Mysterious 9/11

I don't think people searching for the truth about an incident is being disrespectful to those that died in the incident at all. Far from it in fact. Providing their motives are pure, of course.

Not to sound like an American Seventies hippy. But, the truth is out there. Have a look at the other 9/11 conspiracy threads on here. I think there are several explanations there which explains things that haven't been put in the public eye.

A fact I found the other day that might interest people. The buildings design plan was readily available, which is how the terrorists knew at which level the type of steel changes. Using the same steel all the way up would be impossible due to weight. As soon as that top section of the tower was "broken" it would be like you trying to carry a heavy box with broken arms.

Also, I should say that my last post was a little too emotional and having talked to another (well experienced member), I have realised this. None of my phrases were directed as an insult at any of you, more about the poor excuse for a theory itself.
I'm entitled to my own opinion and the evidence stacks up in favour of it being a controlled demolition. It's perfectly reasonable to suggest that the terrorsists would go into more detail than to fly a plane into them. It wasn't a bunch of petty no mark criminals who did it, it was a group of extremely organized terrorists who'd planned it for years.

It's not as if i'm saying the American government planned the whole thing like a lot of other people do. It was a terrorist attack but it wasn't just a couple of planes at work.
The thing is Matt, I can go out there and find an article saying that Global Warming is a lie or that the world is only 4,000 years old. People can get data and twist it to suit their argument, all the time. Just a fact of life
Global Warming is a lie! Conjured up by crackpot scientists intent on scaring us.
First of all, Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1847, not 1846.

Lincoln took office in 1861 - although it says elected. Mere coincidence

John Wilkes Booth was born in 1838

And I just tried doing that with a twenty dollar bill

On the top it says The United States of America.

The only O is in OF - now how the hell does an S come after O in that?

And I tried to see the photos - there is NO RESEMBLANCE.

Total bullcrap. I'm glad it kept some of you entertained :p

Hey the "O" in the "Osama" is actually "Zero" mate. Compare that O with the 0 in $20.:)
Not to sound like an American Seventies hippy. But, the truth is out there. Have a look at the other 9/11 conspiracy threads on here. I think there are several explanations there which explains things that haven't been put in the public eye.

A fact I found the other day that might interest people. The buildings design plan was readily available, which is how the terrorists knew at which level the type of steel changes. Using the same steel all the way up would be impossible due to weight. As soon as that top section of the tower was "broken" it would be like you trying to carry a heavy box with broken arms.

Also, I should say that my last post was a little too emotional and having talked to another (well experienced member), I have realised this. None of my phrases were directed as an insult at any of you, more about the poor excuse for a theory itself.

I don't want to get into a debate on it, as well I don't have a firm view on what happened. I do not believe that the American Government orchestrated it. However I take a sceptical view on what the official party-line is.

Do a quick search, use wiki if needs be, on Operatin northwoods and the Gulf of Tolkin incident. America has a pretty dubious record in situations like this, so I will take a lot of what they with a pinch of salt. Call me cynical but I don't trust politicians, why should I trust the government they run?

I'm a crazed conspiracy theorist who believes the queen is a reptile, however having an open mind is, IMO the best thing to do when considering anything. Be careful drawing firm conclusions, as you are setting yourself up to look foolish if you're wrong. Have beliefs by all means, but keep an open mind.

Beat of a long-winded post, I apologise.
Hey the "O" in the "Osama" is actually "Zero" mate. Compare that O with the 0 in $20.:)
True, but it still doesn't work anyway I do it :p

Although I am scared of ripping it, but whatever. Its just a coincidence, really.

And look at those dates, they're completely wrong. Changing a few numbers here and there doesn't do it as "mysterious"

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