Mar 2 - England v Ireland

hmmmm, the english bowling is looking worse than even india's, they've conceded almost 1000 runs in 3 games and two of them have been against associates. this group is all of a sudden looking a lot rosier for the west indies, bangla's batting has looked too suspect to compete with their fast bowlers and they've got several bludgeoners that could well demolish this english attack.

what a game, and what an innings though.
And never should one expect any suspenses from Jimmy , just bowl one ball , and the game is over already !
Now waiting eagerly for England VS South Africa were would love to see England getting thrashed.
A win , a tie & a loss with a NRR of +0.04
They remain exactly where they started from ! :clap
No other choice . Time to get over it and focus on the next game already . And FGS , i have made one stupid comment 5 days back that is still haunting me . Sorry !


I just lost it the other day .
Lost all my vcash (40000ish) but it was worth it!
You can expect another Irish win against India too. The same pace attack, same place, same wicket, what else do you need when you have successfully chased down 328.

btw, I would like to point out- Do not abuse Ireland by calling this an upset, upsets happen- but not with scores more than 300+ and certainly not in the way the Irish chased it down.
Unbelievable. What a win for Irish. We don't many top teams chasing down these totals and Ireland have done it! Kevin O'Brien is such a dangerous player, he was the one who could have seen Ireland home against Bangladesh.

It makes this group even more interesting. The other teams will be really wary of the Irish now.

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