More Game Modes


Chairman of Selectors
Nov 26, 2008
Online Cricket Games Owned
It may be a bit to early to suggest ideas for the next ICC 2010.
But i just have some comments and solutions concerning it.

In ICC 2009 and all the earlier editions i feel it lacks career modes as you can only really captain/manage 9/10 international sides as well as the 18 county sides.

The obvious solution would be to include more leagues which i think they are thinking of doing such as the Australian one and the IPL.

Another solution that occurred to me that i would think would be much easier to implicate would be a manager career.

This would involve starting at the bottom coaching a county team (or even 2nd XI then full county team) then maybe moving up to the likes Bangladesh and onto India etc...(this would work better when they introduce more leagues).
This would be similar to that of football manger where you could get fired and re hired etc... and build up your ranking points by winning titles
making more teams want to hire you.
They could also introduce more manager basis things( i no at the moment it is more of a captain).

Also a really good idea would be to introduce a player career (you can kind of do this at the moment be re naming a player).
This would involve starting at the bottom at maybe a club team (just following your player not captaining whole team) and move up through county, IPL and then onto country and THEN get the change to captain your side, you could then retire then go onto be a managing.

They could introduce lower level club teams or make 2nd Xi's playable with Regen's kind of like FIFA manager.

At the moment i feel it is a bit repetitive, I only buy ICC every 2-3 years as there aren't enough changes. I feel they really need to build up the different game modes add to the "captain" at the moment with "manager" and "player".

If your reading this please post some comments on what you think.
Good ideas, and it's never too early to make a suggestion to us (I work for CT).

I do think more leagues is the way forward and it will be discussed.
I think that the game should become slightly more Manager orientated aswell so you have a career, can move clubs and be sacked etc.
The coaching career sounds good and also the player career. You start as a player in the 2nd XI or something and build up until your named captain/called up for england and you do the captain duties when you do. It could be the same style of gameplay just instead of controlling aggression/field settings/bowling lines etc. you only control it for when your player is playing. Would be good but doubt it will happen.
There should definitely be a career mode. Another useful addition would be a create-a-player option.
I think that the game should become slightly more Manager orientated aswell so you have a career, can move clubs and be sacked etc.


Love those ideas CG123 mate. I think more leagues is a must but it's not thast easy as they don't have a ton of people working on the game like EA sports for example. So when you remember that you realise how good these guys are. A better manager mode would be above the other leagues personally as I love football manager and not just for in match gameplay etc. It's for the fact that you feel you are actualy managing a club and you have to dedicate some serious time to it to get it right. If you fail for long enough your gone.
Though this is International Cricket CAPTAIN...
Yes but the game needs to progress and if we stick to exactly what a captain does there is never going to be any development. May not strictly be his job but if you add being a manager of the club, being able to set-up tours (when on international duty) and the like it would make the game alot more interesting.
I think a career mode would work. I don't think we'd ever go in to the mould of an FM style game, as it's not just management.
There should definitely be a career mode. Another useful addition would be a create-a-player option.

Ya i feel this would be a good addition. And not too hard to do.
Maybe at the beginning of the game you can make a player and put him in your county team or aussie domestic team if they have them etc.

It could work something like this, most of it on drop down menus:

Player name: ...
Player type: opener, batter, batter keeper, keeper, all rounder, bowler
age: under 20 as they haven't player FC cricket before
Batting Style: Right/Left , how aggressive e.g: (very agr, agr, mod, def, very def), leg/off preference, pace/spin
Bowling style: type (RF, RMF, RFM, RM, OS, LS, SLA, LM, LFM, LMF, LF), how aggressive (same as above), maybe preferences etc
and whatever else goes into a player

and then have like numbers for each stat on a 1-5 basis and let players select how good they are. (im just going to plug some numbers in)
eg: for a batsmen - second team average
1 (average player, very hard) 30-35
2 hard 35-40
3 normal 40-45
4 easy 45-50
5 (great player, very easy) over 50

and just randomly generate an average between what they selected maybe have one for part time bowling and one for fielding etc. Those very hard, hard, normal, easy, very easy are just difficulty levels. Very hard is your an average player and need to train him up etc and it would be easy for a guy with high second team average as he is already good

and then you what get a player e.g:
Fred Smith, Lancashire, age 19, batsmen, RHB. LS
second team batting average : 44.44
bowling : 39.22 @ 3.5 (only part time)
salary : 22,000

and then put that player into your county team as like a 20th, 21st player etc and try and make them into a good international player, at the moment it would only really work for England thought because only one domestic competition.

that's just an idea not really sure if that is kind of idea others looking for
and then you got manager mode where you get sacked and re hired etc with more manager stuff than there currently is etc i wont go into that
I agree with the suggestions in this thread. I want some new game modes, a career mode where you are a single player and also an Australia domestic season. I don't care about IPL, but it will be a good feature because lots of people will play it.
I think instead of doing all that stuff CG, maybe do it like this

Player Name:
Age set to 17 or 18 (only one though)
Player Type: Batsman, Allrounder, Keeper (Batsman), Bowler
Batting Style: Right/Left Handed, Leg/Off Side pref. Front/Back Foot pref. Pace/Spin Pref. and aggressiveness is set randomly.
Bowling Style: Right/Left Handed, Seam/Spin Bowler and it will automatically choose (e.g. If you choose Right hand and Seam, you could get Right arm medium, Right arm medium-fast, Right arm fast).

Skills automatically set to a guy with international potential by the time he's about 24 or so.
Yeah that sounds good...
I just thought of this now, players don't start off with preferences but they get them after maybe 20 games according to how they have played, and they can change over time.
Also maybe all seam bowlers start off at RM, RFM and then move up to RMF, RF after training and game time.
But yeah your idea Hedger 14 is probably better than the way i said.
The player has to have some international quality because there are some 19 year old's etc who AREN'T regens who will never make it into an AI England team no matter how much you train them, if you no what i mean.
yeah, i don't think training actually does anything other than increase form. I think it's good getting preferences after 20 games.

maybe it shouldn't have front/back foot preferences and for side preferences, it could be like this.

Equal runs scored on both sides (or 25 runs more on either side, e.g. 435 runs scored on leg side, 417 runs scored on off side) = No side preference

Between 25 and 50 runs scored on leg side more than off side = Slight leg side preference (vise versa for off side)

50+ runs scored on leg side more than off side = Strong leg side preference (vise versa for off side)

and for spin and pace maybe do strike rates against spinners and against pace bowlers to work that out.
Extra domestic leagues would be good (although I probably wouldn't play them). Really would love to see 2XI expanded too.

What I would like to see is Overseas players not being tied to you for an entire season. It's pretty unlikely that a player will come to you for an entire season anymore.

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