Messed Up Graphix - Sign Boards, Outfields all messed up


Club Cricketer
Mar 28, 2001
Miami, Florida
Online Cricket Games Owned
I'm having some serious and annoying problems. Lately, On certain updated staduims I've been having problems where players come out with zebra stripes sometimes everything is black.

I've checked several variables and it goes like this.....the Aus stadiums particularly melbourne is causing the most trouble even when I re-install it and edit again. When ever I put any new pitch mat for Aus staduims player faces and uniforms go bad.

When I use some of the new outfields the same thing happens. It only appears to happen in test matches and from what I see its mostly with the aussie stadiums.

I'm curious to know if anybody has had any simialr problems? I've noticed most ofthe guys have updated fields but I'm getting alot of problems.
Yes, sometimes I get the zebra type lines across the screen aswell. What I do is, go to the graphic card settings, change them, then change them back again to your original settings and most times the graphics are fine again. Its a bit wierd, but it does not happen that often.

As for the stadium files, if they dont work, dont use them. They all should work though, I think you have some problems with your settings?

Anybody else have some other ideas?
You should update your video card drivers. I had a similar problem with my voodoo3 card where some red stripes kept coming on the screen after I saved.

When I changed the video card drivers then this problem was fixed and the game ran a lot smoother.
Thanx for the replies guys, I spent no less than 8hrs yesterday trying to fix the problem isolating all the variables. I've eventually been able to sort it out....

It seems the new kits which the guys have made....Siskue and Amir's in particular, are what were causing the problem. I've used the tim editor and managed to fix everything so no more stripes or spots.

As for my video card I also have a voodoo3 which I think is excellent. My drivers addmittedly are a bit old though, but I don't think this is a problem as all my other games are fine. I'll have a check on some updates

Finally, for some reason or other whenever I make any changes to the Melbourne stadium the game crashes at the match intro. I don't know why but even just changing addboards and this happens! Currently I have 2 melbourne stadiums and neither work! All the other stadiums are fine....this is weird

Is it absolutely necessary to have updated stadiums in the stadmed folder as well as the stadhigh? I'm curious about this even though I made sure that both folders contained the same files.
Michael, I had the voodoo3, which was excellent for swc, but now I have 64mb GeForce2 which is excellent for other games, but not as good as the voodoo3 for swc.
Thats my opinion, theres others on this forum who swear by GeForce2 for swc/blc. Just as Gunner said, maybe it's some of the downloads?


THe problem is the updates are made in "256 colours" 16 bit or 8bit.but in the blc the default colours are when u play in soft mode,u will all see should be ok in d3d modes.for voodoo's hads diff colours it may differ.
the zebra line is mipmaps.
bomber,who said voodoo's are better than geforce's,no mate.
if u tweak setting ,blc will be more rich in graphics
u can tweak settings like ,mipmaps,AA,advanved filtering......
if search in this forum,u can find my tweaks,i can download my reg patchs for it.

Hi Lobby, when I had my voodoo3, I thought most of the graphics were clearer. I have found that my GeForce2 producers sharper lines, shadows for example. But I get blury spots with the text. I have mess around with the AA. Then sometimes I get the big zebra type lines across the screen.
I dont know anymore, I just go with it.

I do know that GeForce2 is a excellent graphics card, with other games. Its only my swc that has some minor prob's?????

Seeya mate.
i have some problems with my stadium overall it looks good but there are some white,blue, green patches in and outside the stadium accept sydney. why?
krnitin said:
i have some problems with my stadium overall it looks good but there are some white,blue, green patches in and outside the stadium accept sydney. why?

Whta graphics card do you have?

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