Your Cricket Jakes 2009/10 cricket season log

I`ve never had a nets session without protective gear, casual or serious :p I dont wanna take the risk, cuz i`m quite injury-prone. Good luck at the nets tomorrow btw.
12th August

Absolute-friggin-awesome day today! Recess was extended by half an hour, so we spend 50 minutes at recess, plus about 2 hours at sport, then we were stuffed, so we didn't play in the afternoon.

I tried some new stuff, working getting some good pace. Rhythm is coming back, good signs. Bowled well, and tried a straight front leg with a bent back leg, got a bit more pace, but lost a bit of accuracy. Worked on jumping higher, that worked. Worked on bringing the front arm faster, that worked.

Batting wasn't so good. Was really poor.

Overall days session: 8.5/10
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13th August

Today I was mainly batting. We work on a system with whoever gets the wicket goes in to bat. I took a wicket early in the day, bowling around the wicket to a left hander, bowling pretty quick, taking him on the leg then moving it came off the knee and onto the single stump (pole). Then I batted most of the day, getting out once and then getting back in pretty quickly. I went out for 5 minutes in the arvo to bowl a bit, and I will be continuing with the bat tomorrow morning.

My defensive shots were good, but my cover drives were terrible, and my hack shots were terrible bar one. I was trying to practice getting under it and sending it, it was frustrating the hell out of the bowlers, but I need to keep working on it, until I can regularly rely on myself to hit boundaries.

Overall day's session: 7/10.
14th August

Pretty bad day. Got out with the bat early, and only got back in once. Bowling was bad, plus I did something bad to my knee. Late, in the second half of lunch, I was bowling, and in my jump, I felt pain. I thought it was a temporary thing, so went back and bowled again. Then, in my jump, I felt pain again. I tried once more, and I heard a clicking sound from my knee. I didn't even release the ball, it hurt too much.

It was happening when in the jump, I pull my leg back towards my hamstring/arse, in my left (front) bowling leg. Was terrible, hoping it will heal itself up over the weekend and fix up for Monday.

Overall day: 5/10 (poor rating due to injury)
Hope you get back from that injury, it should be a pretty minor one, i`ve had one of those, lasted for 2 days max, but might be different for you.
Just make sure you don't burn yourself out. I make sure I don't over-do training sessions with footy, athletics etc. Also if something hurts a bit in training, stop straight away. It's not worth the risk for an extra 30 mins in a session.
Just make sure you don't burn yourself out. I make sure I don't over-do training sessions with footy, athletics etc. Also if something hurts a bit in training, stop straight away. It's not worth the risk for an extra 30 mins in a session.

Yeah. I am worried I might burn out this season, but I stopped after that injury. I thought it was a quick little 5 minute thing, but once it happened the third time, I stopped straight away. However, when I bowled a delivery of slow-medium (walking in and bowling slow - really slow), it didn't hurt at all. So, the problem is in the jump.
Yeah, sometimes stress related injuries can occur over a long period of time. Hopefully the injury goes away soon and it's not a stress injury.
15th August

I am an idiot. Before I go on, let me say, I am an idiot.

After yesterdays minor injury, I tried to bowl again today. I am too keen. I just couldn't stop myself. Anyway, this resulted in the knee clicking again. It was the same pain and everything's terrible.

At least, before this happened, I got my run out nearly sorted. So, once I get over this little thing (assuming it's little, not a long term problem), I'll be all sorted to train and play.

I've started a folder to track all my progress in, and I plan on using that all season. I've got a speech to work on, and then I will sort out my training plan. I'll be doing lots of training stuff from PitchVision, some really great stuff on there.

Training plan should be up when I make it.
You are an idiot.

Nah, just give it a little rest, should be fine, but like Covvy said, lots of ice, and dont overwork.

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