Your Cricket New Member, Helmet Help!


School Cricketer
Mar 20, 2012
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hi to everyone, had a bit of a scour of the forum before deciding to post.

I took up cricket towards the end of last summer after a friend persuaded me, and I'm getting ready or this season. I spent the back end of last season borrowing (most) equipment, but I'm now building up my own "stash", so to speak. I've got one last decision to make, and that is regarding a helmet. I never wore one last season, and feel that I should, at the very least, own one. However, I am also extremely poor at the moment, and, since I play for the worst team in South Nottinghamshire (no, really Bingham 2nd XI, look us up), can't imagine I'm going to be coming up against the highest pace in the world, so therefore have been looking at the budget options. I've got it down to one of 3, but I'm not really sure on the pro's and cons of each. I've heard good things about Albion and Woodworm, and heard pretty much nothing about Kookaburra.

If it helps, I've got a round the wicket game, middle order batsman who does like a bit of a slog now and then.

My main issues are visibility and weight, and having never worn a helmet before, don't really know what I'm letting myself in for. Suggestions and advice very welcome.

Helmets basically became compulsory for colt cricketers shortly after I turned 18, so I personally have never worn one, except for a rather poor year when I was 19. It completely ruined my batting, my head was all over the place, and I wasn't watching the ball onto the bat as I had been.

I'm a big fan of Kookaburra as a brand.

Helmet wise, you don't need to spend hundreds of pounds getting something really strong, since let's be honest, you're not going to be getting hit by 90mph bouncers. Essentially, go into a shop, try a few of their cheaper helmets on, and see which is comfy, what sort of size you are etc...

Then just go online and order it up wherever is cheapest.

I would recommend you wearing one. As I said, personally I don't unless the bowler is around the 70-80mph mark (and even then the pitch has to be pretty bouncy or in the nets), but that's because I had 10 years of batting without one. I'd suggest you get one early and wear it all the time to be used to batting in it. As confident as you might be that the bowlers won't bounce it high enough to hurt you, you could easily get a top edge into your jaw, or with the bowler being crap, a full toss straight at your head ;)
I've used Kookaburra and Albion helmets and the Albion was far superior. Woodworm protective equipment tends to be pretty poor.
Been a while since I bought any new kit, but woodworm stuff in general is normally not great (or at least never used to be). Obviously spent all their money getting KP, and not on quality.

Do remember though, you're helmet doesn't need to be the sturdiest thing ever made, and a decent helmet will do the job.
Fairly sure Jack plays for Bingham haha


Hi to everyone, had a bit of a scour of the forum before deciding to post.

I took up cricket towards the end of last summer after a friend persuaded me, and I'm getting ready or this season. I spent the back end of last season borrowing (most) equipment, but I'm now building up my own "stash", so to speak. I've got one last decision to make, and that is regarding a helmet. I never wore one last season, and feel that I should, at the very least, own one. However, I am also extremely poor at the moment, and, since I play for the worst team in South Nottinghamshire (no, really Bingham 2nd XI, look us up), can't imagine I'm going to be coming up against the highest pace in the world, so therefore have been looking at the budget options. I've got it down to one of 3, but I'm not really sure on the pro's and cons of each. I've heard good things about Albion and Woodworm, and heard pretty much nothing about Kookaburra.

If it helps, I've got a round the wicket game, middle order batsman who does like a bit of a slog now and then.

My main issues are visibility and weight, and having never worn a helmet before, don't really know what I'm letting myself in for. Suggestions and advice very welcome.


Buy some glasses and go for a run every once in a while.
He's not been back, so I think we can all safely assume he was killed by a well directed bouncer before he had time to heed the advice.
Oh I'm keeping an eye on it, I've just been on a run with my new glasses.

As for the well directed bouncer, interestingly enough I was playing in indoor nets a couple of nights ago, and one of the first teamers wandered over to our net to bowl a few. I was the unfortunate recipient, not least because I was half way through the most dour batting perfomance of my life.

In fact, it wasn't that good, actually...

But I did manage to avoid being hit in the head.

Personally, I had an Albion one that was pretty decent. I think I only spent like ?30 on it, so it was only one of the cheap ones. I've had and used it for about 5 years and the only thing that has gone wrong with it, is the inside (the bit that touches your head) coming away from the outer shell of the helmet, but it still works fine. I've even survived being hit in it a few times, including a fielder throwing the ball straight at my head when I'd already made my ground after a run, so wasn't expecting it. :facepalm

I think what you'll find is that all helmets made by a decent company have to be safe enough to do the job, so the extra price is just to determine things like weight and design of the helmet. So I'd recommend Albion, but any brand with a decent reputation will do a decent enough job, I'd imagine.
i tried a kook once...i hated it, if you want a good lid, go for a gunn and moore, or a masuri, im in love with mine cos even with the basic model, they are still well fitting, comfy, practicaly transparent, and are not too damaging to the budget.

the idea of the helmet at the level we are at, ( i can relate to you in the standard of the team) is that it protects you against top edges against spinners.

i can tell you now, i would look alot more handsome had i been wearing a helmet whilst reverse sweeping an off spinner.

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