Available now is Move Street Cricket 2, which can be purchased through major gaming retail outlets around India. Sony PlayStation has slapped this new entry to the series with a price tag of Rs. 1,499. Moreover a special MSCII Starter Pack has also been announced by the company to have been slated to hit stores this June at a price of Rs. 3,650. Predictably, it will contain a copy of the game, bundled together with a Move controller and a PS Eye camera.
Developed entirely in India in partnership with the country?s very own Trine, this game boasts of number of new features that weren?t part of the earlier entries. These include an improved responsive AI system which is claimed to enhance the user experience in motion-controlled gameplay. Moreover, there has also been a boost in the game?s pace. And apart from these tweaks, the developers have also introduced certain changes to the title?s mini-games.
A total of eight unique playing fields have been brought into it, allowing players to choose their own grounds to indulge in the unique ?gully? version of the gentleman?s game. They can choose to fight it out on locations as distinctly Indian as a dhaba, a school ground, a chawl or a society roof top. Gamers will even be able to play as one of eight international teams that have been infused into it.
Expressing delight at the launch of this new title, Atindriya Bose, Sony?s country manager of its PlayStation operations revealed that the title?s overhauled gameplay provides new avenues in bowling as well as batting departments. Trine has granted this game with multiplayer support for split-screen play.
The title acts as a successor to last year?s release which was doled out through retail as well as PSN. And it in turn was a successor to a PS2 title from the series which had been launched in the country with the suffix of Champions back in the days. However, the former?s support for motion controlled gaming gave it a much larger audience, for it was the first ever cricket game to bear the trait.
Move Street Cricket 2 can be found listed on Game4U, Intencity, Flipkart, nextworld and other retailers, but it will start shipping only on May 20.