here at IWE. Most of them are nice guys, really talented and work hard to be the best they can be. But one man here -if you can call him that- is nothing but a bully. An evil presence, who uses his 'powers' to push people around and to do whatever he wants. You saw what he did in an earlier match today between JTG and Holdenator, and yet it seems you, Zoraxis and even JJS, with all due repsect, are too scared to do anything about it. Well I am not. This...'beast'...has harrassed women, intimidated newcomers, and bullied around all of us for far too long. I am talking about Voldemort. And sir, I can't stand by and watch this tyrant run around IWE doing whatever he pleases. I am challenging him to a match next week at Fully Loaded. And if he has any guts, he'll come out here and accept my challenge!

The lights go out, and a large crack is heard. The lights return, and standing in the ring besides Chesney and Whiz is Voldemort. Chesney stumbles away in suprise, but Whiz holds his ground. The two men glare at each other. Chez gets back onto his feet, picks up his mic, and says...

Chez: Hold on there! Now this is my company, and I call the shots! Now, I don't appreciate you telling me what to do and how to run my company Whiz, but it is obvious you two have some issues with each other. So that is why I am scheduling a match between you two, next week, at Fully Loaded!!

Wow, can you believe that? Two title matches, a Battle Royale for a Nnumber-one contendership, and a match between Voldemort and Whiz Kid this sunday at Fully Loaded!!! This is something that you cannot miss!

Well, that's all we have for this show! Goodnight folks, and be sure to tune in next week!


Whiz Kid/Voldemort Segment + Chair attack segment = GrayNicolls
Dukes vs. King Khan - Howz4at
Everything else - Me

Hope you enjoyed the show, it took me hours to write it! :p Never again...

Would have been up sooner if not for PC crashing. Anyways, the next show's card and RPing thread will be up in a few hours.
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I won but i didn't deserve too, just to let you know i am still active i was just a bit busy last week so i didn't RP
Really sorry I couldn't get my entry in and a deserved loss. Been very busy with GCSE coursework but should be able to do my RP for next week.

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