Kevin Pietersen

straw said:
Don't you mean he'll replace Key as Key replaced Butcher?

Yeah, thats what i meant

Blink 182, vaughan's batting has deteriorated,however, i don't think his time has passed, he just needs to spend time in the nets over the coming months. He's a great captain and seems to have a big influence on the side. You need him in the side for that alone.
Trescothick had a crap time in the west indies and in the south african ODI's, yet he was not dropped. He is no where near a good captain as Vaughan.
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Key only replaced Butcher because Butcher was injured, it's not Key's place.

I think Vaughan should move up to 3 and Pietersen should bat at 4.

I agree that form is temporary and class is permanent, but at the moment, Pietersen is class. How did anyone come to know that Trescothick or Vaughan were class?... after watching stretches of excellent form.

Butcher does have a high average in the last few years. He is an example of why I don't think a batsman's average is a true representation of his ability and value.

I believe an average is more reflective of how big a batsman's big scores are, than how often he can be relied upon to make a good score. This was the case with Trescothick on the South Africa tour. His 180 gave him a series average of nearly 45, when in fact he had a pretty poor tour.

As far as I'm concerned, the frequency with which a batsman does not fail (i.e. scoring less than 25) is of more value to the team than whether his big score was 180 instead of 130.

A batsman that does not fail - does not give his wicket away cheaply, is more valuable, as he will get himself played in more often and will give himself a much better chance of making that big score 9e.g. Pietersen in the OD series).

Again Trescothick is an example, this time in the one-day series consistantly getting himself out early. If he'd made 150 in one of the matches, his average would have looked a lot better, but he'd still have had a poor series.
peitersons first class average is 55. If he isnt playing for england come the ashes, i have doubts about the selection panel and their logics. with an average like that obviously he can play in the longer form of the game too.
Yes pretty obvious get him in the test team. Whilst Butch has not done to much wrong considering his record recently, Pieterson will score more runs and contribute more in the field, of that there is no doubt.

Although he has to learn that he doesn't need to hit those boundaries every time. He should play his way into a comfortable score, and when he is confident enough, start playing some strokes. I find it hard when I first go into bat for my team to play shots. I use the forward defensive shot a lot early on in my innings.
I think if he's got the shots and the opportunities, he may as well go as hard as he likes, ala adam gilchrist.
Pietersen has a great eye for the ball. it is a good indication that he has made an impression as he was withdrawn from the england 'a' side. he is a great talent but it underlines the fact england are relying on people who arent really english. strauss hick hussain etc.........hopfully pietersen can jostle for a place which would make others work for their place and not treat it as granted
Pietersen will play in the ashes.
He has been dropped from England's A team tour to Sri Lanka.
It gonna be excellent with england at their test form peak.
Skateboarder2 said:
Although he has to learn that he doesn't need to hit those boundaries every time. He should play his way into a comfortable score, and when he is confident enough, start playing some strokes.

That is exactly what he did in the 7th ODI on Sunday.

If he's sensible enough to do that in ODis, I'm sure he can manage it in test cricket too.

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