Your Cricket Jakes 2009/10 cricket season log

I will be heading to training today, on about 3 hours sleep. Haha!

So you ended up going to sleep? I thought you said you weren't going to training... Good thing I didn't have our ICC save on the laptop because then you wouldn't of got any sleep!
Sunday 9th August
First preseason training session

It was a pretty good session today. I am a bowling allrounder, only 2 guys batted, because we focused mainly on fielding. First I went to the wrong ground, and my dad went, before luckily my friend turned up, and we went to the right ground.

My fielding was really good, I feel. I was the first to underarm the ball and hit the stumps at speed from our team, took some good catches (including a good dive and some nice catches from the catch it), and my bowling, at cones, was pretty good.

When I was bowling to a left handed batsman, I was terrible, so just gave up on bowling and went home, seeing as I had a bit of a sore shoulder.

Overall, not a bad session, 6.5/10. And I honestly enjoyed fielding.

So you ended up going to sleep? I thought you said you weren't going to training... Good thing I didn't have our ICC save on the laptop because then you wouldn't of got any sleep!

Haha, yeah I did go to sleep! I woke up so much earlier than I planned though, but it was good, gave me time to ease into the day.
Nice session, when you said you were the first to underarm the ball at speed, do you mean as in the speed of the throw? Good overall session i presume.
Nice session, when you said you were the first to underarm the ball at speed, do you mean as in the speed of the throw? Good overall session i presume.

Like someone rolls out a ball, you run at it, grab it, dive towards the stumps and let the ball go, all in one motion.

I suck at it, first time I didn't even dive TBH. :p
Oh okay, forgive my inner stupidness. What`s your coach like? Strict,Serious or pretty much carefree? Mine`s so serious that everytime i try and hit the stumps backwards at fielding practice, i run 4 the middle of summer.:sarcasm
What`s your coach like? Strict,Serious or pretty much carefree? Mine`s so serious that everytime i try and hit the stumps backwards at fielding practice, i run 4 the middle of summer.:sarcasm

Well, I don't have a coach anymore, seeing as I'm out of juniors. Seniors don't have a coach, but our first grade captain is the NSW director of coaching or something really high, so he runs our sessions and stuff, like he did today.

He helped me shorten my run up, but other than that, I haven't worked much with him. He run our junior academy last season, too.
Ok, seniors training is Tuesday and Friday. I have to work a program around that, with Cricket on Saturday and hopefully Sunday (if I make rep).

Monday: Chest & Arms
Tuesday: Training
Wednesday: Legs
Thursday: Rest
Friday: Training
Saturday: Game
Sunday: Rest

Currently presuming Sunday is not a game, will have it down as a rest for now. Need to add back into there, as that's pretty important, do you reckon Monday or Wednesday?
You shouldn't be doing something every day like you are, I'm fine with you doing weights and everything but if you are doing a programme like that, you just won't do it. Especially if you makie rep. Then on your current schedule you will be doing something every day, and that just isn't gonna hapenl. Your gonna need a break at some point.
If you make rep, you might wanna rest on Monday, dont wanna overwork your body.

Btw, sorry my bad, didnt know that was your cricket season schedule :p
11th August​

Not a lot to write about, my shoulder is still a bit sore, and don't want to hurt it before tomorrow.

A few of us are pumped for cricket now, and tomorrow we are playing at the nets for over 3 hours, rain permitting. Rubbing some ice gel into the shoulder when I finish this post. Anyway, there is this kid who is playing cricket with us, and he is really fast, and bowls with every intention of hitting us. I faced up last week, until a full toss at the body made me come out. We don't wear helmets, or much protective gear at all, and I'm not facing that ████.

I want to try and work on some bowling particularly tomorrow, including bringing in some pace and rhythm, and hitting the crease at speed from my short run. If it doesn't work, I'll use a longer run for this season. Seriously excited. :D

I'm going to pack my bag and get some ice gel onto my shoulder now.

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