Members info thread - Post about yourself here!

Yeah, I dont like Sreesranth, Emos are gay and 20/20s suck balls. All good to me!
Bio: I am a bloodthirsty evil creature of death from the netherregions of the Earth and hell and the Unerworld which was born in the pits of hell.

That just about sums it up.
I'm a kiwi. I like a fair game and don't tolerate chuckers
I don't think I posted in here, partly because when I joined I was too scared to leave the battrick section.

I like cricket (duh) however unfortunately my RL friends couldn't give a toss about it, so that's why i rarely play it (it is nothing to do with the fact i suck)

As given away by my oh so original user name i like football + support Everton, and despite being English support Scotland. I play in goal for what is quite probably the worst U-17 side in the whole northwest, which im kind of proud of

I have developed a recent obsession with Cards (and i suppose writing essays about myself) not just poker (NL holdem being my favourite form) but general games like solo + spades, and have started to learn the intimidating old woman's game of bridge.

I can not stop myself making jokes, (as shown by this annoying parenthesised asides) no matter how ridiculous they are.

PS i applaud you if you read all that, only typed it out to pass the time before i leave for training
um, i like alcohol.....

haha, nah, lets all learn about Stevo.
Well my names Steven, live in Melbourne, 18, and im an aspiring musician. I play at local gigs here and there and am really loving it, picked up a acoustic guitar at age 8, put it down, didnt like it....7 years later, i decided to have another crack, and since then its made me one very happy person. I started singing probaly 6 months after and now i write my own material. It wouldnt really worry me if it lead to bigger places, im quite happy performing just for the fun of it which makes it relaxing. Although i have been invited to attend a musicians workshop in the Melbourne performing arts centre in early March.

I've basically played every sport there is (Aussie Rules age 4-16, Soccer 5-16, Basketball 5-12, Tennis 12-15, Baseball 4-7) apart from Cricket, weird ey? I represented the Victorian Soccer 'B' team squad in 2005 but since then music and taken over and now i only play sport on a social basis.

Currently finished High School and planning to attend the Victorian University to study Business Management in the music industry which im looking forward to!

I always try to have a laugh at pretty much anything, as you can tell by most of my posts :p

Well thats pretty much it lol.
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