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Type of battle: signature
Size: 500x200
Theme: The fab 4 of indian cricket(laxman,Sachin,Dravid,saurav)
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Accepted :)

How long do we have for the entries though??

2 days for giving your entries, and 2 days for voting.
after the entries are given, voting is done for 2 days, so if no one gets 5 votes by then, the person with the higher votes is considered the winner after 2 days.

and remember post your entries together.
Type of battle: Signaute
Size: 500x200 pr 450x150
Theme: Any cricketer from Pakistan.

Anone who makes can PM me the entery so I can post them straight away! :)
Dude this is total ****

And we are here for a friendly battle.
and these scores thingy...will not keep it friendly so bunk this scores
Ok guys, i had a conversation with vicky and he doesn't want me to continue to work with him on this thread, he says I'm messing things up. So Im not going to anything further, everything is under vicky's control now. I hope he can keep his good job up.

And guys you can ignore the scores.
Haha lol. You got owned by Vicky.

But yeah, scores shouldn't be there for friendly battles. Vicky, fear_09 was only trying to help and he did a fine job as well. Ahh well. Never mind. Don't listen to Vicky, Nitin. He's an idiot lol.
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