Trust the Aussie company to put a better processor and hd in. Everything's a bleedin' competition haha
I genuinely hate how Apple have managed to gain such a massive market share. Completely and utterly part of this whole celebrity and image culture. The whole looks over substance thing. Basically people get told by the person trying to sell them x,y,z how amazing x,y,z is and they go and buy it. In terms of people, they get told this celebrity is amazing, so they go and buy his merchandise and scream when he's within a postcode.
Someone asked what would people recommend to replace their dead laptop, to which I obviously asked what they would use it for and what they wanted to spend, then I was going to recommend him some various things to have a look at.
Within 3 hours 9 people had all posted saying "DUDE, get a mac, they're so cool!" "Mate, get a Mac, they're wicked" etc... He of course went and bought a Mac, essentially spending ?200 more on something that he just didn't need, all because all his mates were as stupid as he was
Just from taking a bit of time, you've knocked off $500 and got a much better machine

I really don't know why so many people are currently sucking on the Apple co..... re... Some strange need to feel like they're part of something. Don't get me wrong though, they're sexy laptops, but spec wise they're never particularly good value and like all Apple products they are invariable limited and tied into only being able to make Apple money.
I'm ranting though, I'll stop haha (essentially though, that post earlier is exactly what I'm talking about). "It would be better if a Mac" with no evidence and nothing but believing what Apple told you to believe
Always more exciting putting the thing together and ordering than it is owning it though

Even I'm excited for you, so you must be like a paedo at a swimming gala. Or a fat kid in a cake shop. Whatever, both work
Yeah, Rome really is awesome, I'd suggest playing through the tutorial first, then if I remember correctly the start is fairly tutorialish anyway. You could sim the early battles if you aren't confident, and just take ones where you have the definite numerical advantage.
The strengths of the Roman families is always their order. Keeping nice solid lines of infantry that advance slowly and together should allow you to hold most enemy lines and give you the chance to punch holes with your cavalry or flank the feckers and get them routing

Also there's something immensely satisfying about taking out an army 3 times your size with nothing more than clever positioning up in some hills or when defending your massive citadel with 3 levels to fall back to