Mafia Round Two - LongLegs is the winner!.

Hahaha ......... :laugh Matt kept begging :laugh but no one listened to him :laugh. I was quite aware of the white text :D
Gonna check back on skillrex's lynch. I think the key to finding the boss lies around there. Especially those who lynched late.

Edit: I've ruled out User2010 as he was very quick to lynch skillrex after MaD's revelation.

BKB had a confusion over why there were 2 cops.

And Giggity said..."we're all Mafia".

It's between BKB and Giggity. Shall think about it a bit more. But yeah, one of them is surely the boss.
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Ghost whispers:

oooooooooooh its probably Giggity ooooooooooooh

hMarka added 0 Minutes and 20 Seconds later...

Hahaha ......... :laugh Matt kept begging :laugh but no one listened to him :laugh. I was quite aware of the white text :D

:hpraise well played buddy.
Notice at the bottom: Giggity has been lurking for a while, yet doesn't post. Suspicious as hell.

I do have another observation though. Giggity voted WC on the day before the skillrex revelation. That was either a clever ploy to take the attention away from either of them, or just a random lynch. However WC didn't combat it one bit...suspicious...

Edit: When I say bottom, I mean "Currently Active Users Viewing The Thread".

Again, not ruling out BKB. Either would be a good investigation choice.
WC is playing to win, so if he dies with all of us thinking Giggity is a townie its better for the mafia.
I am having fun from my grave :D

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I tell you Giggity might well be the one. I've noticed him here from some time now.
Special dance for you all :p This was specially done on my arrival ;)

As we are in the final phase of the game, no dead people may talk. Only people still alive may communicate in this thread.
Come on, would I lie to you guys!?

Oh sorry Ollie, didn't see that. Thats all you'll hear from me now haha.
Oh, great job guys, seriously good
Now that Matt is gone, we can no longer suspect him
I was smart and investigated Giggity Giggity and guess what, he's a townie!!
That leaves me 2 you other 3...
User2010: I really don't think so
BKB: there is a possibility
Longlegs: An experienced player, could be bluffing us all

I'm a little lost, are we in day or night?
Can we vote right now?
What's goin on?
It is day once again, and the killings of BKB1991 and MaD have been found. These two innocent townies died in a timely death. This must surely be the final round with just Giggity Giggty, User2010 and Longlegs remaining. Remember, dead people may not communicate.

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