Members info thread - Post about yourself here!

I should have copyrighted that sig, you immature lot were always going to jump on board like that.
Name: Rhys
Likes: cricket, basketball, soccer, afl, read, writing songs, hanging with mates
Dislikes: essendon :p bordom
Heritage:Australian, Irish,welsh,german,english

hey boys!
Screen ID: Magz
aka: Andrew
Favourite Sports: Rugby League/Union, Cricket, Tennis, Golf, Football
Likes: Music, Sport, Friends, Food, Clothes
Dislikes: Ignorance, 1337 speak, Stubourness.
Likely to end up as a: Entrepreneur
screen id : billa1988
likes :cricket,music
dislikes : nothing
like to end up:CEO
Welcome Rhys, glad another Welsh member is here.

hey there. and thanks everyone :D

haha yeah i directly desend from a welshman, thomas williams, who came out to australia late 18th century :) also part english, irish, german :D

i must say, you are all very talented patch makers:)
Screen ID:> Power Boy 8962

Name: Sunny

Likes: Cricket, Music


Dislikes: Nothing

Heritage:Pakistan MUGHAL

Hello everyone :happy:happy:happy
hey there. and thanks everyone :D

haha yeah i directly desend from a welshman, thomas williams, who came out to australia late 18th century :) also part english, irish, german :D

i must say, you are all very talented patch makers:)

Yo! I sneezed at that!


So true.

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