Murali v Warne

Who is better?

  • Warne

    Votes: 42 51.2%
  • Muri

    Votes: 40 48.8%

  • Total voters
Ok well what if your playing school cricket and some kid comes up and bowls with a bent arm. Everyne would go "Thats a chuck! You cant throw in cricket!"
I mean what would you go "Lets look at the footage.... OK he is bowling at a 13 degree angle and judging by the ICC laws which state you cant be over 15 degrees you are bowling legally! this kid doens't chuck!" ?

Or would you admit hes chucking, without knowing how many degrees his arm is?

That's just being silly. International cricket needs higher scrutiny.
I honestly think he chucks. BUT. But I still think he is a superb player and still deserves the wickets he gets.

I'm just bias. If Murali played for Australia and Warne played for a different country, I'd probably say that Warne's a druggy and Murali doesn't chuck. I don't know.
I'm sorry.. but the fact that people here who claim to be cricket fans are voting for Murali is a downright disgrace.

You see him bowl lately? Hasn't really troubled the Aussie at all. During todays play, the Australians were picking him off at 4-5 an over without any troubles - like he was just some random.

Now I've never seen Warne have that done to him in international cricket. Sure, he got flogged every now and then but I never saw batsman just pick him off at their leisure for 5 an over. Really people, the guy just doesn't create that much excitement or display the amount of sheer dominance over batsman like Warne did.

Sorry, but I really struggle to see how Murali is getting votes.
Of course it is, bowlers are supossed to bowl with a round arm, not a bent arm. Im sure you know that this is true but you just dont wanna give it up now you've backed Murli.

You can bowl with as much a bent arm as you want, what you can't do is straighten the arm during delivery by more than 15 degrees.

Taking 76 and 87 wickets against Bangladesh and Zimbabwe is disgraceful. Most countries never play those two sides but Sri Lank seem to line up all the time to play them.

Disgraceful isn't the right word, less valuable or not worth as much, would be a much better term.

Ok well what if your playing school cricket and some kid comes up and bowls with a bent arm. Everyne would go "Thats a chuck! You cant throw in cricket!"
I mean what would you go "Lets look at the footage.... OK he is bowling at a 13 degree angle and judging by the ICC laws which state you cant be over 15 degrees you are bowling legally! this kid doens't chuck!" ?

Or would you admit hes chucking, without knowing how many degrees his arm is?

Your raising another issue on chucking. Can an umpire call a bowler when it's shown that our eyes aren't good enough to tell if he is 'chucking' or not?

Another point, when Hair was calling Murali for no balls all those years ago, he was doing it from the bowlers end, at the time it was only supposed to be the square leg umpire who can call it. How can you watch someones action and check where their foot is for a front foot no ball?
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Yeah and I find it suspicious that people against it are poms and Indians, funny that.
Yeah and I find it suspicious that people against it are poms and Indians, funny that.

Why do you find that suspicious? Surely you would expect Sri Lankans to be defending Muralidaran, more than the English and Indians.

This is a pointless argument. People will believe what they like, but the fact is that Muralidaran has a legal bowling action after undergoing, and passing, severe tests.
I'm sorry.. but the fact that people here who claim to be cricket fans are voting for Murali is a downright disgrace.

You see him bowl lately? Hasn't really troubled the Aussie at all. During todays play, the Australians were picking him off at 4-5 an over without any troubles - like he was just some random.

Now I've never seen Warne have that done to him in international cricket. Sure, he got flogged every now and then but I never saw batsman just pick him off at their leisure for 5 an over. Really people, the guy just doesn't create that much excitement or display the amount of sheer dominance over batsman like Warne did.

Sorry, but I really struggle to see how Murali is getting votes.

Thats unfair, if some of the chances had sticked he could of had at least 4 wickets by now and when you've got no-one posing a threat at the other end all they have to do is block out the over.
Yeah and I find it suspicious that people against it are poms and Indians, funny that.
Well their pretty much everyone else on th site apart from an odd few and Pakistanis. India don't have a bias in this either!
I dont care, he throws. You just try and pick my words and try and make little sub-debates off them. I seriously don't care that you think its just my opinion, its not only an opinion - it's known by a lot of cricket fans that he throws. All you say is tests proved him - end of story. Iam sick of that B.S. Oh and I can't take you or Manee seriously if you think them tests make it 100%, that he doesn't throw, you are kidding yourself if you beleive that bullcrap. Throwing is when you bowl with a bent friggin arm and THROW it! Oh and I have counter arguments for anything you say as well...Every post your saying the same crap, so Iam having to say the same old reasons aren't I?
You still haven't told me how you define throw properly. Your definition is recursive. "Throwing is when you throw it!" That doesn't make sense. Please define it.

Of course it is, bowlers are supossed to bowl with a round arm, not a bent arm. Im sure you know that this is true but you just dont wanna give it up now you've backed Murli.
Then every bowler is a chucker, my friend. It's near impossible to bowl with a round-arm.

No, its called common sense. Knowing something instinctivly no matter what the rules say.
Since when did instinct count as common sense? Common sense is something that everyone agrees on regardless of instinct. Instinct is when someone thinks "I think it might rain today so I'll take a umbrella". That's not common sense.

I'm sorry.. but the fact that people here who claim to be cricket fans are voting for Murali is a downright disgrace.

You see him bowl lately? Hasn't really troubled the Aussie at all. During todays play, the Australians were picking him off at 4-5 an over without any troubles - like he was just some random.
Why is it so surprising. That was almost always the case when Warne was playing against India, and I'm an Indian fan, so it makes sense, doesn't it?

Now I've never seen Warne have that done to him in international cricket. Sure, he got flogged every now and then but I never saw batsman just pick him off at their leisure for 5 an over. Really people, the guy just doesn't create that much excitement or display the amount of sheer dominance over batsman like Warne did.

Sorry, but I really struggle to see how Murali is getting votes.
Did you just fail to watch the India-Australia battles over the years? Sachin picked him off for 5 BOUNDARIES, if I remember correctly, in an over, not just runs. Warne retaliated by bowling a bouncer. If you've watched subcontinent cricket at all, you will realize why Murali is a legend. Murali, for one, has unravelled India on numerous occasions, while Warne looks helpless against them.

Yes but its true. Get over your science crap and watch the game. Get over the icc clearling him and watch the game. You can see how different he bowls to any other player. His arm is bent, just get over the ICC clearing him because he chucks more than anyone else in cricket.
You don't just "get over your science crap". If you choose not to believe in science, why don't you apply that to everything rather than just when it is convenient to you. Why don't you start by getting off the internet because that is a production of science.
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Why do you find that suspicious? Surely you would expect Sri Lankans to be defending Muralidaran, more than the English and Indians.

This is a pointless argument. People will believe what they like, but the fact is that Muralidaran has a legal bowling action after undergoing, and passing, severe tests.
Why do I find it supsicious? It all goes back to Warne vs Murali, you guys hate Warne because what he has done to shame them over and over again. I don't have that "Your an Aussie who hate Murali because he is going to pass Warne's record" tag on me because it's not about Warne with me - its about this guy who has been throwing for 15 years and should have 700 run outs next to his name. To allow a man bowl like that is a disgrace to the ICC and shows they are a bunch of pussies who don't have balls like Darrel Hair and Ross Emerson to actually call him, see, they called him because he threw not by making the decision off biomechanical tests - I can make that judgement to.

You say its a pointless argument, then fuel it again.

You still haven't told me how you define throw properly. Your definition is recursive. "Throwing is when you throw it!" That doesn't make sense. Please define it.

You don't just "get over your science crap". If you choose not to believe in science, why don't you apply that to everything rather than just when it is convenient to you. Why don't you start by getting off the internet because that is a production of science.

For God's sakes, does everything have to be scientifically proven or in a dictionary for you to believe? Then good luck to you in life then, because you need to see stuff to believe it. A throw is when you are bowling, but then chuck with a crook in your arm then extend it, like shotput or baseball style. And don't come back and say, no, that isn't a throw - a throw is when you extend your arm over x amount of degrees - because then I can ask, well how was Darel Hair able to call him no ball? I would love to see you umpire Murali and watching him throw, you would call the third umpire and a protractor right? Because you can't just no-ball someone without scientific evidence right? Funny how you haven't defended the way those 2004 tests were taken....
I honestly think he chucks. BUT. But I still think he is a superb player and still deserves the wickets he gets.

:mad: Holy crap! take some reps, enjoy your day.

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